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Steps to reproduce:
- Use a Linux OS (e.g. Ubuntu) with Apache's htdocs folder hosted on an NTFS drive
- Unzip phpMyAdmin in that folder, and create a configuration file (config.inc.php)
- Invoke phpMyAdmin in the browser. You get the error "Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!"

I looked at the code and identified the problem as this:

The function checkPermissions() in Config.class.php verifies that the file config.inc.php is not world writable, unless the OS is Windows. This causes an issue if phpMyAdmin is hosted in Linux, but on an NTFS drive: all files hosted on an NTFS drive have permissions 777 and cannot be changed to anything else, yet the OS is not Windows. In consequence, phpMyAdmin refuses to work.

There is no way to relax that condition through a configuration parameter, I had to comment out that check in the code to have PMA work again.

  • Original URL: https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/3558/

  • Original author: sylvainjambon


  • Status: closed-out-of-date --> out-of-date

  • Original author: nijel


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