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What WebSockets add to raw TCP connection? Why should I use WebSockets?


I'd like to hear cons and pros like:


  • Good: WebSockets add some useful things like autoreconnection, session ids, etc.
  • 好:WebSockets添加一些有用的东西,如自动连接,会话ID等。
  • Bad: WebSockets add a lot of overhead
  • 坏:WebSockets增加了很多开销

I'll have only Flash clients, no need to support Javascript clients.


1 个解决方案



You can't do raw sockets from a web application in a browser. Even "raw" socket connections from Flash are not really raw because you have to answer a policy file request to get CORS security (part of the reason for the WebSockets handshake).


After the initial WebSocket handshake, WebSocket messages have two bytes of framing overhead per frame (Hixie-* has '\x00...\xff' and HyBi-07 has two byte header), so the overhead is pretty negligible compared to regular sockets.

在初始WebSocket握手之后,WebSocket消息每帧有两个字节的帧开销(Hixie- *有'\ x00 ... \ xff'而HyBi-07有两个字节的头),所以与常规套接字相比,开销几乎可以忽略不计。

The WebSocket handshake is an HTTP compatible Upgrade request so it is easy to integrate WebSockets support into existing web servers and to use existing Web ports (80/443) which means that WebSocket connection can also more easily integrate into existing firewall rules.


The HTTP compatible handshake also means that existing HTTP authentication mechanisms can work transparently with WebSockets. Also, WebSockets can be proxied by existing web proxies with little or no modification.


In the next revision of the WebSockets protocol rev (HyBi-07), their is protection against misbehaving web intermediaries using client to server XOR masking of the payload data.


Things like auto-reconnection, session ids, etc aren't defined in WebSockets although several Javascript frameworks built on WebSockets have this such as Socket.IO. If you are doing WebSockets from Flash applications then you would need to do your own session management or convert an existing session management library to use WebSockets rather than Flash sockets (such be pretty easy conversion).




Couple of links that might be useful to you or others who land here:


  • AS3WebSocket: WebSockets client library for Flash applications.
  • AS3WebSocket:用于Flash应用程序的WebSockets客户端库。
  • web-socket-js: WebSockets fallback/polyfill implemented in Flash for Javascript applications (to add WebSockets support to browsers with Flash but without native WebSockets).
  • web-socket-js:在Flash中为Javascript应用程序实现的WebSockets后备/ polyfill(向具有Flash但没有本机WebSockets的浏览器添加WebSockets支持)。

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