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Is it possible to copy a range to a virtual range or does it require me to sloppily paste it in another range in the workbook?


dim x as range
x = copy of Range("A1:A4")

obviously I usually use the following code


dim x as range
set x = Range("A1:A4")

but in the above example it only makes x a "shortcut" to that range rather than a copy of the range object itself. Which is usually what I want but lately I have been finding it would be quite useful to totally save a range and all it's properties in memory rather than in the workbook somewhere.


2 个解决方案



Is it possible to copy a range to a virtual range?


No it is not possible. Range allways represents some existing instance(s) of cells on a worksheet in a workbook.

不,这是不可能的。 Range allways表示工作簿中工作表上的一些现有单元实例。

Does it require me to sloppily paste it in another range in the workbook?


It depends on what you want to do. You can paste everithing from one range to another, you can paste only something like e.g. formulas to another range.


dim x as range
set x = Range("A1:A4")

But in the above example it only makes x a "shortcut" to that range rather than a copy of the range object itself.


Variable x holds a reference to that specific range. It is not possible to made any standalone copy of a range. It is possible to create references to a range and to copy everithing / something from one range to another range.

变量x包含对该特定范围的引用。无法制作任何范围的独立副本。可以创建对范围的引用,并将everithing / something从一个范围复制到另一个范围。

Lately I have been finding it would be quite useful to totally save a range and all it's properties in memory rather than in the workbook somewhere.


Again, it is not possible to save all range properties to some virtual, standalone copy of specific Range because Range allways represents an existing, concrete set of cells. What you could do is to create your own class with some properties of a Range or even all properties ... but it will be some extra work to do.

同样,不可能将所有范围属性保存到特定范围的某个虚拟独立副本,因为Range allways表示现有的具体单元集。你可以做的是用Range的一些属性甚至所有属性来创建你自己的类......但是这将是一些额外的工作要做。

Here some examples how to use range as parameter and copy it to another range. HTH.

这里有一些例子如何使用range作为参数并将其复制到另一个范围。 HTH。

Option Explicit

Sub Main()
    Dim primaryRange As Range
    Set primaryRange = Worksheets(1).Range("A1:D3")

    CopyRangeAll someRange:=primaryRange
    CopyRangeFormat someRange:=primaryRange

    ' Value property of a range represents and 2D array of values
    ' So it is usefull if only values are important and all the other properties do not matter.
    Dim primaryRangeValues As Variant
    primaryRangeValues = primaryRange.value
    Debug.Print "primaryRangeValues (" & _
        LBound(primaryRangeValues, 1) & " To " & UBound(primaryRangeValues, 1) & ", " & _
        LBound(primaryRangeValues, 2) & " To " & UBound(primaryRangeValues, 2) & ")"
    ' Prints primaryRangeValues (1 To 3, 1 To 4)

    Dim value As Variant
    For Each value In primaryRangeValues
        ' This loop throught values is much quicker then to iterate through primaryRange.Cells itself.
        ' Use it to iterate through range when other properties except value does not matter.
        Debug.Print value
    Next value
End Sub

Private Sub CopyRangeAll(ByVal someRange As Range)
    ' Here all properties of someRange which can be copied are copied to another range.
    ' So the function gets a reference to specific range and uses all its properties for another range.
    Dim secondaryRange As Range
    Set secOndaryRange= Worksheets(2).Range("D4:G6")
    someRange.Copy secondaryRange
End Sub

Private Sub CopyRangeFormat(ByVal someRange As Range)
    ' Here only formats are copied.
    ' Function receives reference to specific range but uses only one special property of it in that another range.
    Dim secondaryRange As Range
    Set secOndaryRange= Worksheets(3).Range("G7:J9")
    secondaryRange.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats ' and many more e.g. xlPasteFormulas, xlPasteValues etc.
End Sub

Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3 Range values array



I think this is what you are trying to do:


'Set reference to range
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1:A4")

'Load range contents to an array (in memory)
Dim v As Variant
v = r.Value

'Do stuff with the data just loaded, e.g.
'Add 123 to value of cell in 1st row, 3rd column of range 
v(1,3) = v(1,3) + 123

'Write modified data back to some other range
Range("B1:B4").Value = v

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