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I have this problem to solve that I have no idea how to do it because there's only a few system calls we can use to solve it and I don't see how they are helpful for the situation.


The Exercise:
I have matrix with size [10][1000000] with integers and for each line I create a new process with fork(). The idea of each process is to go through all the numbers for that specific line and find a specific number then print a message about it. This was the first step of the problem and it's done. The second step is to print the total of occurrences of that number on each line by order. And in the end, the grand total of occurrences of that number.

练习:我的矩阵大小为[10] [1000000],带有整数,对于每一行,我用fork()创建一个新进程。每个过程的想法是遍历该特定行的所有数字并找到特定的数字然后打印有关它的消息。这是问题的第一步,已经完成了。第二步是按顺序打印每行的出现次数。最后,这个数字的总发生次数。

The Calls:
The system calls I can use are described like this in the document for this exercise:


  • pid_t fork(void);
  • void exit(int status);
  • void exit(int status);

  • pid_t wait(int *status);
  • pid_t wait(int * status);

  • pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options);
  • pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid,int * status,int options);

The Problem:
I have no idea how to do it because the exit() call only allows me to pass a number below 256, what if the number of occurrences is larger than this number? How shall I return such a number?


Another Problem:
I don't exactly understand the difference between wait() and waitpid() and how/where to use one over the other. Besides the man pages, are there any more documentation where I can see code examples and such to understand them better? Or can someone explain me the differences and provide a basic example demonstrating such differences?


2 个解决方案


Use waitpid() to garner the exit statuses of the child processes in sequence; using wait() makes no guarantee about the sequence in which the child corpses will be retrieved.


On Unix, the exit status is limited to 8 bits, which can be treated as signed or unsigned by the program retrieving the data. You also get an 8 bit value identifying the signal number and core dump status of the terminated child. AFAIK, either the status or the signal bits are always zero (and often both - when the process exits successfully).

在Unix上,退出状态限制为8位,可以通过检索数据的程序将其视为有符号或无符号。您还可以获得一个8位值,用于标识已终止子项的信号编号和核心转储状态。 AFAIK,状态或信号位始终为零(通常两者都是 - 当进程成功退出时)。

If you don't know that the numbers to be returned are smaller than 256, then exit status is not the way to go. As others have said, you have to use some other IPC in that case. If the only system calls permitted are those, then you have to conclude that the values will be less than 255, or that overflows don't matter. Neither is satisfactory as a conclusion outside a homework exercise, but in the 'real world', you are not limited to just 4 system calls either.


See also Exit codes bigger than 255?. Note that on Windows, the range of exit codes is much larger - but you don't use the system calls listed in the question.

另请参阅大于255的退出代码?请注意,在Windows上,退出代码的范围要大得多 - 但您不使用问题中列出的系统调用。

Observation: when I do exit(1), the value in status from wait() is 256; is there a reason for that?


Answer: yes. The low 8 bits of the status word encode the signal number and so on; the high 8 bits of the (16-bit) status word encode the exit status.

答:是的。状态字的低8位编码信号编号,依此类推; (16位)状态字的高8位编码退出状态。

See and macros WIFEXITED(), WEXITSTATUS(), etc.



I think what you are doing should work fine - just return the number of occurrences as the exit code from the process.

我认为你正在做的事应该可以正常工作 - 只需将出现次数作为退出代码从流程中返回。

You mention that exit() will only allow numbers below 256. I highly doubt if this is the case, but it would be simple enough for you to write a test program to find out for sure.


Sounds like this is really just a simplified version of Map-Reduce. You might want to have a look at that algorithm as well for some ideas on how you could further parallelize the program - and maybe get some extra credit :)

听起来像这只是Map-Reduce的简化版本。你可能想看看那个算法以及关于如何进一步并行化程序的一些想法 - 并且可能得到一些额外的功劳:)

As for the difference between wait() and waitpid() - if you just want to wait for any of your child processes to complete, you would use wait(). If you want to wait only for a specific child process or if you wanted to just check if a child process has exited without hanging, you would use waitpid().

至于wait()和waitpid()之间的区别 - 如果你只想等待任何子进程完成,你可以使用wait()。如果您只想等待特定的子进程,或者只是想检查子进程是否已经退出而没有挂起,那么您将使用waitpid()。

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