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[英]Returns list of classpaths that need to be submitted with the plan.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

* Runs a program on the Flink cluster to which this client is connected. The call blocks until the
* execution is complete, and returns afterwards.
* @param jobWithJars The program to be executed.
* @param parallelism The default parallelism to use when running the program. The default parallelism is used
* when the program does not set a parallelism by itself.
* @throws CompilerException Thrown, if the compiler encounters an illegal situation.
* @throws ProgramInvocationException Thrown, if the program could not be instantiated from its jar file,
* or if the submission failed. That might be either due to an I/O problem,
* i.e. the job-manager is unreachable, or due to the fact that the
* parallel execution failed.
public JobSubmissionResult run(JobWithJars jobWithJars, int parallelism, SavepointRestoreSettings savepointSettings)
throws CompilerException, ProgramInvocationException {
ClassLoader classLoader = jobWithJars.getUserCodeClassLoader();
if (classLoader == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given JobWithJars does not provide a usercode class loader.");
OptimizedPlan optPlan = getOptimizedPlan(compiler, jobWithJars, parallelism);
return run(optPlan, jobWithJars.getJarFiles(), jobWithJars.getClasspaths(), classLoader, savepointSettings);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-clients_2.11

* Runs a program on the Flink cluster to which this client is connected. The call blocks until the
* execution is complete, and returns afterwards.
* @param jobWithJars The program to be executed.
* @param parallelism The default parallelism to use when running the program. The default parallelism is used
* when the program does not set a parallelism by itself.
* @throws CompilerException Thrown, if the compiler encounters an illegal situation.
* @throws ProgramInvocationException Thrown, if the program could not be instantiated from its jar file,
* or if the submission failed. That might be either due to an I/O problem,
* i.e. the job-manager is unreachable, or due to the fact that the
* parallel execution failed.
public JobSubmissionResult run(JobWithJars jobWithJars, int parallelism, SavepointRestoreSettings savepointSettings)
throws CompilerException, ProgramInvocationException {
ClassLoader classLoader = jobWithJars.getUserCodeClassLoader();
if (classLoader == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given JobWithJars does not provide a usercode class loader.");
OptimizedPlan optPlan = getOptimizedPlan(compiler, jobWithJars, parallelism);
return run(optPlan, jobWithJars.getJarFiles(), jobWithJars.getClasspaths(), classLoader, savepointSettings);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.flink/flink-clients_2.10

* Runs a program on the Flink cluster to which this client is connected. The call blocks until the
* execution is complete, and returns afterwards.
* @param jobWithJars The program to be executed.
* @param parallelism The default parallelism to use when running the program. The default parallelism is used
* when the program does not set a parallelism by itself.
* @throws CompilerException Thrown, if the compiler encounters an illegal situation.
* @throws ProgramInvocationException Thrown, if the program could not be instantiated from its jar file,
* or if the submission failed. That might be either due to an I/O problem,
* i.e. the job-manager is unreachable, or due to the fact that the
* parallel execution failed.
public JobSubmissionResult run(JobWithJars jobWithJars, int parallelism, SavepointRestoreSettings savepointSettings)
throws CompilerException, ProgramInvocationException {
ClassLoader classLoader = jobWithJars.getUserCodeClassLoader();
if (classLoader == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given JobWithJars does not provide a usercode class loader.");
OptimizedPlan optPlan = getOptimizedPlan(compiler, jobWithJars, parallelism);
return run(optPlan, jobWithJars.getJarFiles(), jobWithJars.getClasspaths(), classLoader, savepointSettings);

代码示例来源:origin: com.alibaba.blink/flink-clients

* Runs a program on the Flink cluster to which this client is connected. The call blocks until the
* execution is complete, and returns afterwards.
* @param jobWithJars The program to be executed.
* @param parallelism The default parallelism to use when running the program. The default parallelism is used
* when the program does not set a parallelism by itself.
* @throws CompilerException Thrown, if the compiler encounters an illegal situation.
* @throws ProgramInvocationException Thrown, if the program could not be instantiated from its jar file,
* or if the submission failed. That might be either due to an I/O problem,
* i.e. the job-manager is unreachable, or due to the fact that the
* parallel execution failed.
public JobSubmissionResult run(JobWithJars jobWithJars, int parallelism, SavepointRestoreSettings savepointSettings, boolean detached)
throws CompilerException, ProgramInvocationException {
ClassLoader classLoader = jobWithJars.getUserCodeClassLoader();
if (classLoader == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given JobWithJars does not provide a usercode class loader.");
OptimizedPlan optPlan = getOptimizedPlan(compiler, jobWithJars, parallelism);
return run(optPlan, jobWithJars.getJarFiles(), jobWithJars.getClasspaths(),
jobWithJars.getLibjars(), jobWithJars.getFiles(), classLoader, savepointSettings, detached);

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