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[英]Appends the standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL expression into the context given so that cached maps can be used as a context.


代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

* Appends the standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL expression
* into the context given so that cached maps can be used as a context.
* @param root the root of the object graph
* @param context the context to which OGNL context will be added.
* @return Context Map with the keys root and context
* set appropriately
public static Map addDefaultContext( Object root, Map context )
return addDefaultContext( root, null, null, null, context );

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

* Appends the standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL expression
* into the context given so that cached maps can be used as a context.
* @param root the root of the object graph
* @param context the context to which OGNL context will be added.
* @return Context Map with the keys root and context
* set appropriately
public static Map addDefaultContext( Object root, ClassResolver classResolver, Map context )
return addDefaultContext(root, classResolver, null, null, context);

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

* Appends the standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL expression
* into the context given so that cached maps can be used as a context.
* @param root the root of the object graph
* @param context the context to which OGNL context will be added.
* @return Context Map with the keys root and context
* set appropriately
public static Map addDefaultContext( Object root, ClassResolver classResolver, TypeConverter converter, Map context )
return addDefaultContext(root, classResolver, converter, null, context);

代码示例来源:origin: ognl/ognl

public static boolean isSimpleProperty(Object tree, Map context)
throws OgnlException
return ((SimpleNode) tree).isSimpleProperty((OgnlContext) addDefaultContext(null, context));

代码示例来源:origin: ognl/ognl

public static boolean isSimpleNavigationChain(Object tree, Map context)
throws OgnlException
return ((SimpleNode) tree).isSimpleNavigationChain((OgnlContext) addDefaultContext(null, context));

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

* Creates and returns a new standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL
* expression.
* @param root the root of the object graph
* @return a new Map with the keys root and context
* set appropriately
public static Map createDefaultContext( Object root, ClassResolver classResolver, TypeConverter converter )
return addDefaultContext( root, classResolver, converter, null, new OgnlContext() );

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

* Creates and returns a new standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL
* expression.
* @param root the root of the object graph
* @return a new Map with the keys root and context
* set appropriately
public static Map createDefaultContext( Object root, ClassResolver classResolver, TypeConverter converter, MemberAccess memberAccess )
return addDefaultContext( root, classResolver, converter, memberAccess, new OgnlContext() );

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

* Creates and returns a new standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL
* expression.
* @param root the root of the object graph
* @return a new Map with the keys root and context
* set appropriately
public static Map createDefaultContext( Object root )
return addDefaultContext( root, null, null, null, new OgnlContext() );

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

* Creates and returns a new standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL
* expression.
* @param root the root of the object graph
* @return a new OgnlContext with the keys root and context
* set appropriately
public static Map createDefaultContext( Object root, ClassResolver classResolver )
return addDefaultContext( root, classResolver, null, null, new OgnlContext() );

代码示例来源:origin: jkuhnert/ognl

public static boolean isSimpleProperty(Object tree, Map context)
throws OgnlException
return ((SimpleNode) tree).isSimpleProperty((OgnlContext) addDefaultContext(null, context));

代码示例来源:origin: jkuhnert/ognl

public static boolean isSimpleNavigationChain(Object tree, Map context)
throws OgnlException
return ((SimpleNode) tree).isSimpleNavigationChain((OgnlContext) addDefaultContext(null, context));

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

public static boolean isSimpleProperty( Object tree, Map context ) throws OgnlException
return ((SimpleNode)tree).isSimpleProperty( (OgnlContext)addDefaultContext( null, context ) );

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

public static boolean isConstant( Object tree, Map context ) throws OgnlException
return ((SimpleNode)tree).isConstant( (OgnlContext)addDefaultContext( null, context ) );

代码示例来源:origin: opensymphony/ognl

public static boolean isSimpleNavigationChain( Object tree, Map context ) throws OgnlException
return ((SimpleNode)tree).isSimpleNavigationChain( (OgnlContext)addDefaultContext( null, context ) );

代码示例来源:origin: ognl/ognl

* Creates and returns a new standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL expression.
* @param root
* the root of the object graph
* @return a new Map with the keys root and context set
* appropriately
* @deprecated it will be removed soon
public static Map createDefaultContext(Object root)
return addDefaultContext(root, null, null, null, new OgnlContext(null, null, null));

代码示例来源:origin: ognl/ognl

* Creates and returns a new standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL expression.
* @param root
* The root of the object graph.
* @param memberAccess
* Java security handling object to determine semantics for accessing normally private/protected
* methods / fields.
* @return a new Map with the keys root and context set
* appropriately
public static Map createDefaultContext(Object root, MemberAccess memberAccess)
return addDefaultContext(root, memberAccess, null, null, new OgnlContext(null, null, memberAccess));

代码示例来源:origin: jkuhnert/ognl

* Creates and returns a new standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL expression.
* @param root
* the root of the object graph
* @return a new Map with the keys root and context set
* appropriately
* @deprecated it will be removed soon
public static Map createDefaultContext(Object root)
return addDefaultContext(root, null, null, null, new OgnlContext(null, null, null));

代码示例来源:origin: jkuhnert/ognl

* Creates and returns a new standard naming context for evaluating an OGNL expression.
* @param root
* The root of the object graph.
* @param memberAccess
* Java security handling object to determine semantics for accessing normally private/protected
* methods / fields.
* @return a new Map with the keys root and context set
* appropriately
public static Map createDefaultContext(Object root, MemberAccess memberAccess)
return addDefaultContext(root, memberAccess, null, null, new OgnlContext(null, null, memberAccess));

代码示例来源:origin: org.zkoss.zk/zkmax

/** Returns an OGNL context for the specified XEL context.
public static Map getContext(XelContext ctx) {
final FunctionMapper mapper = ctx.getFunctionMapper();
return Ognl.addDefaultContext(null,
mapper != null ? new MapperClassResolver(mapper): null,
//Note: we always pass null as the context, since
//we use ResolverAccessor as the root
/** Returns the root object.

代码示例来源:origin: org.seasar.container/s2-framework

static Map addClassResolverIfNecessary(Map ctx, Object root) {
if (root instanceof S2Container) {
S2Container cOntainer= (S2Container) root;
ClassLoader classLoader = container.getClassLoader();
if (classLoader != null) {
ClassResolverImpl classResolver = new ClassResolverImpl(
if (ctx == null) {
ctx = Ognl.createDefaultContext(root, classResolver);
} else {
ctx = Ognl.addDefaultContext(root, classResolver, ctx);
return ctx;

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