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If you’ve ever been browsing on a Mac and clicked a mailto: link, you may have discovered that it often tends to default to the Mail app. If you want to use Gmail (or another email service) you need to make a few changes.

如果您曾经在Mac上浏览并单击mailto:链接,则可能发现它通常倾向于默认为Mail应用程序。 如果要使用Gmail(或其他电子邮件服务),则需要进行一些更改。

To be clear, the problem isn’t with opening links in another email client like Outlook or Thunderbird. Many solutions we found explain that all you have to do is open Mail’s preferences and select the default email reader.

需要明确的是,问题不在于在另一个电子邮件客户端(例如Outlook或Thunderbird)中打开链接。 我们发现许多解决方案都说明,您要做的就是打开Mail的首选项并选择默认的电子邮件阅读器。

This only means email will open by default in another email client. If you want mailto: links to open in Gmail on Safari or Chrome or any other browser, however, then doing this won’t work. You actually have to cut out Mail altogether and make the changes to the browser itself.

这仅意味着默认情况下,电子邮件将在另一个电子邮件客户端中打开。 但是,如果您希望mailto:链接在Safari或Chrome或任何其他浏览器的Gmail中打开,则此操作将无效。 实际上,您必须完全删除Mail,然后对浏览器本身进行更改。

On Chrome, it’s incredibly easy to default open mailto: links in Gmail. You can simply open a Gmail window and click on the gray double diamonds next to the bookmark star. Out pops a dialog asking if you want to allow, deny, or ignore. If you choose “allow” or “deny” then either way, you’re set.

在Chrome上,默认打开Gmail中的mailto:链接非常容易。 您只需打开Gmail窗口,然后单击书签星形旁边的灰色双菱形即可。 输出弹出对话框,询问您是否要允许,拒绝或忽略。 如果选择“允许”或“拒绝”,则可以选择两种方式。

If you later change your mind, such as if you realize you do want to open mailto: links in Gmail, then you can change it. Type “chrome://settings/handlers” in the location bar and choose (or remove) gmail as your mail handler.

如果您以后改变主意,例如您意识到确实要在Gmail中打开mailto:链接,则可以进行更改。 在位置栏中输入“ chrome:// settings / handlers”,然后选择(或删除)gmail作为您的邮件处理程序。

If you use Firefox, it’s also easy. Open the preferences (“Command + ,”) and click the “Applications” tab. Scroll through the “Content Type” until you find “mailto” and then choose your default “Action” from the right column.

如果您使用Firefox,它也很容易。 打开首选项(“ Command +”),然后单击“应用程序”选项卡。 滚动浏览“内容类型”,直到找到“ mailto”,然后从右栏中选择默认的“操作”。

Okay, so those are third-party browsers, but what about Apple’s own Safari browser, which a great number of Mac users use by default?


Unfortunately, Safari doesn’t have a simple way to set applications handlers. We searched for an easy method (keyword: easy) such as a setting or configuration file, but the only way to reliably do this in Safari is using the mailto extension (it’s also available for Opera and Chrome).

不幸的是,Safari没有简单的方法来设置应用程序处理程序。 我们搜索了一种简单的方法(关键字:easy),例如设置或配置文件,但是在Safari中可靠地执行此操作的唯一方法是使用mailto扩展名(Opera和Chrome也可用)。

The mailto extension works for more than simply Gmail. Once you download the extension and install it, a configuration screen will open. Choose your mail service and then restart Safari.

mailto扩展程序不仅可用于Gmail。 下载扩展并安装后,将打开一个配置屏幕。 选择您的邮件服务,然后重新启动Safari。

Now, when you click upon mailto: links, your email service should open in a compose tab. Note, if your email isn’t represented in this list. You can click “Custom URL” at the bottom and add it. You should perform a web search or consult your email’s knowledge base for what that URL would be.

现在,当您单击mailto:链接时,您的电子邮件服务应在撰写选项卡中打开。 请注意,如果您的电子邮件没有出现在此列表中。 您可以单击底部的“自定义URL”并将其添加。 您应该执行网络搜索或查询电子邮件的知识库以获取该URL的含义。

If you change your mind or email service, you want to open Safari’s preferences and click the “Extensions” tab then “Uninstall” to remove the extension, or “Options” to reopen the configuration page.


That’s all there is to setting Gmail as your default email on OS X, and hopefully you can use these methods to change your mail handler regardless of the service. If you have a question or comment to add, we encourage you to add your thoughts to our discussion forum.

这就是将Gmail设置为OS X上的默认电子邮件的全部内容,并且希望您可以使用这些方法来更改邮件处理程序,而与服务无关。 如果您有任何问题或评论要添加,我们鼓励您将您的想法添加到我们的论坛中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/210119/how-to-set-gmail-as-your-default-mail-client-in-os-x/


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