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My thirty-eighth Podcast is up.  This one is a little off the beaten path, but it's a topic that is near and dear to me as I'm a Type 1 Diabetic on both an Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Meter - 24 hours a day. I figure since you're all technologists you'd be interested in some of the discussion around how this problem can be solved, mostly using technology. I hope you enjoy it.

我的第三十八播客开播了。 这是一条遥遥无期的路,但是对于我来说这是一个非常亲近的话题,因为我是胰岛素泵和连续血糖仪上的1型糖尿病患者-一天24小时。 我认为,由于您都是技术人员,因此您对如何解决该问题(主要是使用技术)的一些讨论感兴趣。 我希望你喜欢它。

We're listed in the iTunes Podcast Directory, so I encourage you to subscribe with a single click (two in Firefox) with the button below. For those of you on slower connections there are lo-fi and torrent-based versions as well.

我们已在iTunes Podcast Directory中列出,因此建议您单击以下按钮来单击(在Firefox中为两次)进行订阅。 对于那些连接速度较慢的用户,也提供基于lo-fi和torrent的版本。



Links from the show are also always on the show site, although this show had no links to speak of. Do also remember the archives are always up and they have PDF Transcripts, a little known feature that show up a few weeks after each show.

展览的链接也总是在展览站点上,尽管该展览没有链接可言。 还要记住,档案始终都在存档,并且有PDF文字记录,这是一个鲜为人知的功能,在每次演出后的几周内就会显示出来。

Our sponsors are Apose, /nsoftware, CodeSmith Tools and the .NET Dev Journal.

我们的赞助商包括Apose , / nsoftware , CodeSmith Tools和.NET Dev Journal 。

There's a $100 off CodeSmith coupon for Hanselminutes listeners - it's coupon code HM100. Spread the word, now's the time to buy. This coupon is good for the CodeSmith Professional With 1 Year Premier Support option.

对于Hanselminutes听众有$ 100的CodeSmith优惠券-优惠券代码HM100 。 传播这个词,现在是时候购买了。 此优惠券适用于具有1年高级支持选项的CodeSmith Professional。

As I've said before this show comes to you with the audio expertise and stewardship of Carl Franklin. The name comes from Travis Illig, but the goal of the show is simple. Avoid wasting the listener's time. (and make the commute less boring)

就像我在节目之前所说的那样,卡尔富兰克林( Carl Franklin)具有音频专业知识和指导。 名称来自Travis Illig ,但演出的目标很简单。 避免浪费听众的时间。 (并使通勤变得更无聊)

  • The basic MP3 feed is here, and the iPod friendly one is here. There's a number of other ways you can get it (streaming, straight download, etc) that are all up on the site just below the fold. I use iTunes, myself, to listen to most podcasts, but I also use FeedDemon and it's built in support.

    基本的MP3提要在这里,而iPod友好的提要在这里。 您还可以通过多种其他方式(流媒体,直接下载等)将其下载到网站上。 我本人使用iTunes来收听大多数播客,但是我也使用FeedDemon ,它是内置的支持。

    • Some other clients are Doppler (also suppose Windows CE), FireAnt, Nimiq, and PrimeTime Podcast.

      其他一些客户端是Doppler (也假定为Windows CE), FireAnt , Nimiq和PrimeTime Podcast 。

    The basic MP3 feed is here, and the iPod friendly one is here. There's a number of other ways you can get it (streaming, straight download, etc) that are all up on the site just below the fold. I use iTunes, myself, to listen to most podcasts, but I also use FeedDemon and it's built in support.

    基本的MP3提要在这里,而iPod友好的提要在这里。 您还可以通过多种其他方式(流媒体,直接下载等)将其下载到网站上。 我本人使用iTunes来收听大多数播客,但是我也使用FeedDemon ,它是内置的支持。

  • Note that for now, because of bandwidth constraints, the feeds always have just the current show. If you want to get an old show (and because many Podcasting Clients aren't smart enough to not download the file more than once) you can always find them at http://www.hanselminutes.com.

    请注意,由于带宽限制,目前馈送始终仅具有当前节目。 如果您想观看旧节目(并且由于许多Podcasting Clients不够聪明,无法多次下载文件),您可以随时在http://www.hanselminutes.com上找到它们。

  • I have, and will, also include the enclosures to this feed you're reading, so if you're already subscribed to ComputerZen and you're not interested in cluttering your life with another feed, you have the choice to get the 'cast as well.

  • If there's a topic you'd like to hear, perhaps one that is better spoken than presented on a blog, or a great tool you can't live without, contact me and I'll get it in the queue!


Enjoy. Who knows what'll happen in the next show?

请享用。 谁知道下一场演出会发生什么?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/hanselminutes-podcast-38-diabetes-technology


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