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I've considered the following:


Logitech Desktop MX 5500

罗技桌面MX 5500

Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000

Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000

But I'd like see what other programmers would recommend.


7 个解决方案



I know you're looking for a set, but these two topics might be of interest:


  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/687/keyboard-for-programmers
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53132/mouse-for-programmer

Personally, I prefer to buy my stuff separately so I can find the best of both. For example, I'm currently using an Apple Keyboard and a Logitech MX Revolution mouse and I've been very impressed with both.

就个人而言,我更喜欢单独购买我的东西,所以我可以找到两者中最好的。例如,我目前正在使用Apple键盘和Logitech MX Revolution鼠标,我对它们印象非常深刻。



Being a 60 wpm typist on average, I can assure you that a wireless keyboard will only cause you frustration in the long run. It's gotten to the point where I actually swapped back in a wired keyboard because I have yet to find a wireless keyboard that can keep up with me.




I've used several, and the most durable bulletproof so far has been my Dell bluetooth pair. It's the same physical setup as the industrial-grade connected units. The bluetooth transmitter has been compatible for other devices as well. Good battery life, two AA's for the mouse and 3 AAA's for the keyboard - at least 6 weeks for a set of NiMH's.

我已经使用了几个,到目前为止最耐用的防弹是我的戴尔蓝牙配对。它与工业级连接单元的物理设置相同。蓝牙发射器也兼容其他设备。电池寿命长,鼠标两个AA,键盘三个AAA - 一组NiMH至少6周。

I throw them in my backpack and take an extra bluetooth transmitter and they invariably work on clients' computers.



All the logitechs, microsofts, and probably a half-dozen other off-brands haven't compared.


I use KeyTweak for the Ctl/CapsLock swap - actually I don't swap them - I have no use for a Caps Lock key.

我使用KeyTweak进行Ctl / CapsLock交换 - 实际上我不交换它们 - 我没有使用Caps Lock键。



Maybe it is because I have always loved the happy hacker keyboard, but I really like the very compact Apple's Bluetooth Keyboard (which does work with windows). But I really dig it's sleak design, and standard(ish) layout. The layout which matches my laptop, so that I can continue to touch type backslashes. for a mouse I am admitaditly less picky, and use either a mighty mouse or a Logitech V270 Bluetooth Travel Mouse.




I would avoid the Logitech MX5000/MX5500. If you can get something that is not Bluetooth, that would be best. The Bluetooth stack that Logitech uses is buggy. The keys like to get "stuck" which means they will act like they are pressed even when you release. That is especially bad if the key that gets stuck is backspace or delete. I've never had problems with their non-Bluetooth stuff.

我会避免使用Logitech MX5000 / MX5500。如果你能得到的东西不是蓝牙,那将是最好的。 Logitech使用的蓝牙堆栈是错误的。关键是要“卡住”,这意味着即使你释放它们也会像按下它们一样。如果卡住的密钥是退格或删除,那就特别糟糕。我从来没有遇到过非蓝牙问题。



Not a recommendation, as such, but a bit of guidance: many (but not all) wireless keyboards and mice "swallow" the first keystroke or split second of movement when you activate them after being idle. It's almost as though they go to sleep or something.


I've seen this with both Logitech and Microsoft wireless kit, as well as a third (relatively unknown) brand.


Your usage style might not be affected - but the missed mouse clicks and keystrokes drive me bonkers whenever I'm using a colleagues PC. Pause for thought, deside what to do next and then lose my train of thought when the machine doesn't respond. Arrrggh!

您的使用方式可能不会受到影响 - 但是当我使用同事PC时,错过的鼠标点击和击键会让我感到疯狂。暂停思考,决定下一步做什么,然后在机器没有响应时失去思路。 Arrrggh!

My advice: Whatever kit you settle upon, make sure you have the chance to try it out properly - in person - before committing your hard earned cash

我的建议是:无论你采取什么样的工具,都要确保你有机会亲自尝试 - 亲自 - 在你辛苦赚来的现金之前



I don't think there is a "best" here. I think you have to scope out components that feel right to you, perform well, and are in your price range.


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