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[英]Returns a new unauthenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server with the default session timeout.


代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new unauthenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server
* with the default session timeout.
protected final ZooKeeperClient createZkClient() {
return zkTestServer.createClient();

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new authenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server with
* the default session timeout and the custom chroot path.
protected final ZooKeeperClient createZkClient(String chrootPath) {
return zkTestServer.createClient(chrootPath);

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new authenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server with
* the default session timeout.
protected final ZooKeeperClient createZkClient(Credentials credentials) {
return zkTestServer.createClient(credentials);

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new unauthenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server
* with a custom {@code sessionTimeout}.
protected final ZooKeeperClient createZkClient(Amount sessionTimeout) {
return zkTestServer.createClient(sessionTimeout);

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new unauthenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server
* with the default session timeout.
public final ZooKeeperClient createClient() {
return createClient(defaultSessionTimeout);

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new authenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server with
* a custom {@code sessionTimeout}.
protected final ZooKeeperClient createZkClient(Amount sessionTimeout,
Credentials credentials) {
return zkTestServer.createClient(sessionTimeout, credentials);

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new authenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server with
* a custom {@code sessionTimeout}.
public final ZooKeeperClient createClient(Amount sessionTimeout,
Credentials credentials) {
return createClient(sessionTimeout, credentials, Optional.absent());

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new unauthenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server
* with the default session timeout and a custom {@code chrootPath}.
public final ZooKeeperClient createClient(String chrootPath) {
return createClient(defaultSessionTimeout, Credentials.NONE, Optional.of(chrootPath));

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new authenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server with
* the default session timeout.
public final ZooKeeperClient createClient(Credentials credentials) {
return createClient(defaultSessionTimeout, credentials, Optional.absent());

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common/zookeeper-testing

* Returns a new unauthenticated zookeeper client connected to the in-process zookeeper server
* with a custom {@code sessionTimeout}.
public final ZooKeeperClient createClient(Amount sessionTimeout) {
return createClient(sessionTimeout, Credentials.NONE, Optional.absent());

代码示例来源:origin: com.twitter.common.zookeeper.guice/client

public ZooKeeperClient get() {
ZooKeeperTestServer zooKeeperServer;
try {
zooKeeperServer = new ZooKeeperTestServer(0, shutdownRegistry);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
LOG.info("Embedded zookeeper cluster started on port " + zooKeeperServer.getPort());
return zooKeeperServer.createClient(config.sessionTimeout, config.credentials);

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