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I am looking for an efficient (optionally standard, elegant and easy to implement) solution to multiply relatively large numbers,and store the result into one or several integers :


Let say I have two 64 bits integers declared like this :


uint64_t a = xxx, b = yyy; 

When I do a*b, how can I detect if the operation result in an overflow and in this case store the carry somewhere ?


Please note that I don't want to use any large-number library since I have constraints on the way I store the numbers.


9 个解决方案





x = a * b;
if (a != 0 && x / a != b) {
    // overflow handling

Edit: Fixed division by 0 (thanks Mark!)


Computing the carry is quite involved. One approach is to split both operands into half-words, then apply long multiplication to the half-words:


uint64_t hi(uint64_t x) {
    return x >> 32;

uint64_t lo(uint64_t x) {
    return ((1L <<32) - 1) & x;

void multiply(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
    // actually uint32_t would do, but the casting is annoying
    uint64_t s0, s1, s2, s3; 

    uint64_t x = lo(a) * lo(b);
    s0 = lo(x);

    x = hi(a) * lo(b) + hi(x);
    s1 = lo(x);
    s2 = hi(x);

    x = s1 + lo(a) * hi(b);
    s1 = lo(x);

    x = s2 + hi(a) * hi(b) + hi(x);
    s2 = lo(x);
    s3 = hi(x);

    uint64_t result = s1 <<32 | s0;
    uint64_t carry = s3 <<32 | s2;

To see that none of the partial sums themselves can overflow, we consider the worst case:


        x = s2 + hi(a) * hi(b) + hi(x)

Let B = 1 <<32. We then have

让B = 1 <<32。然后,我们有

            x <= (B - 1) + (B - 1)(B - 1) + (B - 1)
              <= B*B - 1

I believe this will work - at least it handles Sjlver's test case. Aside from that, it is untested (and might not even compile, as I don't have a C++ compiler at hand anymore).




The idea is to use following fact which is true for integral operation:


a*b > c if and only if a > c/b

a* b> c如果且仅当> c/b。

/ is integral division here.


The pseudocode to check against overflow for positive numbers follows:


if (a > max_int64 / b) then "overflow" else "ok".

如果(一个> max_int64 / b)然后“溢出”else“ok”。

To handle zeroes and negative numbers you should add more checks.


C code for non-negative a and b follows:


if (b > 0 && a > 18446744073709551615 / b) {
     // overflow handling
}; else {
    c = a * b;



18446744073709551615 == (1<<64)-1

To calculate carry we can use approach to split number into two 32-digits and multiply them as we do this on the paper. We need to split numbers to avoid overflow.


Code follows:


// split input numbers into 32-bit digits
uint64_t a0 = a & ((1LL<<32)-1);
uint64_t a1 = a >> 32;
uint64_t b0 = b & ((1LL<<32)-1);
uint64_t b1 = b >> 32;

// The following 3 lines of code is to calculate the carry of d1
// (d1 - 32-bit second digit of result, and it can be calculated as d1=d11+d12),
// but to avoid overflow.
// Actually rewriting the following 2 lines:
// uint64_t d1 = (a0 * b0 >> 32) + a1 * b0 + a0 * b1;
// uint64_t c1 = d1 >> 32;
uint64_t d11 = a1 * b0 + (a0 * b0 >> 32); 
uint64_t d12 = a0 * b1;
uint64_t c1 = (d11 > 18446744073709551615 - d12) ? 1 : 0;

uint64_t d2 = a1 * b1 + c1;
uint64_t carry = d2; // needed carry stored here



Although there have been several other answers to this question, I several of them have code that is completely untested, and thus far no one has adequately compared the different possible options.


For that reason, I wrote and tested several possible implementations (the last one is based on this code from OpenBSD, discussed on Reddit here). Here's the code:


/* Multiply with overflow checking, emulating clang's builtin function
 *     __builtin_umull_overflow
 * This code benchmarks five possible schemes for doing so.


#ifndef BOOL
    #define BOOL int

// Option 1, check for overflow a wider type
//    - Often fastest and the least code, especially on modern compilers
//    - When long is a 64-bit int, requires compiler support for 128-bits
//      ints (requires GCC >= 3.0 or Clang)

#if LONG_BIT > 32
    typedef __uint128_t long_overflow_t ;
    typedef uint64_t long_overflow_t;

umull_overflow1(unsigned long lhs, unsigned long rhs, unsigned long* result)
        long_overflow_t prod = (long_overflow_t)lhs * (long_overflow_t)rhs;
        *result = (unsigned long) prod;
        return (prod >> LONG_BIT) != 0;

// Option 2, perform long multiplication using a smaller type
//    - Sometimes the fastest (e.g., when mulitply on longs is a library
//      call).
//    - Performs at most three multiplies, and sometimes only performs one.
//    - Highly portable code; works no matter how many bits unsigned long is

umull_overflow2(unsigned long lhs, unsigned long rhs, unsigned long* result)
        const unsigned long HALFSIZE_MAX = (1ul <> LONG_BIT/2;
        unsigned long lhs_low  = lhs & HALFSIZE_MAX;
        unsigned long rhs_high = rhs >> LONG_BIT/2;
        unsigned long rhs_low  = rhs & HALFSIZE_MAX;

        unsigned long bot_bits = lhs_low * rhs_low;
        if (!(lhs_high || rhs_high)) {
            *result = bot_bits;
            return 0; 
        BOOL overflowed = lhs_high && rhs_high;
        unsigned long mid_bits1 = lhs_low * rhs_high;
        unsigned long mid_bits2 = lhs_high * rhs_low;

        *result = bot_bits + ((mid_bits1+mid_bits2) <> LONG_BIT/2) != 0
            || (mid_bits2 >> LONG_BIT/2) != 0;

// Option 3, perform long multiplication using a smaller type (this code is
// very similar to option 2, but calculates overflow using a different but
// equivalent method).
//    - Sometimes the fastest (e.g., when mulitply on longs is a library
//      call; clang likes this code).
//    - Performs at most three multiplies, and sometimes only performs one.
//    - Highly portable code; works no matter how many bits unsigned long is

umull_overflow3(unsigned long lhs, unsigned long rhs, unsigned long* result)
        const unsigned long HALFSIZE_MAX = (1ul <> LONG_BIT/2;
        unsigned long lhs_low  = lhs & HALFSIZE_MAX;
        unsigned long rhs_high = rhs >> LONG_BIT/2;
        unsigned long rhs_low  = rhs & HALFSIZE_MAX;

        unsigned long lowbits = lhs_low * rhs_low;
        if (!(lhs_high || rhs_high)) {
            *result = lowbits;
            return 0; 
        BOOL overflowed = lhs_high && rhs_high;
        unsigned long midbits1 = lhs_low * rhs_high;
        unsigned long midbits2 = lhs_high * rhs_low;
        unsigned long midbits  = midbits1 + midbits2;
        overflowed = overflowed || midbits  HALFSIZE_MAX;
        unsigned long product = lowbits + (midbits < 0 && (SIZE_MAX / rhs) = MUL_NO_OVERFLOW || rhs >= MUL_NO_OVERFLOW) &&
            rhs > 0 && SIZE_MAX / rhs 

Here are the results, testing with various compilers and systems I have (in this case, all testing was done on OS X, but results should be similar on BSD or Linux systems):

这里是测试结果,测试使用了不同的编译器和系统(在本例中,所有测试都是在OS X上完成的,但是在BSD或Linux系统上的结果应该是类似的):

|                  | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 | Option 5 |
|                  |  BigInt  | LngMult1 | LngMult2 |   Div    |  OptDiv  |
| Clang 3.5 i386   |    1.610 |    3.217 |    3.129 |    4.405 |    4.398 |
| GCC 4.9.0 i386   |    1.488 |    3.469 |    5.853 |    4.704 |    4.712 |
| GCC 4.2.1 i386   |    2.842 |    4.022 |    3.629 |    4.160 |    4.696 |
| GCC 4.2.1 PPC32  |    8.227 |    7.756 |    7.242 |   20.632 |   20.481 |
| GCC 3.3   PPC32  |    5.684 |    9.804 |   11.525 |   21.734 |   22.517 |
| Clang 3.5 x86_64 |    1.584 |    2.472 |    2.449 |    9.246 |    7.280 |
| GCC 4.9 x86_64   |    1.414 |    2.623 |    4.327 |    9.047 |    7.538 |
| GCC 4.2.1 x86_64 |    2.143 |    2.618 |    2.750 |    9.510 |    7.389 |
| GCC 4.2.1 PPC64  |   13.178 |    8.994 |    8.567 |   37.504 |   29.851 |

Based on these results, we can draw a few conclusions:


  • Clearly, the division-based approach, although simple and portable, is slow.
  • 显然,基于分区的方法虽然简单且便于携带,但是速度很慢。
  • No technique is a clear winner in all cases.
  • 在所有情况下,任何技术都不是赢家。
  • On modern compilers, the use-a-larger-int approach is best, if you can use it
  • 在现代编译器中,如果您可以使用,则使用-大-整数方法是最好的方法。
  • On older compilers, the long-multiplication approach is best
  • 在旧的编译器中,长乘法的方法是最好的。
  • Surprisingly, GCC 4.9.0 has performance regressions over GCC 4.2.1, and GCC 4.2.1 has performance regressions over GCC 3.3
  • 令人惊讶的是,GCC 4.9.0对GCC 4.2.1有性能回归,而GCC 4.2.1有性能回归问题。



A version that also works when a == 0:

当A == 0时也可以使用的版本:

    x = a * b;
    if (a != 0 && x / a != b) {
        // overflow handling



If you need not just to detect overflow but also to capture the carry, you're best off breaking your numbers down into 32-bit parts. The code is a nightmare; what follows is just a sketch:



uint64_t mul(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
  uint32_t ah = a >> 32;
  uint32_t al = a;  // truncates: now a = al + 2**32 * ah
  uint32_t bh = b >> 32;
  uint32_t bl = b;  // truncates: now b = bl + 2**32 * bh
  // a * b = 2**64 * ah * bh + 2**32 * (ah * bl + bh * al) + al * bl
  uint64_t partial = (uint64_t) al * (uint64_t) bl;
  uint64_t mid1    = (uint64_t) ah * (uint64_t) bl;
  uint64_t mid2    = (uint64_t) al * (uint64_t) bh;
  uint64_t carry   = (uint64_t) ah * (uint64_t) bh;
  // add high parts of mid1 and mid2 to carry
  // add low parts of mid1 and mid2 to partial, carrying
  //    any carry bits into carry...

The problem is not just the partial products but the fact that any of the sums can overflow.


If I had to do this for real, I would write an extended-multiply routine in the local assembly language. That is, for example, multiply two 64-bit integers to get a 128-bit result, which is stored in two 64-bit registers. All reasonable hardware provides this functionality in a single native multiply instruction—it's not just accessible from C.


This is one of those rare cases where the solution that's most elegant and easy to program is actually to use assembly language. But it's certainly not portable :-(




I've been working with this problem this days and I have to say that it has impressed me the number of times I have seen people saying the best way to know if there has been an overflow is to divide the result, thats totally inefficient and unnecessary. The point for this function is that it must be as fast as possible.


There are two options for the overflow detection:


1º- If possible create the result variable twice as big as the multipliers, for example:

1 .如果可能的话,创建一个比乘数大两倍的结果变量,例如:

struct INT32struct {INT16 high, low;};
typedef union
  struct INT32struct s;
  INT32 ll;
} INT32union;

INT16 mulFunction(INT16 a, INT16 b)
  INT32union result.ll = a * b; //32Bits result
  if(result.s.high > 0) 
  return (result.s.low)

You will know inmediately if there has been an overflow, and the code is the fastest possible without writing it in machine code. Depending on the compiler this code can be improved in machine code.


2º- Is impossible to create a result variable twice as big as the multipliers variable: Then you should play with if conditions to determine the best path. Continuing with the example:


INT32 mulFunction(INT32 a, INT32 b)

  INT32union s_a.ll = abs(a);
  INT32union s_b.ll = abs(b); //32Bits result
  INT32union result;
  if(s_a.s.hi > 0 && s_b.s.hi > 0)
  else if (s_a.s.hi > 0)
      INT32union res1.ll = s_a.s.hi * s_b.s.lo;
      INT32union res2.ll = s_a.s.lo * s_b.s.lo;
      if (res1.hi == 0)
          result.s.lo = res1.s.lo + res2.s.hi;
          if (result.s.hi == 0)
            result.s.ll = result.s.lo <<16 + res2.s.lo;
            if ((a.s.hi >> 15) ^ (b.s.hi >> 15) == 1)
                result.s.ll = -result.s.ll; 
            return result.s.ll
  }else if (s_b.s.hi > 0)

   //Same code changing a with b

    return (s_a.lo * s_b.lo);

I hope this code helps you to have a quite efficient program and I hope the code is clear, if not I'll put some coments.


best regards.




Perhaps the best way to solve this problem is to have a function, which multiplies two UInt64 and results a pair of UInt64, an upper part and a lower part of the UInt128 result. Here is the solution, including a function, which displays the result in hex. I guess you perhaps prefer a C++ solution, but I have a working Swift-Solution which shows, how to manage the problem:


func hex128 (_ hi: UInt64, _ lo: UInt64) -> String
    var s: String = String(format: "%08X", hi >> 32)
                  + String(format: "%08X", hi & 0xFFFFFFFF)
                  + String(format: "%08X", lo >> 32)
                  + String(format: "%08X", lo & 0xFFFFFFFF)
    return (s)

func mul64to128 (_ multiplier: UInt64, _ multiplicand : UInt64)
             -> (result_hi: UInt64, result_lo: UInt64)
    let x: UInt64 = multiplier
    let x_lo: UInt64 = (x & 0xffffffff)
    let x_hi: UInt64 = x >> 32

    let y: UInt64 = multiplicand
    let y_lo: UInt64 = (y & 0xffffffff)
    let y_hi: UInt64 = y >> 32

    let mul_lo: UInt64 = (x_lo * y_lo)
    let mul_hi: UInt64 = (x_hi * y_lo) + (mul_lo >> 32)
    let mul_carry: UInt64 = (x_lo * y_hi) + (mul_hi & 0xffffffff)
    let result_hi: UInt64 = (x_hi * y_hi) + (mul_hi >> 32) + (mul_carry >> 32)
    let result_lo: UInt64 = (mul_carry <<32) + (mul_lo & 0xffffffff)

    return (result_hi, result_lo)

Here is an example to verify, that the function works:


var c: UInt64 = 0
var d: UInt64 = 0

(c, d) = mul64to128(0x1234567890123456, 0x9876543210987654)
// 0AD77D742CE3C72E45FD10D81D28D038 is the result of the above example
print(hex128(c, d))

// FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE0000000000000001 is the result of the above example
print(hex128(c, d))



Here is a trick for detecting whether multiplication of two unsigned integers overflows.


We make the observation that if we multiply an N-bit-wide binary number with an M-bit-wide binary number, the product does not have more than N + M bits.

我们观察到,如果我们将一个N位宽的二进制数乘以一个M-位宽的二进制数,这个乘积就不会有超过N + M位。

For instance, if we are asked to multiply a three-bit number with a twenty-nine bit number, we know that this doesn't overflow thirty-two bits.



int might_be_mul_oflow(unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
  if (!a || !b)
    return 0;

  a = a | (a >> 1) | (a >> 2) | (a >> 4) | (a >> 8) | (a >> 16) | (a >> 32);
  b = b | (b >> 1) | (b >> 2) | (b >> 4) | (b >> 8) | (b >> 16) | (b >> 32);

  for (;;) {
    unsigned long na = a <<1;
    if (na <= a)
    a = na;

  return (a & b) ? 1 : 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  unsigned long a, b;
  char *endptr;

  if (argc <3) {
    printf("supply two unsigned long integers in C form\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  a = strtoul(argv[1], &endptr, 0);

  if (*endptr != 0) {
    printf("%s is garbage\n", argv[1]);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  b = strtoul(argv[2], &endptr, 0);

  if (*endptr != 0) {
    printf("%s is garbage\n", argv[2]);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (might_be_mul_oflow(a, b))
    printf("might be multiplication overflow\n");

    unsigned long c = a * b;
    printf("%lu * %lu = %lu\n", a, b, c);
    if (a != 0 && c / a != b)
      printf("confirmed multiplication overflow\n");

  return 0;

A smattering of tests: (on 64 bit system):


$ ./uflow 0x3 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
3 * 4611686018427387903 = 13835058055282163709

$ ./uflow 0x7 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
might be multiplication overflow
7 * 4611686018427387903 = 13835058055282163705
confirmed multiplication overflow

$ ./uflow 0x4 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
might be multiplication overflow
4 * 4611686018427387903 = 18446744073709551612

$ ./uflow 0x5 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
might be multiplication overflow
5 * 4611686018427387903 = 4611686018427387899
confirmed multiplication overflow

The steps in might_be_mul_oflow are almost certainly slower than just doing the division test, at least on mainstream processors used in desktop workstations, servers and mobile devices. On chips without good division support, it could be useful.


It occurs to me that there is another way to do this early rejection test.


  1. We start with a pair of numbers arng and brng which are initialized to 0x7FFF...FFFF and 1.


  2. If a <= arng and b <= brng we can conclude that there is no overflow.

    如果a <= arng和b <= brng,我们可以得出结论:没有溢出。

  3. Otherwise, we shift arng to the right, and shift brng to the left, adding one bit to brng, so that they are 0x3FFF...FFFF and 3.


  4. If arng is zero, finish; otherwise repeat at 2.


The function now looks like:


int might_be_mul_oflow(unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
  if (!a || !b)
    return 0;

    unsigned long arng = ULONG_MAX >> 1;
    unsigned long brng = 1;

    while (arng != 0) {
      if (a <= arng && b <= brng)
        return 0;
      arng >>= 1;
      brng <<= 1;
      brng |= 1;

    return 1;



If you just want to detect overflow, how about converting to double, doing the multiplication and if


|x| <2^53, convert to int64

| |

|x| <2^63, make the multiplication using int64

| |

otherwise produce whatever error you want?


This seems to work:


int64_t safemult(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
  double dx;

  dx = (double)a * (double)b;

  if ( fabs(dx) <(double)9007199254740992 )
    return (int64_t)dx;

  if ( (double)INT64_MAX 

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