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I frequently find myself typing on a line, when I realize I need(ed) a variable definition (or something similar) on the line above. What I would like is to


  1. press C-return from anywhere on a line and have the cursor move to a newly inserted blank line above, with correct indentation (or at least the same as the original line).
  2. 从一行的任何地方按C-return,让光标移动到上面新插入的空白行,并有正确的缩进(或至少与原始行相同)。

  3. be able to yank any text...
  4. 能够抽出任何文字......

  5. and C-u C-space to get back to the original position
  6. 和C-u C空间回到原来的位置

I've managed to do #1, but my emacs-fu isn't strong enough to do the rest.


4 个解决方案


Here's my humble solution:


(defun insert-before-line ()
  (let ((pos (point))
        (cur-max (point-max)))
    ; I've changed the order of (yank) and (indent-according-to-mode)
    ; in order to handle the case when yanked line comes with its own indent
    ; could be as well changed to simple (newline) it's metter of taste
    ; and of usage
    (goto-char (+ pos (- (point-max) cur-max)))))

Hope it helps.



Here's what you can do if you are not a Zen master emacs dude.


Emacs has a record-macro thing, kmacro-start-macro and kmacro-end-macro.


After recording your macro, do name-last-kbd-macro. then visit .emacs, and do insert-kbd-macro.


You then have an fset statement that defines your macro. It may look funny, and it is not as maintainable as elisp, but if you stuff it into your .emacs, that macro (by that name) will be available to any of your editing sessions. And you can bind it to a key sequence as well.



Probably bad form to answer my own question, but Cheeso's answer motivated me to do some lisp programming for the second time in ten years (my original version was a named keyboard macro, but it stepped all over the kill/mark-rings). Here's what I came up with

回答我自己的问题可能是糟糕的形式,但Cheeso的回答促使我在十年内第二次做一些lisp编程(我的原始版本是一个命名的键盘宏,但它遍布了kill / mark-rings)。这就是我想出的

(defun insert-and-indent-line-above ()
    ((ipt (progn (back-to-indentation) (point)))
     (bol (progn (move-beginning-of-line 1) (point)))
     (indent (buffer-substring bol ipt)))
    (insert indent)))

(global-set-key [ (control return) ] 'insert-and-indent-line-above)

there are probably many better ways of doing this, but two hours of lisp-hacking can hardly be called wasted time :-)



Just hold your thought on the variable declaration, finish typing your statement, then type RET (though C-j is usually more DWIM) and type your next line for the variable declaration, then hit C-x C-t to transpose the lines.

只需按住你对变量声明的想法,完成键入你的语句,然后键入RET(虽然C-j通常更多是DWIM)并键入你的下一行变量声明,然后点击C-x C-t来转置行。

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