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nest 架构

Nest has unveiled it’s latest addition to its smart thermostat lineup, known as the Nest Thermostat E. The original Nest Thermostat is still available and will continue to sell alongside the new model, but what does the Nest Thermostat E bring to the table? Here’s what you need to know.

Nest推出了最新的智能恒温器产品系列,称为Nest Thermostat E。 原来的Nest Thermostat仍然可以使用,并将继续与新型号一起销售,但是Nest Thermostat E可以带来什么呢? 这是您需要知道的。

便宜70美元 (It’s $70 Cheaper)

The biggest kicker is that the Nest Thermostat E is only $169, which is $70 cheaper than the original Nest Thermostat.

最大的好处是Nest Thermostat E仅售169美元,比原来的Nest Thermostat便宜70美元。

Smart thermostats are expensive. The flagship Nest Thermostat model is priced at a hefty $250, which isn’t exactly affordable (though you can get rebates on it). So Nest wants to cater to those who might want a smart thermostat, but don’t want to shell out a ton of money for one.

智能恒温器价格昂贵。 旗舰级Nest Thermostat型号的价格高达$ 250美元,价格不算完全便宜(尽管您可以获得折扣)。 因此,Nest想要迎合那些可能想要智能恒温器,但又不想花很多钱来买一个的人。

Granted, $170 still isn’t super affordable by any means. However, it’s a step in the right direction for smarthome products in general, since price has been one of the biggest barriers to entry.

当然,无论如何,170美元仍然算不上超级实惠。 但是,由于价格一直是进入市场的最大障碍之一,因此,这通常是朝着智能家居产品的正确方向迈出的一步。

它是由塑料而不是金属制成的 (It’s Made Out of Plastic Rather Than Metal)

The Nest Thermostat E is so much cheaper partially because it’s not made out of metal like the original model is. Instead, it’s made out of polycarbonate, which is a plastic-like material that’s much stronger than typical plastic.

Nest Thermostat E之所以便宜很多,部分原因是它不是像原始型号那样由金属制成的。 相反,它是由聚碳酸酯制成的,聚碳酸酯是一种类似于塑料的材料,比典型的塑料要坚固得多。

Thankfully, though, it still utilizes the familiar spin dial that wraps around the device, just like the original model has. So you still get much of the same control functionality with the cheaper Thermostat E.

值得庆幸的是,它仍然利用熟悉的旋转拨盘将设备包裹起来,就像原始型号一样。 因此,更便宜的Thermostat E仍然具有许多相同的控制功能。

磨砂显示屏意在与墙壁融合 (The Frosted Display Is Meant to Blend In with Walls)

Along with the cheaper materials that the new thermostat is made out of, the display has a frosted overlay that gives text and graphics a warm glow effect, as well as the ability for the whole device to blend in with white walls.


Apparently, this was a huge focus for Nest with the Thermostat E. They wanted to design it in such a way that you would essentially forget it’s there. After all, the point of the Nest Thermostat has always been to learn your habits and change the temperature settings automatically so that you don’t have to worry about it.

显然,这对于Nest with Thermostat E来说是一个很大的关注点。他们想要以某种方式设计它,以至于您实际上会忘记它的存在。 毕竟,Nest Thermostat的重点一直是学习您的习惯并自动更改温度设置,因此您不必为此担心。

它的显示效果较差 (It Has an Inferior Display)

For a lot of consumer electronics, a lower price usually means a lower-quality display, and that goes for the Nest Thermostat E. Instead of the 3rd-gen Nest Thermostat’s 2.08-inch 480×480 display, The Nest Thermostat E only has a 1.76-inch 320×320 screen.

对于许多消费类电子产品而言,较低的价格通常意味着显示器的质量较低,这对于Nest Thermostat E而言是正确的。NestThermostat E代替了第三代Nest Thermostat的2.08英寸480×480显示器,它只有一个1.76英寸320×320屏幕

Thankfully, though, display specs really aren’t that big of a deal when it comes to smart thermostats, since you’re not looking at it for even remotely as long as you look at your phone’s screen. But, if pixel density is your thing, you might want to look elsewhere.

值得庆幸的是,就智能恒温器而言,显示规格确实没什么大不了的,因为只要您看着手机的屏幕,您甚至都不会远程看它。 但是,如果像素密度是您的事,那么您可能希望在其他地方查看。

它不支持“远景” (It Doesn’t Support “Farsight”)

The 3rd-gen Nest Thermostat has a feature known as Farsight, which wakes up the thermostat’s display when it detects that you’re nearby and shows you info based on what you want to see.

第三代Nest Nest温控器具有一项称为Farsight的功能,当它检测到您在附近时会唤醒温控器的显示,并根据您想看到的信息向您显示信息。

You can choose what appears when this happens, like showing the time and date, the weather, the room’s target temperature, or its current temperature.


Unfortunately, the Nest Thermostat E doesn’t support Farsight. However, it still includes the same motion-sensing technology so that it knows if someone is home or not.

很遗憾,Nest Thermostat E不支持Farsight。 但是,它仍然包含相同的运动感应技术,因此它可以知道某人是否在家。

它不适用于许多HVAC系统 (It Doesn’t Work with as Many HVAC Systems)

The flagship Nest Thermostat model is compatible with around 95% of all HVAC units, but that number drops to 85% with the Nest Thermostat E.

旗舰级Nest Thermostat型号可与所有HVAC装置中的约95%兼容,但使用Nest Thermostat E时,这一数字下降到85%。

This is mostly thanks to fewer wire terminals on the new model. Unlike the 3rd-gen Nest Thermostat with its ten wire terminals, the Nest Thermostat E only has six. So it’s possible that it won’t work with more complicated HVAC setups. However, you can use Nest’s compatibility tool to find if your system will work.

这主要是由于新型号的接线端子更少。 与带有十个接线端子的第三代Nest Thermostat不同,Nest Thermostat E只有六个。 因此,它可能不适用于更复杂的HVAC设置。 但是,您可以使用Nest的兼容性工具来查找系统是否可以运行。

Other than the above, the Nest Thermostat E will have all the same features as the 3rd-gen Nest Thermostat, including being able to control it remotely from your phone, as well as control it with your voice using Alexa or Google Assistant.

除上述功能外,Nest Thermostat E将具有与第三代Nest Thermostat相同的功能,包括能够从您的手机远程控制它,以及使用Alexa或Google Assistant通过语音控制它。

Images from Nest


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324416/nest-thermostat-e-vs.-nest-thermostat-whats-the-difference/

nest 架构

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