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Overview Mugur is a high-level ErgoDox EZ Configurator for Emacs users. M


Mugur is a high-level ErgoDox EZ Configurator for Emacs users.

Mugur offers a consistent interface for all the ErgoDox features. With the C code configurator, for example, if you want to specify an Ergodox macro key, you first have to give your key a unique name, then write some C code to implmenet this new key, and then finally use it in one of your layers. If you want a mod-tap key, the modifier keycode is different than if you'd just wanted to have a simple modifier key. With mugur, all these features are defined in a consistent way by having all the keys be just simple lists, defined directly in your layers. No extra code, no extra functions. Mugur interprets these mugur-keys differently, depending on the context, and generates the correct C code to implement their semantics.

A mugur-key is just a list of symbols, and can be (k) for sending the k character when tapped, or (C k) for sending k when tapped but acting like Control when held (mod-tap), a string like ("my_email_address@me.com") , a key combination like the often used (C-u C-space) , or even an fbound Emacs function, like (other-window) , among other things (see all features).

This is a simplified example that defines an Ergodox configuration, and contains macros, simple keys, mod-tap, layer changes, combos and emacs fbound symbols (emacs functions). For a more complex example, see the mugur-keymap configuration from my init.el file. This is the configuration that I'm using to flash my ErgoDox.

  :tapping-term 200
  :rgblight-animations nil

  :combos '((left right escape)
            (x y (C-x "pressed both x and y at once")))
  :with-keys '((mybspace (lt numeric bspace))
               (emacs-split (C-x 3)))
  '(("base" vertical
     ((---)   (vol-down) (vol-up) (---) (---) (---) (reset) 
      (---)      (q)        (w)     (e)   (r)  (t)   (---) 
      (---)      (a)       (G t)   (M d) (C f) (g) 
      (osm S)    (z)        (x)     (c)   (v)  (b)   (---) 
      (---)     (---)      (---)   (---) (---) 
                  (other-window) (save-buffers-kill-emacs) 
                       (mybspace) (lt numeric space) (tab))

     (---) (---) (---)  (---)  (---) (---)  (---)
     (---)  (y)   (u)    (i)    (o)  (---)  (---)
            (h)  (C j)  (M k)  (G l)  (p)   (---)
     (---)  (n)   (m)  (comma) (dot) (---) (osm S)
                 (---)  (---)  (---) (---)  (---)
     (emacs-split) (---)
     (C-u C-space)
     (escape) (enter) (---))
    (( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )     ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
     ( ) ( ) (1) (2) (3) ( ) ( )     ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
     ( ) ( ) (4) (5) (6) ( )             ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
     ( ) (0) (7) (8) (9) ( ) ( )     ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
     ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )                     ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
                         ( ) ( )     ( ) ( )
                         (1 2 3)     ("one two three")
                     ( ) ( ) ( )     ( ) ( ) ( )))))


Git clone it, for now, until this package will be available from MELPA.

git clone https://github.com/mihaiolteanu/mugur ~/.emacs.d/lisp/mugur

Add mugur to your load-path

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/mugur")

Set the mugur-qmk-path to point to the location of your qmk source code .

(setf mugur-qmk-path "/home/mihai/projects/qmk_firmware")

You'll also need wally-cli if you want to flash directly from Emacs.

Supported keys in the mugur-keymap layers

The following are all qmk features that are supported by mugur by directly specifying a mugur-key in the mugur-keymap definition. A mugur-key is a list that contains one or more qmk keycodes, modifiers, special symbols and the like. Depending on the context, the same keycode might mean different things. Bellow are the definitions of these mugur-keys which highlight the supported features of mugur.

Simple keys ( qmk )


This defines a simple, normal key, like in a classic keyboard. All the normal keys are supported, including all the letters, numbers, punctuation marks, commands (like enter) and mouse keys. Most of them can be specified as is, like (x), (enter) or (^) but some, like the open parenthesis for example, has to be specified either as a string, like ("(") or (lparens). The full list of supported keycodes can be checked out by calling mugur-doc-keycodes . The right hand side on that list corresponds to the qmk's simple keycodes list, but without the KC_ prefix.

Mod-Tap ( qmk )

(modifier key)

Send the key when tapped, as above, but act like the modifier key when held . The modifiers are C, M, G, and S for Control, Alt, Win and Shift. Combinations like C-M, C-M-S or C-M-G are also possible. Consult the mugur-doc-keycodes list for the supported modifiers.

The modifier key has to be in uppercase and has to be the first in the list, otherwise (c a) means a totally different thing.

Modifier Keys ( qmk )


Hold down the modifier and press key at the same time. For example, (C-a) will send C-a when tapped. That is, send the a keycode with C (Control) pressed.

Layers ( qmk )

(tg layer)

(lt layer mod-or-key)

Send key when tapped, momentarily switch to layer when held, for example. There are a lot of variants for these layer-switching keys. Check out the mugur-doc-layer-switching or the official qmk documentation linked above for the complete list

Unlike the previous examples where the key definition is context aware, in this key, the first element of the key must be one of lt , to , etc. to unambiguously define what kind of layer switching you want.

For example, (lt symbols a) will send a when tapped and momentarily switch to the symbols layer when held. The symbols layers must be available in the mugur-keymap list of layers.

One Shot Layer ( qmk )

(osl layer)

Momentarily activates layer until a key is pressed, after which, if goes back to the original layer.

One Shot Modifier ( qmk )

(osm modifier)

Similar to the one shot layer, momentarily activates the modifier key until a key is pressed, after which, it deactivates it. Useful for Shift modifiers, for example, to insert uppercase letters.

Tapdance ( qmk )

(key1 key2)

(key layer)

The tapdance feature is vast and featureful. Mugur only supports one simple case where you can send two different characters with a single key, for example.

That is, (a b) will send a when tapped once and b when tapped twice in quick succession. An alternative is to specify a layer as the second key, (a symbols) , which will switch to the symbols layer when tapped twice.

Macros ( qmk )

(any number of keys, modifiers or strings)

If your key definition doesn't mach any definition from above, mugur will infer that your key is more than likely a macro. With a macro, you can send your email address when you press a key, or send any other key combination.

For example, (C-e "this is awesome." enter) would define a key that, when tapped, will call C-e, then send "this is awesome" followed by Enter.

These two are equivalent macros: (a b c) , ("a b c") .

User-defined mugur-key names


All the above key definitions can be given a name. This is useful when they become quite large and are hard to see or destroy the visual look of the layer (long macros, for example). mugur-keymap supports the :with-keys argument for these cases. For example these are two keys that can be used as (myspace) and (em-split) in the mugur-keymap layers,

:with-keys '((mybspace (lt xwindow bspace))
             (em-split (C-x 3)))

The first element of each list is the new key name and the second element is anything that could have been specified directly in the mugur-keymap layers. In short, this is just a list of shortcuts.

Combos ( qmk )

(key1 key2 action-or-key)

Combos are not keys you can use in the mugur-keymap layers, but specify what happens when you press two keys at the same time.

mugur-keymap supports a keyboard argument named :combos for these cases,

:combos '((left right escape)
          (x y (C-x "now")))

In the above case, pressing left and right and the same time will send the escape key and pressing x and y will send C-x followed by "now".

Emacs functions


Specify an fbound symbol (a function name) directly in the key definition. Mugur keeps an internal list of exotic and unbound key sequences (kbd's) which it can bind to the functions specified in the layers definition.

That is, you specify (sp-next-sexp) as a key definition, for example, mugur finds an available key sequence, say C-F5, and puts that in your keymap. When you flash your keyboard, mugur generates an .el file that contains bind-key forms for all such keys. When flashing, mugur loads this file for you, but when you start or restart Emacs you'll have to manually load this file by calling mugur-load-keybindings in your init.el file or interactively.

Layer general config options

These two options can be specified anywhere after the layer name in the mugur-kemap entry. These do not affect the mugur-key definitions.

Turn on LEDs on layer switching

When defining the mugur-keymap , you can add a list of three elements after a layer name but before the key definitions list. A list like (1 0 0) will turn on the first led on your keyboard when that layer is active. You can turn on any LED, all the LEDs or none. This feature is only supported for Ergodox Ez keyboards for now. PRs accepted for other keyboards.

Keymap orientation

Since the base layer usually has lots and lots of keys, it might be better to split the keyboard halves vertically for a better view. For layers where most of the keys are transparent keys, the layout can be more compact and a horizontal split might be more convenient. The default is horizontal, but you can change this behavior by simply adding a vertical (or confirm it by adding horizontal ) between the layer name and the actual layer keys.

Configuration options

Besides the actual layers, you can specify a list of additional config options for each mugur-keymap . These are all implemented as keyword arguments, and include tapping-term , combo-term , rgblight-enable , rgblight-animations and force-nkro . The meaning and functionality of these arguments should be checked in the qmk documentation . More such config options can be added in the future, as the need arises. Open an issue if you need something from the qmk extensive list of options.

Generate, build and flash the qmk keyboards

All the following functionalities lets you select one of your keymaps, as defined with mugur-keymap . If you only have one keymap defined, that keymap is used by default.

Generate keymap

mugur-generate : Generate the C files in the qmk_path/keymap-name folder. These are the same files that you would write by hand but are now generated by mugur based on the keymap specified with mugur-keymap .

Make keymap

mugur-make : Call make on the generated qmk layout. A new compile-mode buffer is opened with the compile results.

Build keymap

mugur-build : Generate and make the keymap. This is equivalent to calling mugur-generate and mugur-make one after another.

Flash keymap

mugur-flash : Flash the keymap (actually the generated hex file). Currently only supported for Ergodox Ez keyboards. For other boards the flashing process might be different. Consider opening an issue or a PR if you own other keyboards and you want this feature supported for them as well.

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