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drupal 7宝典

I love Drupal and end up undertaking most of my programming projects with it. I have been using it for so long that I find it far easier to push out projects with Drupal than with anything else, despite it’s infamous learning curve.

我喜欢Drupal,并最终完成了我的大部分编程项目。 我使用它已经很久了,以至于我发现使用Drupal进行项目比其他任何项目都容易得多,尽管它臭名昭著的学习曲线。

Whether you want to call Drupal a CMS (Content Management System), a CMF (Content Management Framework) or a CMSomething, the ‘C’ always stands for Content. Content is where Drupal shines and is what it’s designed for.

无论您要将Drupal称为CMS(内容管理系统),CMF(内容管理框架)还是CMS协议,“ C”始终代表内容。 内容是Drupal的亮点,也是它的设计宗旨。


When an organisation is at a stage and mindset that they also want to manage their contacts and interactions effectively they will often need tools designed specifically for that function. These are generally referred to as a CRM, which stands for Client Relationship Manager or Constituent Relationship Manager, depending on the sector (For-Profit or Not-for-Profit respectively). CRMs are big business, with many free and paid options available, all with their own advantages and disadvantages.

当组织处于一个阶段并且也想要有效地管理其联系和交互的思维时,他们通常将需要专门为此功能设计的工具。 这些通常称为CRM,根据部门(分别代表盈利或非盈利)代表客户关系管理器或组成关系管理器。 CRM是大企业,有许多免费和付费选项,各有各的优缺点。

Often these interactions that people have with your organisation will include things such as registering for an event, making a donation, becoming a member, expressing interest in a product or receiving a newsletter. This all sounds quite simple, but often representing a business rule in the digital realm is very difficult as everyone thinks ‘their way’ is ‘the only way’ and that surely every off-the-shelf system should represent them out of the box.

人们与您的组织的互动通常包括诸如注册活动,捐款,成为会员,表达对产品的兴趣或接收新闻通讯之类的内容。 这听起来很简单,但通常很难在数字领域中表示业务规则,因为每个人都认为“他们的方式”是“唯一的方式”,而且肯定每个现成的系统都应将它们立即显示出来。

What has a CRM got to do with Drupal? Nothing directly, but indirectly if you’re looking to streamline your business operations and automate the ways people can interact with you, your CRM will need to work well with your website.

CRM与Drupal有什么关系? 如果您要简化业务运营并自动化人们与您互动的方式,那么就没有直接或间接的关系,您的CRM将需要与您的网站良好协作。

If you are reading this, I will assume your website is likely built in Drupal and, unsurprisingly, Drupal continues its talents of playing well with others into the domain of CRMs.


In this article, we will look at several of the big players in the CRM space that work well with Drupal, how they integrate or how developers can get them to integrate.


自己滚 (Roll it yourself)

Whilst I mentioned above that Drupal is aimed at Content, Drupal has always excelled at relationships between content, or in newer parlance, ‘Entity References’. Theoretically you could create content types for contacts (or the User entity) and content types for the interactions they may have with you alongside other modules such as Event and Commerce. Then create a bunch of Views and you effectively have a ‘CRM’. In some simpler cases this may be enough and you have complete control of the processes you want to represent. This could end up consuming a lot of Developer time and using a tool designed specifically for the job may be a better solution.

尽管我在上面提到了Drupal是针对内容的,但Drupal始终擅长于内容之间的关系,或者在较新的术语“实体引用”中。 从理论上讲,您可以与其他模块(例如事件和商务)一起为联系人(或用户实体)创建内容类型,并为他们与您的交互创建内容类型。 然后创建一堆视图,您将有效地拥有一个“ CRM”。 在某些简单的情况下,这可能就足够了,您可以完全控制要表示的流程。 这最终可能会消耗大量开发人员时间,并且使用专门为该工作设计的工具可能是更好的解决方案。

红H (RedHen)

The team at ThinkShout effectively followed the advice above and created a collection of modules that will provide you with a lot of Drupal-Native CRM functionality. It takes the Drupal Commerce approach and instead of providing you functionality our of the box, rather provides you with a toolkit for creating that functionality. This does mean you may still need to undertake a lot of extra work yourself but you are adding no new systems into your technology stack and the problems that can entail. The other downside of RedHen is that it isn’t updated that regularly (in comparison with other options on this list), its release cycle is based more upon when ThinkShout have client requirements or run a code sprint.

ThinkShout的团队有效地遵循了上述建议,并创建了一个模块集合,这些模块将为您提供许多Drupal-Native CRM功能。 它采用了Drupal Commerce方法,而不是为您提供现成的功能,而是为您提供了用于创建该功能的工具包。 这的确意味着您可能仍然需要自己做很多额外的工作,但是您没有在技术堆栈中添加任何新系统,也不会带来任何问题。 RedHen的另一个缺点是(与该列表中的其他选项相比)它不会定期更新,其发布周期更多地取决于ThinkShout何时有客户要求或运行代码冲刺。

If you want to customize RedHen then you can create your own sets of modules and theme overrides, it’s Drupal!


CiviCRM (CiviCRM)

Often when searching for CRM options for Drupal, people come across CiviCRM and it initially appears as a Drupal module. I have undertaken a lot of work with CiviCRM (and contribute to the project) and the fact that it masquerades as a Drupal module is often a massive point of confusion. It’s best thought of what it actually is, an external service that happens to integrate quite well with Drupal and almost look like it’s a part of it. CiviCRM is a custom PHP application that also integrates with Joomla! and WordPress and is primarily aimed at not-for-profits but can be customized to work with commercial organisations. Out of the box CiviCRM comes with a LOT of features and is thus quite a weighty program, as an open-source project it can sometimes be a bit rough around the edges and inconsistent, but development has increased and matured a lot in the past year.

通常,在为Drupal搜索CRM选项时,人们会遇到CiviCRM ,它最初显示为Drupal模块。 我在CiviCRM上做了很多工作(并为该项目做出了贡献),而它伪装成Drupal模块这一事实常常是一个很大的困惑点。 最好考虑一下它到底是什么,外部服务恰好与Drupal很好地集成在一起,并且几乎看起来像是它的一部分。 CiviCRM是一个自定义PHP应用程序,还与Joomla集成了! 和WordPress,主要针对非营利组织,但可以进行定制以与商业组织合作。 CiviCRM开箱即用,具有很多功能,因此是一个非常繁琐的程序,作为一个开源项目,有时可能会有点粗糙并且前后不一致,但是在过去的一年中,开发已经增长并成熟了很多。

CiviCRM integrates directly with Drupal in many places, some better than others, and these include:


  • A direct (optional) relationship between a Drupal user and a contact record as well as synchronization between Drupal roles and CiviCRM groups and memberships.

  • Views for constructing listings of CiviCRM entities.

  • Rules and triggers

  • Webform for replacing CiviCRM’s inbuilt forms.

  • Commerce and Ubercart

  • Organic Groups

  • Theming (sort of). You can use the Drupal theme to override CiviCRM CSS but CiviCRM does use its own templating engine (currently smarty but likely switching to twig).

    主题化(某种)。 您可以使用Drupal主题来覆盖CiviCRM CSS,但CiviCRM确实使用其自己的模板引擎(目前很聪明,但可能会切换到树枝)。
  • Another option is to set aside the Drupal/CiviCRM modules and utilise CiviCRM in a ‘headless’ approach, utilizing it’s API and REST interfaces.

    另一个选择是搁置Drupal / CiviCRM模块,并通过API和REST接口以“无头”的方式使用CiviCRM。

CiviCRM offers a plethora of its own inbuilt customization options that I won’t go into, which, being PHP, will be reasonably familiar to many of you. You can also utilize direct CiviCRM to Drupal customization through creating your own Drupal module. In the module you can access CiviCRM hooks and API functions which offers an endless level of options to suit a plethora of client needs.

CiviCRM提供了许多我自己不会使用的内置自定义选项,对于许多人来说,作为PHP,这是相当熟悉的。 您还可以通过创建自己的Drupal模块,将直接的CiviCRM用于Drupal定制。 在该模块中,您可以访问CiviCRM挂钩和API函数,这些函数提供了无穷无尽的选择级别,可以满足大量客户需求。

销售队伍 (Salesforce)

Salesforce is the main player for commercial sales focused companies and is reasonably entrenched in many business workflows. It is a large application with its own long established ecosystem and extension marketplace. It is expensive, proprietary and written in its own programming language, ‘Apex’. Development moves fast and it is a reasonably stable system.

Salesforce是专注于商业销售的公司的主要参与者,并且在许多业务工作流中都根深蒂固。 它是一个大型应用程序,拥有自己长期建立的生态系统和扩展市场。 它昂贵,专有并且以其自己的编程语言“ Apex”编写。 发展Swift,这是一个相当稳定的系统。

Salesforce is a cloud based CRM, so integration happens via a REST interface. Fortunately as Salesforce is so popular in the types of environments that Drupal is also popular, there are a few prebuilt options. Bear in mind that your license may limit the options available to you:

Salesforce是基于云的CRM,因此可以通过REST接口进行集成。 幸运的是,由于Salesforce在各种类型的环境中非常受欢迎,因此Drupal也很受欢迎,因此有一些预建选项。 请记住,您的许可可能会限制您可以使用的选项:

  • The SalesForce Suite is a module with a long history and it starts you on your integration journey. It will handle authentication, mapping Drupal entities to SalesForce fields, pushing and pulling data between Drupal and SalesForce and a legacy module to connect with SalesForce’s older SOAP API.

    SalesForce Suite是一个具有悠久历史的模块,它使您开始了集成之旅。 它将处理身份验证,将Drupal实体映射到SalesForce字段,在Drupal和SalesForce以及一个与SalesForce较旧的SOAP API连接的旧模块之间推送和提取数据。

  • There is some basic Webform integration via a module with seemingly stalled development.

    通过看似停滞不前的模块 ,通过模块进行了一些基本的Webform集成。

  • Springboard is a commercial Drupal distribution from Jackson River that bundles Drupal and SalesForce together into an offering specifically for not-for-profits. It’s a little unclear what it offers above just doing integration yourself, but it includes support. There are also a couple of other agencies that offer Drupal / SalesForce integration services.

    Springboard是杰克逊河(Jackson River)的商业Drupal发行版,将Drupal和SalesForce捆绑在一起,专门为非盈利组织提供产品。 只是自己进行集成,还不清楚它提供了什么,但是它包括支持。 还有一些其他机构提供Drupal / SalesForce集成服务。

Theoretically, once you have SalesForce entries represented as Drupal entities you can utilize the plethora of customization options that Drupal offers such as views, rules and module hooks. If you want to enhance SalesForce functionality then it could potentially be accomplished through Drupal and pushed to SalesForce, but chances are you will need to learn SalesForce itself at some point.

从理论上讲,一旦将SalesForce条目表示为Drupal实体,就可以利用Drupal提供的大量自定义选项,例如视图,规则和模块挂钩。 如果您想增强SalesForce功能,则可以通过Drupal完成并推送到SalesForce,但有可能您需要在某个时候学习SalesForce本身。

糖CRM (Sugar CRM)

Sugar is another long established player and comes in community (open source PHP) and commercial editions. It is aimed at commercial sales focused organisations and much like SalesForce, development moves quickly and Sugar CRM also has its own marketplace for extensions.

Sugar是另一个历史悠久的参与者,并提供社区(开源PHP)和商业版本。 它面向面向商业销售的组织,与SalesForce一样,发展Swift,Sugar CRM也拥有自己的扩展市场。

OSSCube created a Drupal module and accompanying SugarCRM project to allow for some direct integration. I haven’t personally used them and find the documentation somewhat hard to understand. However, it claims to offer:

OSSCube创建了Drupal模块和随附的SugarCRM项目,以实现一些直接集成。 我没有亲自使用过它们,发现文档有些难以理解。 但是,它声称提供:

  • Field mapping between Drupal and Sugar entities

  • Data syncing between the two systems

  • Webform integration to create Sugar entities


Again, you also have the option of utilizing Sugar’s SOAP and REST APIs to create Drupal entities and continue from there. Sugar also offers LDAP, so there is the potential to create a single sign on between the two systems.

同样,您还可以选择利用Sugar的SOAP和REST API创建Drupal实体并从那里继续。 Sugar还提供LDAP,因此有可能在两个系统之间创建一个单一的登录。

其他选择 (Other Options)

I have grouped together several other options here. All the CRMs vary wildly, but their integration options are mostly the same so I didn’t want to just repeat those options over and over again. I have attempted to undertake Drupal integration work with some of them in the past and often struggled to accomplish anything. A lot of this is due to the proprietary nature of these systems, finding information on their API and developer options is a challenging endeavor unless you pay some money.

我在这里将其他几个选项组合在一起。 所有的CRM千差万别,但是它们的集成选项基本相同,因此我不想一遍又一遍地重复这些选项。 过去,我曾尝试与其中的一些人进行Drupal集成工作,并且常常很难完成任何事情。 这些很大一部分是由于这些系统的专有性,除非您花钱,否则要在其API和开发人员选项上找到信息是一项艰巨的任务。

Microsoft Dynamics和BlackBaud (Microsoft Dynamics and BlackBaud)

It is worth including Dynamics and Blackbaud as they are big players in the CRM space. Both offer their own options for a CMS (and other systems), so are often reluctant to offer integration options outside of their ecosystem.

值得将Dynamics和Blackbaud包括在内,因为它们是CRM领域的重要参与者。 两者都为CMS(和其他系统)提供了自己的选项,因此通常不愿意在其生态系统之外提供集成选项。

国家建设者和莎莎 (Nation Builder and Salsa)

These are both CRMs of a sort that are aimed more at the newer wave of engagement focused organisations. They are not just about tracking contributions and interactions, but also encouraging interactions.

这两种CRM都更针对于以敬业度较高的组织为代表的新一轮浪潮。 他们不仅要跟踪贡献和互动,而且要鼓励互动。

Salsa has some integration modules for Drupal 6, so if you’re feeling generous you may want to update them. Otherwise it’s a process of communicating via the Salsa API and fortunately there is a Drupal module under development to get you started.

莎莎(Salsa)有一些Drupal 6集成模块,因此,如果您感到慷慨,可以更新它们。 否则,这是一个通过Salsa API进行通信的过程,幸运的是,正在开发一个Drupal模块以帮助您入门。

NationBuilder have gone out of their way to not create any direct CMS integrations, citing that their inbuilt CMS is a far better option instead. However, they do have an API that can be used with the options noted below.

NationBuilder竭尽全力不创建任何直接CMS集成,理由是内置CMS是更好的选择。 但是,它们确实具有可以与以下说明的选项一起使用的API 。

如何与Drupal集成? (How to integrate with Drupal?)

Here are some potential options, but your mileage may vary:


  • Utilize the CRM’s API (if it exists in your version / license) to pull entities into Drupal and then proceed in a similar vein to the SalesForce options via Services or a custom module.


  • Using the Migrate module and optionally the MSSQL Server PHP extension for any .NET based systems to directly query the CRM database and import into Drupal entities. Again, your license and setup may or may not allow this.

    对于任何基于.NET的系统,都可以使用Migrate模块和MSSQL Server PHP扩展,以直接查询CRM数据库并导入Drupal实体。 同样,您的许可和设置可能允许也可能不允许。

  • There is a Sandbox module for Dynamics integration, last time I tried, it didn’t work anymore, but you may feel like updating it.

    有一个用于Dynamics集成的Sandbox模块 ,上一次我尝试过,它不再起作用了,但是您可能想要更新它。

结论 (Conclusion)

This is by no means a comprehensive list of CRMs or the possible options to integrate them with Drupal. I have mainly focused on the ones I have experience with and can’t possibly keep up with all the new options that are constantly emerging. I also have far more experience working with not-for-profits, so my solutions are somewhat skewed to that sector. What are some of the systems you have tried to connect with Drupal? Did you succeed? Have you had to overcome any hurdles? Let us know!

这绝不是CRM的全面列表,也不是将它们与Drupal集成的可能选项。 我主要关注那些我有经验并且无法跟上不断出现的所有新选项的方法。 我还拥有与非营利组织合作的丰富经验,因此我的解决方案有些偏向该领域。 您尝试与Drupal连接的系统有哪些? 你成功了吗? 您是否必须克服任何障碍? 让我们知道!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-crm-options-compatible-drupal/

drupal 7宝典

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