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我最终使用的技术是Matlab的File Exchange中的功能



filtWidth = 7;

filtSigma = 5;


dataFiltered = nanconv(data,imageFilter, 'nanout');

我正在粘贴下面的nanconv函数(它由the BSD license覆盖).当我有机会的时候,我会张贴图片等,只是想发布我最后做的事情,对于那些好奇我做了什么的人.


使用gnovice’s solution,结果看起来非常直观,但是边缘有一些定量的亮点是一个值得关注的问题.在实践中,超出边缘的图像外推导致我的数据边缘处的许多虚假的高值.

使用krisdestruction’s suggestion用原始数据替换丢失的位,看起来也相当不错(特别是对于非常小的滤波器),但是(按设计)你最终会在边缘处得到未经滤波的数据,这对我的应用来说是一个问题.


function c = nanconv(a, k, varargin)

% NANCONV Convolution in 1D or 2D ignoring NaNs.

% C = NANCONV(A, K) convolves A and K, correcting for any NaN values

% in the input vector A. The result is the same size as A (as though you

% called 'conv' or 'conv2' with the 'same' shape).


% C = NANCONV(A, K, 'param1', 'param2', ...) specifies one or more of the following:

% 'edge' - Apply edge correction to the output.

% 'noedge' - Do not apply edge correction to the output (default).

% 'nanout' - The result C should have NaNs in the same places as A.

% 'nonanout' - The result C should have ignored NaNs removed (default).

% Even with this option, C will have NaN values where the

% number of consecutive NaNs is too large to ignore.

% '2d' - Treat the input vectors as 2D matrices (default).

% '1d' - Treat the input vectors as 1D vectors.

% This option only matters if 'a' or 'k' is a row vector,

% and the other is a column vector. Otherwise, this

% option has no effect.


% NANCONV works by running 'conv2' either two or three times. The first

% time is run on the original input signals A and K, except all the

% NaN values in A are replaced with zeros. The 'same' input argument is

% used so the output is the same size as A. The second convolution is

% done between a matrix the same size as A, except with zeros wherever

% there is a NaN value in A, and ones everywhere else. The output from

% the first convolution is normalized by the output from the second

% convolution. This corrects for missing (NaN) values in A, but it has

% the side effect of correcting for edge effects due to the assumption of

% zero padding during convolution. When the optional 'noedge' parameter

% is included, the convolution is run a third time, this time on a matrix

% of all ones the same size as A. The output from this third convolution

% is used to restore the edge effects. The 'noedge' parameter is enabled

% by default so that the output from 'nanconv' is identical to the output

% from 'conv2' when the input argument A has no NaN values.


% See also conv, conv2


% AUTHOR: Benjamin Kraus (bkraus@bu.edu, ben@benkraus.com)

% Copyright (c) 2013, Benjamin Kraus

% $Id: nanconv.m 4861 2013-05-27 03:16:22Z bkraus $

% Process input arguments

for arg = 1:nargin-2

switch lower(varargin{arg})

case 'edge'; edge = true; % Apply edge correction

case 'noedge'; edge = false; % Do not apply edge correction

case {'same','full','valid'}; shape = varargin{arg}; % Specify shape

case 'nanout'; nanout = true; % Include original NaNs in the output.

case 'nonanout'; nanout = false; % Do not include NaNs in the output.

case {'2d','is2d'}; is1D = false; % Treat the input as 2D

case {'1d','is1d'}; is1D = true; % Treat the input as 1D



% Apply default options when necessary.

if(exist('edge','var')~=1); edge = false; end

if(exist('nanout','var')~=1); nanout = false; end

if(exist('is1D','var')~=1); is1D = false; end

if(exist('shape','var')~=1); shape = 'same';


error([mfilename ':NotImplemented'],'Shape ''%s'' not implemented',shape);


% Get the size of 'a' for use later.

sza = size(a);

% If 1D, then convert them both to columns.

% This modification only matters if 'a' or 'k' is a row vector, and the

% other is a column vector. Otherwise, this argument has no effect.


if(~isvector(a) || ~isvector(k))

error('MATLAB:conv:AorBNotVector','A and B must be vectors.');


a = a(:); k = k(:);


% Flat function for comparison.

o = ones(size(a));

% Flat function with NaNs for comparison.

on = ones(size(a));

% Find all the NaNs in the input.

n = isnan(a);

% Replace NaNs with zero, both in 'a' and 'on'.

a(n) = 0;

on(n) = 0;

% Check that the filter does not have NaNs.


error([mfilename ':NaNinFilter'],'Filter (k) contains NaN values.');


% Calculate what a 'flat' function looks like after convolution.

if(any(n(:)) || edge)

flat = conv2(on,k,shape);

else flat = o;


% The line above will automatically include a correction for edge effects,

% so remove that correction if the user does not want it.

if(any(n(:)) && ~edge); flat = flat./conv2(o,k,shape); end

% Do the actual convolution

c = conv2(a,k,shape)./flat;

% If requested, replace output values with NaNs corresponding to input.

if(nanout); c(n) = NaN; end

% If 1D, convert back to the original shape.

if(is1D && sza(1) == 1); c = c.'; end


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