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Is the later just a synonym of the former, or are they two different implementations of FFT? Which one is better?


3 个解决方案



SciPy does more:


  • http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/routines.fft.html
  • http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/routines.fft.html
  • http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/fftpack.html#
  • http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/fftpack.html

In addition, SciPy exports some of the NumPy features through its own interface, for example if you execute scipy.fftpack.helper.fftfreq and numpy.fft.helper.fftfreq you're actually running the same code.

此外,SciPy通过它自己的接口导出一些NumPy特性,例如,如果您执行SciPy .fftpack.helper。fftfreq numpy.fft.helper。fftfreq实际上运行的是相同的代码。

However, SciPy has its own implementations of much functionality. The source has performance benchmarks that compare the original NumPy and new SciPy versions. My archaic laptop shows something like this:


                 Fast Fourier Transform
      |    real input     |   complex input    
 size |  scipy  |  numpy  |  scipy  |  numpy 
  100 |    0.07 |    0.06 |    0.06 |    0.07  (secs for 7000 calls)
 1000 |    0.06 |    0.09 |    0.09 |    0.09  (secs for 2000 calls)
  256 |    0.11 |    0.11 |    0.12 |    0.11  (secs for 10000 calls)
  512 |    0.16 |    0.21 |    0.20 |    0.21  (secs for 10000 calls)
 1024 |    0.03 |    0.04 |    0.04 |    0.04  (secs for 1000 calls)
 2048 |    0.05 |    0.09 |    0.08 |    0.08  (secs for 1000 calls)
 4096 |    0.05 |    0.08 |    0.07 |    0.09  (secs for 500 calls)
 8192 |    0.10 |    0.20 |    0.19 |    0.21  (secs for 500 calls)

It does seem that SciPy runs significantly faster as the array increases in size, though these are just contrived examples and it would be worth experimenting with both for your particular project.


It's worth checking out the source code http://www.scipy.org/Download#head-312ad78cdf85a9ca6fa17a266752069d23f785d1 . Yes those .f files really are Fortran! :-D

这是值得一看的源代码http://www.scipy.org/Download#头-312ad78cdf85a9ca6fa17a266752069d23f785d1。是的,那些.f文件真的是Fortran!:- d



I found that numpy's 2D fft was significantly faster than scipy's, but FFTW was faster than both (using the PyFFTW bindings). Performance tests are here: code.google.com/p/agpy/source/browse/trunk/tests/test_ffts.py

我发现numpy的2D fft明显比scipy快,但是FFTW比两者都快(使用PyFFTW绑定)。性能测试在这里:code.google.com/p/agpy/source/browse/trunk/tests/test_ffts.py

And the results (for n x n arrays):

结果(n x n个数组):

           n                sp               np             fftw
           8:         0.010189         0.005077         0.028378
          16:         0.010795         0.008069         0.028716
          32:         0.014351         0.008566         0.031076
          64:         0.028796         0.019308         0.036931
         128:         0.093085         0.074986         0.088365
         256:         0.459137         0.317680         0.170934
         512:         2.652487         1.811646         0.571402
        1024:        10.722885         7.796856         3.509452



Looking at the github respositories for each, scipy is not just importing numpy's version and renaming it (although it does borrow some functionality). You'll have to dig into the code if you want to discern the difference in implementations since the documentation doesn't make a direct comparison.






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