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ntsd从Windows 2000开始就是系统自带的进程调试工具,在system32目录下。NTSD的功能非常的强大,用法也比较复杂,但如果只用来结束一些进程,那就比较简单了。在Windows中只有System、SMSS.EXE和CSRSS.EXE不能杀。前两个是纯内核态的,最后那个是Win32子系统,ntsd本身需要它。lsass.exe也不要杀掉,它是负责本地账户安全的。被调试器附着(attach)的进程会随调试器一起退出,所以可以用来在命令行下终止进程。
打开cmd 后输入以下命令就可以结束进程:
命令格式:ntsd -c q -p pid
命令范例: ntsd -c q -p 1332 (结束explorer.exe进程)
命令格式:ntsd -c q -pn ***.exe (***.exe 为进程名,exe不能省)
命令范例:ntsd -c q -pn explorer.exe

命令格式: taskkill /pid 1234 /f ( 也可以达到同样的效果。)

有一些高等级的进程,tskill和taskkill或许无法结束,那么我们还有一个更强大的工具,那就是系统debug级的ntsd.准确的说,ntsd是一个系统调试工具,只提供给系统开发级的管理员使用,但是对我们杀掉进程还是很爽的.基本上除了WINDOWS系统自己的管理进程,ntsd都可以杀掉。NTSD 调试程序在启动时要求用户指定一个要连接的进程。使用 TLIST 或 PVIEWER,您可以获得某个现有进程的进程 ID,然后键入 NTSD -p pid 来调试这个进程。NTSD 命令行使用如下的句法:
NTSD [options] imagefile
其中,imagefile 是要调试的映像名称。
用法usage: ntsd [-?] [-2] [-d] [-g] [-G] [-myob] [-lines] [-n] [-o] [-s] [-v] [-w]
            [-r BreakErrorLevel]  [-t PrintErrorLevel]
            [-hd] [-pd] [-pe] [-pt #] [-pv] [-x | -x{e|d|n|i} ]
            [-- | -p pid | -pn name | command-line | -z CrashDmpFile]
            [-zp CrashPageFile] [-premote transport] [-robp]
            [-aDllName] [-c "command"] [-i ImagePath] [-y SymbolsPath]
            [-clines #] [-srcpath SourcePath] [-QR \\machine] [-wake ]
            [-remote transport:server=name,portid] [-server transport:portid]
            [-ses] [-sfce] [-sicv] [-snul] [-noio] [-failinc] [-noshell]
where: -? displays this help text
       command-line is the command to run under the debugger
       -- is the same as -G -g -o -p -1 -d -pd
       -aDllName sets the default extension DLL
       -c executes the following debugger command
       -clines number of lines of output history retrieved by a remote client
       -failinc causes incomplete symbol and module loads to fail
       -d sends all debugger output to kernel debugger via DbgPrint
          -d cannot be used with debugger remoting
          -d can only be used when the kernel debugger is enabled
       -g ignores initial breakpoint in debuggee
       -G ignores final breakpoint at process termination
       -hd specifies that the debug heap should not be used
           for created processes.  This only works on Windows Whistler.
       -o debugs all processes launched by debuggee
       -p pid specifies the decimal process Id to attach to
       -pd specifies that the debugger should automatically detach
       -pe specifies that any attach should be to an existing debug port
       -pn name specifies the name of the process to attach to
       -pt # specifies the interrupt timeout
       -pv specifies that any attach should be noninvasive
       -r specifies the (0-3) error level to break on (SeeSetErrorLevel)
       -robp allows breakpoints to be set in read-only memory
       -t specifies the (0-3) error level to display (SeeSetErrorLevel)
       -w specifies to debug 16 bit applications in a separate VDM
       -x sets second-chance break on AV exceptions
       -x{e|d|n|i} sets the break status for the specified event
       -2 creates a separate console window for debuggee
       -i ImagePath specifies the location of the executables that generated
          the fault (see _NT_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE_PATH)
       -lines requests that line number information be used if present
       -myob ignores version mismatches in DBGHELP.DLL
       -n enables verbose output from symbol handler
       -noio disables all I/O for dedicated remoting servers
       -noshell disables the .shell (!!) command
       -QR <\\machine> queries for remote servers
       -s disables lazy symbol loading
       -ses enables strict symbol loading
       -sfce fails critical errors encountered during file searching
       -sicv ignores the CV record when symbol loading
       -snul disables automatic symbol loading for unqualified names
       -srcpath specifies the source search path
       -v enables verbose output from debugger
       -wake wakes up a sleeping debugger and exits
       -y specifies the symbol search path (see _NT_SYMBOL_PATH)
       -z specifies the name of a crash dump file to debug
       -zp specifies the name of a page.dmp file
                           to use with a crash dump
       -remote lets you connect to a debugger session started with -server
               must be the first argument if present
               transport: tcp | npipe | ssl | spipe | 1394 | com
               name: machine name on which the debug server was created
               portid: id of the port the debugger server was created on
                   for tcp use:  port&#61;
                   for npipe use:  pipe&#61;
                   for 1394 use:  channel&#61;
                   for com use:  port&#61;,baud&#61;,
                   for ssl and spipe see the documentation
               example: ... -remote npipe:server&#61;yourmachine,pipe&#61;foobar
       -server creates a debugger session other people can connect to
               must be the first argument if present
               transport: tcp | npipe | ssl | spipe | 1394 | com
               portid: id of the port remote users can connect to
                   for tcp use:  port&#61;
                   for npipe use:  pipe&#61;
                   for 1394 use:  channel&#61;
                   for com use:  port&#61;,baud&#61;,
                   for ssl and spipe see the documentation
               example: ... -server npipe:pipe&#61;foobar
       -premote transport specifies the process server to connect to
              transport arguments are given as with remoting
Environment Variables:
        Specify symbol image path.
        Specify an alternate symbol image path.
        Specify a path which should be searched first for extensions dlls
        Specify executable image path.
        Specify source file path.
        If specified, all output will be written to this file from offset 0.
        If specified, all output will be APPENDed to this file.
        Specifies the size of a server&#39;s output history in kilobytes
Control Keys:
      Quit debugger
             Break into Target
      Force a break into debuggee (same as Ctrl-C)
      Debug Current debugger
      Toggle Verbose mode
      Print version information
ntsd: exiting - press enter ---
-d将输出重定向到调试终端-g 使执行自动通过第一个断点
-G使 NTSD 在子程序终止时立即退出o启用多个进程的调试&#xff0c;默认值为由调试程序衍生的一个进程
-p指定调试由进程 ID 标识的进程
例如&#xff0c;假设 inetinfo.exe 的进程 ID 为 104。键入命令“NTSD -p 104”将 NTSD 调试程序连接到 inetinfo 进程 (IIS)。也可使用 NTSD 启动一个新进程来进行调试。例如&#xff0c;NTSD notepad.exe 将启动一个新的 notepad.exe 进程&#xff0c;并与它建立连接。一旦连接到某个进程&#xff0c;您就可以用各种命令来查看堆栈、设置断点、转储内存&#xff0c;等等。
命令含义~显示所有线程的一个列表KB 显示当前线程的堆栈轨迹~*KB显示所有线程的堆栈轨迹R显示当前
c:\>set _NT_DEBUG_LOG_FILE_APPEND&#61;c:\pdw.txt
注意,虽然输出重定向了,但是我们的输出依然会继续显示在屏幕上,而且会进入到debug模式,我们使用-c q参数,就可以避免这个问题.
c:\>ntsd -c q -v notepad.exe


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