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Starting Windows in Safe Mode isn’t terribly difficult. But, if you need to repeatedly reboot your PC and start in Safe Mode each time, trying to hit that F8 key or restarting from Normal Mode each time gets old. There is an easier way, though.

以安全模式启动Windows并不是很难。 但是,如果您需要反复重新启动PC并每次以安全模式启动,则尝试按该F8键或每次从正常模式重新启动都会变老。 不过,有一种更简单的方法。

There are several ways to start Windows in Safe Mode, depending on the version of Windows you’re running. Pressing the F8 key at just the right time during startup can open a menu of advanced boot options. Restarting Windows 8 or 10 by holding the Shift key down while you click the “Restart” button also works. But sometimes, you need to restart your PC into Safe Mode several times in a row. Maybe you’re trying to remove pesky malware, roll back a finicky driver, or maybe you just need to run some troubleshooting tools that require a restart. There’s actually an option in the System Configuration utility that lets you force Windows to always boot into Safe Mode—until you turn the option off again.

有几种方法可以在安全模式下启动Windows,具体取决于您所运行的Windows版本。 在启动过程中的正确时间按F8键可以打开高级启动选项菜单。 单击“重新启动”按钮的同时按住Shift键重新启动Windows 8或10也可以。 但是有时,您需要连续几次将PC重新启动到安全模式。 也许您正在尝试删除令人讨厌的恶意软件,回退有缺陷的驱动程序,或者您只需要运行一些需要重新启动的故障排除工具即可。 实际上,系统配置实用程序中有一个选项,可让您强制Windows始终引导到安全模式-直到再次关闭该选项为止。

强制Windows进入安全模式 (Force Windows to Boot into Safe Mode)

The easiest way to open the System Configuration utility is to hit Windows+R to bring up the Run box. Type “msconfig” into the box, and then hit Enter. This method should work in pretty much any version of Windows.

打开“系统配置”实用程序的最简单方法是按Windows + R弹出“运行”框。 在框中键入“ msconfig”,然后按Enter。 这种方法几乎可以在所有Windows版本中使用。

In the “System Configuration” window, switch to the “Boot” tab. Enable the “Safe Boot” check box, and then make sure the “Minimal” option below that is selected. Click the “OK” button when you’re done.

在“系统配置”窗口中,切换到“启动”选项卡。 启用“安全启动”复选框,然后确保选中下面的“最小”选项。 完成后,单击“确定”按钮。

Windows asks if want to restart your PC now or wait until later. Whatever you choose, the next time you restart your PC, it will enter Safe Mode.

Windows询问是要立即重新启动PC还是等到以后。 无论选择什么,下次重新启动PC时,它将进入安全模式。

After restarting, you’ll know that you are in Safe Mode because Windows places “Safe Mode” text in the four corners of the screen.


And now, every time you restart your PC, Windows will start in Safe Mode until you’re ready to turn it back off again.


关闭安全模式 (Turn Safe Mode Back Off)

When you’re done fixing whatever required working in Safe Mode, you just need to turn off the “Safe Boot” option you turned on earlier.


Hit Win+R, type “msconfig” into the Run box, and then hit Enter to open the System Configuration tool again. Switch to the “Boot” tab, and disable the “Safe Boot” checkbox. Click “OK” and then restart your PC when you’re done.

按Win + R,在“运行”框中键入“ msconfig”,然后按Enter再次打开“系统配置”工具。 切换到“启动”选项卡,然后禁用“安全启动”复选框。 单击“确定”,然后在完成后重新启动PC。

It’s not often you’ll need to return to Safe Mode several times in a row, but when you do, this method will save you a lot of hassle.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/force-windows-to-boot-into-safe-mode-without-using-the-f8-key/


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