作者:Timeless | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-22 21:13
| Q | A| ------------------- | -----| Bug report? | yes/no| Feature reques
| Q | A
| ------------------- | -----
| Bug report? | yes/no
| Feature request? | yes/no
| Swoft version | x.y.z
| Swoole version | x.y.z (by
| PHP version | x.y.z (by
| Runtime environment | Win10/Mac/CentOS 7/Ubuntu/Docker etc.
Describe what you are trying to achieve and what goes wrong.
1 2
| php
// paste output here |
Provide minimal script to reproduce the issue
控制器调用了 Model/Dao 层代码,然后控制器调用的中间件 的 $handler->handle($request) 这段代码后面的代码无法执行
应该是你这三行报错了,你没错误处理,你看下错误日志或try catch, 原因是你业务报错了