作者:江西花而美 | 来源:互联网 | 2024-12-24 17:46
* 作者:crazyandcoder
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当我们在编写python代码的时候,会在代码里面插入中文或者其他的非ASCII Character,运行时就会报一个错误:
Non-ASCII character,原因就是python默认的编码格式是ASCII,所以会报错。
Defining the Encoding
Python will default to ASCII as standard encoding if no other
encoding hints are given.
To define a source code encoding, a magic comment must
be placed into the source files either as first or second
line in the file, such as:
# coding=
or (using formats recognized by popular editors)
# -*- coding: -*-
# vim: set fileencoding= :
More precisely, the first or second line must match the regular
expression "coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)". The first group of this
expression is then interpreted as encoding name. If the encoding
is unknown to Python, an error is raised during compilation. There
must not be any Python statement on the line that contains the
encoding declaration.
To aid with platforms such as Windows, which add Unicode BOM marks
to the beginning of Unicode files, the UTF-8 signature
'\xef\xbb\xbf' will be interpreted as 'utf-8' encoding as well
(even if no magic encoding comment is given).
If a source file uses both the UTF-8 BOM mark signature and a
magic encoding comment, the only allowed encoding for the comment
is 'utf-8'. Any other encoding will cause an error.
def hello_print (name):
return 'Hello , '+name+"!";
print hello_print("world")
print hello_print('Gunmy')

其实解决方法很简单,只需要在文件的第一行插入编码申明即可#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
或者# coding:utf-8