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ASCII and Latin-1 字符表【资料】
ASCII and Latin-1 Character Table
Char Dec Hex Octal HTML Notes
^@ 0 0x00 0000 ^@ NUL nul
^A 1 0x01 0001 ^A SOH start of header
^B 2 0x02 0002 ^B STX start of text
^C 3 0x03 0003 ^C ETX end of text
^D 4 0x04 0004 ^D EOT end of transmission
^E 5 0x05 0005 ^E ENQ enquiry
^F 6 0x06 0006 ^F ACK acknowledege
^G 7 0x07 0007 ^G BEL bell
^H 8 0x08 0010 ^H BS backspace [/b]
^I 9 0x09 0011 ^I HT horizonal tab [/t]
^J 10 0x0a 0012 ^J LF line feed [/n]
^K 11 0x0b 0013 ^K VT vertical tab
^L 12 0x0c 0014 ^L FF form feed [/f]
^M 13 0x0d 0015 ^M CR carriage return [/r]
^N 14 0x0e 0016 ^N SO shift out
^O 15 0x0f 0017 ^O SI shift in
^P 16 0x10 0020 ^P DLE data link escape
^Q 17 0x11 0021 ^Q DC1 device control 1, XON resume transmission
^R 18 0x12 0022 ^R DC2 device control 2
^S 19 0x13 0023 ^S DC3 device control 3, XOFF pause transmission
^T 20 0x14 0024 ^T DC4 device control 4
^U 21 0x15 0025 ^U NAK negative acknowledge
^V 22 0x16 0026 ^V SYN synchronise
^W 23 0x17 0027 ^W ETB end text block
^X 24 0x18 0030 ^X CAN cancel
^Y 25 0x19 0031 ^Y EM end message
^Z 26 0x1a 0032 ^Z SUB substitute
^[ 27 0x1b 0033 ^[ ESC escape
^/ 28 0x1c 0034 ^/ FS file separator, usually used to separate groups of records.
^] 29 0x1d 0035 ^] GS group separator, usually used to separate fields.
^^ 30 0x1e 0036 ^^ RS record separator, usually used to separate records.
^_ 31 0x1f 0037 ^_ US unit separator, usually used to separate subfields.
  32 0x20 0040   space
! 33 0x21 0041 ! bang, exclamation
" 34 0x22 0042 " quote
# 35 0x23 0043 # sharp, number sign
$ 36 0x24 0044 $ dollar sign
% 37 0x25 0045 % percent
& 38 0x26 0046 & ampersand
' 39 0x27 0047 ' apostrophe
( 40 0x28 0050 ( left parenthesis
) 41 0x29 0051 ) right parenthesis
* 42 0x2a 0052 * star, asterisk
+ 43 0x2b 0053 + plus
, 44 0x2c 0054 , comma
- 45 0x2d 0055 - minus
. 46 0x2e 0056 . period
/ 47 0x2f 0057 / slash, not backslash!
0 48 0x30 0060 0 digit 0
1 49 0x31 0061 1 digit 1
2 50 0x32 0062 2 digit 2
3 51 0x33 0063 3 digit 3
4 52 0x34 0064 4 digit 4
5 53 0x35 0065 5 digit 5
6 54 0x36 0066 6 digit 6
7 55 0x37 0067 7 digit 7
8 56 0x38 0070 8 digit 8
9 57 0x39 0071 9 digit 9
: 58 0x3a 0072 : colon
; 59 0x3b 0073 ; semicolon
< 60 0x3c 0074 < less than
= 61 0x3d 0075 = equals
> 62 0x3e 0076 > greater than
? 63 0x3f 0077 ? question mark
@ 64 0x40 0100 @ at sign
A 65 0x41 0101 A upper case A
B 66 0x42 0102 B upper case B
C 67 0x43 0103 C upper case C
D 68 0x44 0104 D upper case D
E 69 0x45 0105 E upper case E
F 70 0x46 0106 F upper case F
G 71 0x47 0107 G upper case G
H 72 0x48 0110 H upper case H
I 73 0x49 0111 I upper case I
J 74 0x4a 0112 J upper case J
K 75 0x4b 0113 K upper case K
L 76 0x4c 0114 L upper case L
M 77 0x4d 0115 M upper case M
N 78 0x4e 0116 N upper case N
O 79 0x4f 0117 O upper case O
P 80 0x50 0120 P upper case P
Q 81 0x51 0121 Q upper case Q
R 82 0x52 0122 R upper case R
S 83 0x53 0123 S upper case S
T 84 0x54 0124 T upper case T
U 85 0x55 0125 U upper case U
V 86 0x56 0126 V upper case V
W 87 0x57 0127 W upper case W
X 88 0x58 0130 X upper case X
Y 89 0x59 0131 Y upper case Y
Z 90 0x5a 0132 Z upper case Z
[ 91 0x5b 0133 [ left square bracket
/ 92 0x5c 0134 / backslash, not slash!
] 93 0x5d 0135 ] right square bracket
^ 94 0x5e 0136 ^ hat, circumflex
_ 95 0x5f 0137 _ underscore
` 96 0x60 0140 ` grave, rhymes with have
a 97 0x61 0141 a lower case a
b 98 0x62 0142 b lower case b
c 99 0x63 0143 c lower case c
d 100 0x64 0144 d lower case d
e 101 0x65 0145 e lower case e
f 102 0x66 0146 f lower case f
g 103 0x67 0147 g lower case g
h 104 0x68 0150 h lower case h
i 105 0x69 0151 i lower case i
j 106 0x6a 0152 j lower case j
k 107 0x6b 0153 k lower case k
l 108 0x6c 0154 l lower case l
m 109 0x6d 0155 m lower case m
n 110 0x6e 0156 n lower case n
o 111 0x6f 0157 o lower case o
p 112 0x70 0160 p lower case p
q 113 0x71 0161 q lower case q
r 114 0x72 0162 r lower case r
s 115 0x73 0163 s lower case s
t 116 0x74 0164 t lower case t
u 117 0x75 0165 u lower case u
v 118 0x76 0166 v lower case v
w 119 0x77 0167 w lower case w
x 120 0x78 0170 x lower case x
y 121 0x79 0171 y lower case y
z 122 0x7a 0172 z lower case z
{ 123 0x7b 0173 { left curly brace
| 124 0x7c 0174 | vertical bar
} 125 0x7d 0175 } right curly brace
~ 126 0x7e 0176 ~ tilde
127 0x7f 0177 &#127; DEL delete
128 0x80 0200 &#128;
129 0x81 0201 &#129;
130 0x82 0202 &#130;
ƒ 131 0x83 0203 &#131;
132 0x84 0204 &#132;
133 0x85 0205 &#133;
134 0x86 0206 &#134;
135 0x87 0207 &#135;
ˆ 136 0x88 0210 &#136;
137 0x89 0211 &#137;
Š 138 0x8a 0212 &#138;
139 0x8b 0213 &#139;
Π140 0x8c 0214 &#140;
141 0x8d 0215 &#141;
Ž 142 0x8e 0216 &#142;
143 0x8f 0217 &#143;
144 0x90 0220 &#144;
145 0x91 0221 &#145;
146 0x92 0222 &#146;
147 0x93 0223 &#147;
148 0x94 0224 &#148;
149 0x95 0225 &#149;
150 0x96 0226 &#150;
151 0x97 0227 &#151;
˜ 152 0x98 0230 &#152;
153 0x99 0231 &#153;
š 154 0x9a 0232 &#154;
155 0x9b 0233 &#155;
œ 156 0x9c 0234 &#156;
157 0x9d 0235 &#157;
ž 158 0x9e 0236 &#158;
Ÿ 159 0x9f 0237 &#159;
  160 0xa0 0240 &#160;
¡ 161 0xa1 0241 &#161; PostScript (¡) exclamdown
¢ 162 0xa2 0242 &#162; PostScript (¢) cent
£ 163 0xa3 0243 &#163; PostScript (£) sterling
¤ 164 0xa4 0244 &#164; PostScript (/) fraction
¥ 165 0xa5 0245 &#165; PostScript (¥) yen
¦ 166 0xa6 0246 &#166; PostScript (ƒ) florin
§ 167 0xa7 0247 &#167; PostScript (§) section
¨ 168 0xa8 0250 &#168; PostScript (¤) currency
© 169 0xa9 0251 &#169; PostScript (') quotesingle
ª 170 0xaa 0252 &#170; PostScript (“) quotedblleft
« 171 0xab 0253 &#171; PostScript («) guillemotleft
¬ 172 0xac 0254 &#172; PostScript (<) guilsinglleft
­ 173 0xad 0255 &#173; PostScript (>) guilsinglright
® 174 0xae 0256 &#174; PostScript fi ligature
¯ 175 0xaf 0257 &#175; PostScript fl ligature;
° 176 0xb0 0260 &#176;
± 177 0xb1 0261 &#177; PostScript (–) endash
² 178 0xb2 0262 &#178; PostScript (†) dagger
³ 179 0xb3 0263 &#179; PostScript (·) periodcentered
´ 180 0xb4 0264 &#180;
µ 181 0xb5 0265 &#181;
182 0xb6 0266 &#182; PostScript (¶) paragraph
· 183 0xb7 0267 &#183; PostScript (•) bullet
¸ 184 0xb8 0270 &#184; PostScript (,) quotesinglbase
¹ 185 0xb9 0271 &#185; PostScript („) quotedblbase
º 186 0xba 0272 &#186; PostScript (”) quotedblright
» 187 0xbb 0273 &#187; PostScript (») guillemotright
¼ 188 0xbc 0274 &#188; PostScript (…) ellipsis
½ 189 0xbd 0275 &#189; PostScript (‰) perthousand
¾ 190 0xbe 0276 &#190;
¿ 191 0xbf 0277 &#191; PostScript (¿) questiondown
À 192 0xc0 0300 &#192;
Á 193 0xc1 0301 &#193; PostScript (`) grave
 194 0xc2 0302 &#194; PostScript (´) acute
à 195 0xc3 0303 &#195; PostScript (^) circumflex
Ä 196 0xc4 0304 &#196; PostScript (~) tilde
Å 197 0xc5 0305 &#197; PostScript (¯) macron, overbar accent
Æ 198 0xc6 0306 &#198; PostScript (u) breve, flattened u-shaped accent
Ç 199 0xc7 0307 &#199; PostScript (·) dotaccent
È 200 0xc8 0310 &#200; PostScript (¨) dieresis
É 201 0xc9 0311 &#201;
Ê 202 0xca 0312 &#202; PostScript (°) ring
Ë 203 0xcb 0313 &#203; PostScript (¸) cedilla
Ì 204 0xcc 0314 &#204;
Í 205 0xcd 0315 &#205; PostScript (”) hungarumlaut
Î 206 0xce 0316 &#206; PostScript (,) ogonek, reverse comma
Ï 207 0xcf 0317 &#207; PostScript (v) caron, flattened v-shaped accent
Ð 208 0xd0 0320 &#208; PostScript (—) emdash
Ñ 209 0xd1 0321 &#209;
Ò 210 0xd2 0322 &#210;
Ó 211 0xd3 0323 &#211;
Ô 212 0xd4 0324 &#212;
Õ 213 0xd5 0325 &#213;
Ö 214 0xd6 0326 &#214;
× 215 0xd7 0327 &#215;
Ø 216 0xd8 0330 &#216;
Ù 217 0xd9 0331 &#217;
Ú 218 0xda 0332 &#218;
Û 219 0xdb 0333 &#219;
Ü 220 0xdc 0334 &#220;
Ý 221 0xdd 0335 &#221;
Þ 222 0xde 0336 &#222;
ß 223 0xdf 0337 &#223;
à 224 0xe0 0340 &#224;
á 225 0xe1 0341 &#225; PostScript (Æ) AE
â 226 0xe2 0342 &#226;
ã 227 0xe3 0343 &#227; PostScript (ª) ordfeminine
ä 228 0xe4 0344 &#228;
å 229 0xe5 0345 &#229;
æ 230 0xe6 0346 &#230;
ç 231 0xe7 0347 &#231;
è 232 0xe8 0350 &#232; PostScript (L/) Lslash, L with / overstrike
é 233 0xe9 0351 &#233; PostScript (Ø) Oslash
ê 234 0xea 0352 &#234; PostScript (Œ) OE
ë 235 0xeb 0353 &#235; PostScript (º) ordmasculine
ì 236 0xec 0354 &#236;
í 237 0xed 0355 &#237;
î 238 0xee 0356 &#238;
ï 239 0xef 0357 &#239;
ð 240 0xf0 0360 &#240;
ñ 241 0xf1 0361 &#241; PostScript (æ) ae
ò 242 0xf2 0362 &#242;
ó 243 0xf3 0363 &#243;
ô 244 0xf4 0364 &#244;
õ 245 0xf5 0365 &#245; PostScript (1) dotlessi, i without dot
ö 246 0xf6 0366 &#246;
÷ 247 0xf7 0367 &#247;
ø 248 0xf8 0370 &#248; PostScript (l/) l with / overstrike
ù 249 0xf9 0371 &#249; PostScript (ø) oslash
ú 250 0xfa 0372 &#250; PostScript (œ) oe
û 251 0xfb 0373 &#251; PostScript (ß) germandbls
ü 252 0xfc 0374 &#252;
ý 253 0xfd 0375 &#253;
þ 254 0xfe 0376 &#254;
ÿ 255 0xff 0377 &#255;

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