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函数执行耗时60023 ms,状态为:’timeout’

我做了一些调试,发现对于这个特定的用户,他在手机的通讯录上有很多联系人,所以很明显,要弄清楚哪些联系人正在使用该应用程序所需的工作也增加到了一个点,它花了超过60秒以下是Cloud Function的代码

// contactsData is an array of contacts on the user's phone
// Each contact can contain one more phone numbers which are
// present in the phoneNumbers array. So, essentially, we need
// to query over all the phone numbers in the user's contact book
contactsData.forEach((contact) => {
contact.phoneNumbers.forEach((phoneNumber) => {
// Find if user with this phoneNumber is using the app
// Check against mobileNumber and mobileNumberWithCC
equalTo(phoneNumber.number).once("value").then(usersSnapshot => {
// usersSnapshot should contain just one entry assuming
// that the phoneNumber will be unique to the user
if(!usersSnapshot.exists()) {
return null
var user = null
usersSnapshot.forEach(userSnapshot => {
user = userSnapshot.val()
return {
name: contact.name,
mobileNumber: phoneNumber.number,
id: user.id
equalTo(phoneNumber.number).once("value").then(usersSnapshot => {
// usersSnapshot should contain just one entry assuming
// that the phoneNumber will be unique to the user
if(!usersSnapshot.exists()) {
return null
var user = null
usersSnapshot.forEach(userSnapshot => {
user = userSnapshot.val()
return {
name: contact.name,
mobileNumber: phoneNumber.number,
id: user.id
return Promise.all(promises)
}).then(allCOntacts=> {
// allContacts is an array of nulls and contacts using the app
// Get rid of null and any duplicate entries in the returned array
currentCOntacts= arrayCompact(allContacts)
// Create contactsObj which will the user's contacts that are using the app
currentContacts.forEach(cOntact=> {
contactsObj[contact.id] = contact
// Return the currently present contacts
return ref.child('userInfos').child(uid).child('contacts').once('value')
}).then((contactsSnapshot) => {
if(contactsSnapshot.exists()) {
contactsSnapshot.forEach((contactSnapshot) => {
// Update the contacts on firease asap after reading the previous contacts
// Figure out the new, deleted and renamed contacts
newCOntacts= arrayDifferenceWith(currentContacts, previousContacts,
(obj1, obj2) => (obj1.id === obj2.id))
deletedCOntacts= arrayDifferenceWith(previousContacts, currentContacts,
(obj1, obj2) => (obj1.id === obj2.id))
renamedCOntacts= arrayIntersectionWith(currentContacts, previousContacts,
(obj1, obj2) => (obj1.id === obj2.id && obj1.name !== obj2.name))
// Create the deletedContactsObj to store on firebase
deletedContacts.forEach((deletedContact) => {
deletedContactsObj[deletedContact.id] = deletedContact
// Get the deleted contacts
return ref.child('userInfos').child(uid).child('deletedContacts').once('value')
}).then((deletedContactsSnapshot) => {
if(deletedContactsSnapshot.exists()) {
deletedContactsSnapshot.forEach((deletedContactSnapshot) => {
// Contacts that were previously deleted but now added again
restoredCOntacts= arrayIntersectionWith(newContacts, previouslyDeletedContacts,
(obj1, obj2) => (obj1.id === obj2.id))
// Removed the restored contacts from the deletedContacts
restoredContacts.forEach((restoredContact) => {
deletedContactsObj[restoredContact.id] = null
// Update groups using any of the deleted, new or renamed contacts
return ContactsHelper.processContactsData(uid, deletedContacts, newContacts, renamedContacts)
}).then(() => {
// Set after retrieving the previously deletedContacts
return ref.child('userInfos').child(uid).child('deletedContacts').update(deletedContactsObj)


// This is a sample contactsData
"phoneNumbers": [
"number": "12324312321",
"label": "home"
"number": "2322412132",
"label": "work"
"givenName": "blah5",
"familyName": "",
"middleName": ""
"phoneNumbers": [
"number": "1231221221",
"label": "mobile"
"givenName": "blah3",
"familyName": "blah4",
"middleName": ""
"phoneNumbers": [
"number": "1234567890",
"label": "mobile"
"givenName": "blah1",
"familyName": "blah2",
"middleName": ""
// This is how users are stored on Firebase. This could a lot of users
"users": {
"id1" : {
"countryCode" : "91",
"id" : "id1",
"mobileNumber" : "1231211232",
"mobileNumberWithCC" : "911231211232",
"name" : "Varun"
"id2" : {
"countryCode" : "1",
"id" : "id2",
"mobileNumber" : "2342112133",
"mobileNumberWithCC" : "12342112133",
"name" : "Ashish"
"id3" : {
"countryCode" : "1",
"id" : "id3",
"mobileNumber" : "123213421",
"mobileNumberWithCC" : "1123213421",
"name" : "Pradeep Singh"






如果无法避免查询这么多数据,可以使用左侧的“函数”产品更改项目的Cloud Console中函数的超时.目前,您必须在每次新部署时重置超时.

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