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The Samsung Galaxy S8, S9, and Note 8 phones all have a button to invoke Samsung’s digital assistant, Bixby. If you don’t use Bixby, you can re-program that button to do something more useful.

三星Galaxy S8,S9和Note 8手机都有一个按钮可以调用三星的数字助手Bixby。 如果您不使用Bixby,则可以对该按钮重新编程以执行更多有用的操作。

This trick works on all Galaxy phones that have a Bixby button, including the Galaxy S8, S8+, S9, S9+, and Note 8. We’ll be using an app called bxActions to make it happen, so go ahead and grab it from the Play Store and let’s do this thing.

此技巧适用于所有具有Bixby按钮的Galaxy手机,包括Galaxy S8,S8 +,S9,S9 +和Note8。我们将使用名为bxActions的应用来实现该功能,因此请继续从玩商店 ,让我们做这个事情。

什么是bxActions及其运作方式? (What is bxActions and How Does It Work?)

First things first—you’ll need to make sure the Bixby app has been set up before you get started. So if you haven’t used it at all, it’s time to at least run through the setup process quickly. Also, you have to leave Bixby enabled for this to work. So even though it sucks, don’t turn it off.

首先,您需要先确定Bixby应用程序已设置,然后才能开始。 因此,如果您根本没有使用过它,那么是时候至少可以快速完成设置过程了。 另外,您必须将Bixby保持启用状态才能工作。 因此, 即使它很烂 ,也不要将其关闭。

The reason you have to leave it on is because bxActions monitors for Bixby to launch, then quickly hijacks the action and launches your specific command instead. So, it’s not really remapping the button—just killing Bixby and launching another action very quickly.

之所以要保留它,是因为bxActions监视Bixby的启动,然后Swift劫持该动作并启动您的特定命令。 因此,它并不是真正地重新映射按钮-只是杀死Bixby并很快启动另一个动作。

It’s also worth noting right out of the gate that the core functionality in the app is free, but some of the more advanced features are reserved for the Pro version. That’ll set you back $2.99 if you’re into it—something we believe is well worth the funds if you find the app to be useful.

值得一提的是,该应用程序的核心功能是免费的,但某些更高级的功能保留给Pro版本使用。 如果您喜欢它,那将使您损失2.99美元-如果您认为该应用有用,那么我们认为这笔钱物有所值。

设置和使用bxAction (Setting Up and Using bxActions)

Before you can get into the meat and potatoes of the app, you’ll need to first grant it a couple of permissions. After installing it, fire it up and hit the “Next” button on the first screen. From there, it’ll walk you through what to do.

在深入了解该应用程序的内容之前,您需要首先为其授予几个权限。 安装后,将其启动,然后在第一个屏幕上单击“下一步”按钮。 从那里开始,它将引导您完成操作。

First, it needs Usage Access. Tap the “Get Foreground App” button. That takes you directly to the Usage Data Access screen, where you should tap the “bxActions” setting. You then need to enable the “Allow Usage Tracking” toggle. This is what allows bxActions to whatch for Bixby to launch so it can hijack it and run your desired command instead.

首先,它需要使用权限。 点击“获取前景应用程序”按钮。 这将直接将您带到“使用情况数据访问”屏幕,您应在该屏幕上点击“ bxActions”设置。 然后,您需要启用“允许使用情况跟踪”切换。 这就是允许bxActions启动Bixby的原因,因此它可以劫持Bixby并运行所需的命令。

Second, it needs permission to capture the Bixby button press. Tap the “Get Button Events” option, which then directs you to the Accessibility menu. Scroll down to the bottom and look for the bxActions entries in the Service section.

其次,需要获得捕获Bixby按钮按下的权限。 点击“获取按钮事件”选项,然后将您定向到辅助功能菜单。 向下滚动到底部,然后在“服务”部分中查找bxActions条目。

You’ll notice there are two options here: “bxAction – Bixby Button” and “bxActions – Volume Buttons.” The app isn’t limited to just programming the Bixby button—it also lets you to do more with the Volume keys. If you think that’s something you’ll want to check out, go ahead and enable both options. Otherwise, just enable the Bixby Button permission.

您会注意到这里有两个选项:“ bxAction – Bixby Button”和“ bxActions – Volume Buttons”。 该应用程序不仅限于对Bixby按钮进行编程,还可以让您使用音量键做更多的事情。 如果您认为这是您需要检查的内容,请继续启用这两个选项。 否则,只需启用Bixby Button权限。

With both of the required permissions enabled, tap the “Done” button.


Now you’re in and it’s time to start putting that Bixby button to work. This app can do a lot, so the first thing you’ll want to do is set the action for your button (or buttons if you’re also programming the volume keys). Tap the “Actions” entry to give it a go.

现在您已经准备就绪,该开始使用该Bixby按钮了。 这个应用程序可以做很多事情,因此,您要做的第一件事就是为按钮(或者如果您还要对音量键进行编程的话)设置按钮的动作。 点按“动作”条目即可进行操作。

The next menu is a simple one: choose the button for which you want to set the action. We’re going to focus primarily on the Bixby button here, but you should easily be able to follow along with volume buttons, too.

下一个菜单很简单:选择要为其设置操作的按钮。 这里我们将主要关注Bixby按钮,但是您也应该可以轻松地跟随音量按钮。

The default action for the Bixby button is to launch Google Assistant. But you’re not limited to just that. You can do a number of things here, like have the button launch the Task Manager or other system menus, dismiss all notifications, perform various media-related tasks, open the last app, turn on the flashlight, take a screenshot (Pro), launch a tasker task (Pro), and a lot more.

Bixby按钮的默认操作是启动Google Assistant。 但是,您不仅限于此。 您可以在此处执行许多操作,例如使按钮启动任务管理器或其他系统菜单,关闭所有通知,执行与媒体相关的各种任务,打开最后一个应用,打开手电筒,截屏(Pro),启动Tasker任务(Pro),以及更多其他功能

After selecting the action you want, tap the back button a couple of times to get back to the main bxActions menu, and then tap the “App” option at the top. This enables the button hijacking.

选择所需的动作后,点击返回按钮几次,以返回到bxActions主菜单,然后点击顶部的“应用”选项。 这将启用按钮劫持。

Go ahead and give the button a press to try it out. Cool, right?

继续并按下按钮以进行尝试。 酷吧?

高级设置和功能 (Advanced Settings and Functionality)

If you’re really into tinkering, you can squeeze some advanced functionality out of bxActions—but you’ll need to get your hands a little dirty. Also, all of the advanced features are part of the Pro version, so if you don’t plan on buying into the app, don’t worry about doing any of this. It does add a lot of functionality, however.

如果您真的很想修改,可以从bxActions中挤出一些高级功能,但是您需要动手一点。 此外,所有高级功能都是Pro版本的一部分,因此,如果您不打算购买该应用程序,则不必担心执行任何此操作。 但是,它确实增加了许多功能。

This actually requires a couple of ADB commands, but the developer of bxActions has taken all the guesswork out of it. He wrote a simple executable file that’s bundled with the app, allowing you to run the required commands with a simple double click if you connect it to a Windows PC. That’s good looking out.

这实际上需要几个ADB命令,但是bxActions的开发人员已经消除了所有的猜测。 他编写了一个与应用程序捆绑在一起的简单可执行文件,如果您将其连接到Windows PC,只需双击即可运行所需的命令。 很好看。

Note: If you’re a Linux or Mac user, instructions are included in the app on how to execute the required ADB commands manually.

注意 :如果您是Linux或Mac用户,则该应用程序中包含有关如何手动执行所需ADB命令的说明。

Go ahead an connect your phone to your PC, and then open the device in File Explorer.


In the device folder, open the “bxActions” folder.

在设备文件夹中,打开“ bxActions”文件夹。

There’s a single, Windows executable file inside named “Activate Control Mode.exe.” Give that bad boy a double click and watch the magic happen. (It’s not really magic, just a couple of commands).

Windows中有一个名为“ Activate Control Mode.exe”的Windows可执行文件。 双击那个坏男孩,看看魔术发生了。 (这并不是真正的魔术,只是几个命令)。

When it’s finished, the command window lets you know it’s done and that you may need to restart your phone. Go ahead and do that just to avoid any issues.

完成后,命令窗口将告知您操作已完成,并且您可能需要重新启动手机。 继续这样做只是为了避免出现任何问题。

With your phone back up and running, jump back into bxActions > Buttons. You should see a couple of new entries in this menu now: “Permissions Granted” (this confirms the commands were run correctly) and “Please Disable the Bixby Button.” Yep—now you have to kill the button. What a wild ride.

备份并运行手机后,跳回到bxActions> Buttons。 您现在应该在此菜单中看到几个新条目:“已授予权限”(确认命令已正确运行)和“请禁用Bixby按钮”。 是的,现在您必须取消按钮。 多么疯狂的旅程。

To do that, fire up Bixby Home, tap the little cog icon, and toggle the button to the off position. We also have deeper instructions if you’re having issues.

为此,启动Bixby Home,点击小齿轮图标,然后将按钮切换到关闭位置。 如果您遇到问题,我们还将提供更深入的说明 。

With the button disabled, head back into bxActions > Buttons. Everything should be blue now! You may need to re-enable the Bixby Button action now.

在禁用按钮的情况下,返回bxActions> Buttons。 现在一切都应该是蓝色的! 您现在可能需要重新启用Bixby Button操作。

Back on the Actions page, you should have some new options for Peek Actions, Long Press Time, and Double Press Time. These are all in relations to the advanced features you enabled earlier.

返回“动作”页面,您应该具有“监视动作”,“长按时间”和“双按时间”的一些新选项。 这些都与您先前启用的高级功能有关。

Not only that, but there should also be new actions available for the Bixby Button Action for Double Press, Long Press, Double Press and Hold, and more.


You can now assign multiple actions to the Bixby Button, so pick your poison. That’s a lot of functionality from what was once a mostly useless button.

现在,您可以将多个动作分配给Bixby按钮,因此请选择您的毒药。 曾经是一个几乎无用的按钮的功能很多。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/317295/how-to-remap-the-galaxy-s8s-bixby-button-without-rooting/


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