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I have an app that I have "inherited" to maintain.


Since the iOS 11 update, on two separate iPads (iPad Air and iPad 5th gen), I have a problem. Both devices are running iOS 11.0.2.

自从iOS 11升级以来,我在两个独立的iPad (iPad Air和iPad 5世代)上遇到了一个问题。这两款设备都运行iOS 11.0.2。

When the app is installed and launched for the first time, the app icon shows up in the "Recent apps" section of the dock, but the icon is grayed out and cannot be tapped (it can be dragged, but long-pressing does nothing). For any subsequent app launches the dock icon remains unchanged, unless any process occurs that causes the app icon to go away from the "Recent apps" section (opening a few other apps or dragging the icon to the left side of the dock) then the icon is no longer grayed out and it becomes tappable. It looks the same as if the icon has been tapped, but it is permanently in that pressed state (it does not trigger a long press event).

当第一次安装并启动app时,app图标会出现在dock的“Recent apps”部分,但是图标是灰色的,不能点击(可以拖拽,长按什么都不做)。对于任何后续应用程序启动dock图标不变,除非发生任何过程引起的应用程序图标消失从最近的“应用程序”部分(打开其他一些应用程序或拖动图标左边的码头)然后图标不再是灰色的,它变成tappable。它看起来就像图标被点击过一样,但它永远处于按下状态(它不会触发长时间的按下事件)。

The problem occurs when the app is installed from the App Store, XCode (Debug session) or Crashlytics. It re-occurs after uninstalling the app and re-installing, even if the dock icon was "fixed" during the previous installation.

当应用程序从应用程序商店、XCode (Debug session)或Crashlytics安装时,就会出现问题。它在卸载app并重新安装后重新发生,即使在之前的安装过程中dock图标是“修复”的。

The home screen app icon is fine (not gray and can be tapped).


My app icon grey

What could be the cause of the problem? Or is it an iOS 11 bug?


Edit 1: This problem does not occur in the iOS11.0 simulator.


Edit 2: Updating the iPad (5th gen) to iOS 11.0.3 did not fix the issue.

编辑2:将iPad(第5代)升级到iOS 11.0.3并没有解决问题。

Edit 3: Rebooting the device (either between uninstall and reinstall, or while the icon is gray) fixes the icon. This leads me to believe that there are possibly some files left over or something is still happening after deleting/uninstalling the app and this cache or whatever is only cleared on reboot. Waiting 10 minutes after deleting the app has no effect.


Edit 4: As pointed out by Marko in the comments, "The greyed out icon does work to switch back to the app when dragging it to the screen, but not when tapping on it."


This seems to be related to xCode, and possibly having an orphaned app icon. I discovered that if I install-uninstall-reinstall the App Store version of the app it does not have this issue. This issue only occurs when installing (debugging) from xCode or Crashlytics/Testflight. If the xCode version was installed-uninstalled then the App Store version is also affected.

这似乎与xCode有关,可能还有一个孤立的应用程序图标。我发现,如果我安装-卸载-重新安装应用商店版本的应用,它没有这个问题。这个问题只发生在从xCode或Crashlytics/Testflight安装(调试)时。如果xCode版本被安装-卸载,那么App Store版本也会受到影响。

Edit 5: I noticed that if the icon is not gray and I delete the (debug version of the) app, just before the icon disappears from the recent apps dock it turns gray and then is removed.


Update: I have replicated the bug with the App Store version of my app, but I have also been able to replicate the error with the Google Play Music app. As such I think that this is not a problem only with my app (and a few other devs), but it appears to be an iOS 11 bug. I am going to answer my own question that this is an iOS 11 bug.

更新:我有复制App Store版本的错误我的应用程序,但是我也能够与谷歌播放音乐应用程序复制错误。因此我认为这并不是一个问题,只有我的应用程序(和其他一些开发者),但它似乎是一个iOS 11 bug。我将回答我自己的问题,这是一个ios11的错误。

Google Play Music icon also grey

2 个解决方案



After some more testing, I have come to the conclusion that this is an iOS11 bug. I was able to replicate the bug with my own app and another app that is live on the App Store (Google Play Music).

经过更多的测试,我得出结论,这是一个iOS11 bug。我可以用我自己的应用程序和应用程序商店(谷歌播放音乐)来复制这个bug。

App icons grey in dock

This appears to happen when uninstalling an app that is present in the "Recent Apps" section of the dock. Upon reinstallation and opening the app, the icon is grey.




I found the same issues in my old projects and debug it using several approaches. I've found that for me Fabric/Crashlytics framework - that is what affects icon in dock.


In short: just comment: [Fabric with:@[[Crashlytics class]]]; line in your AppDelegate and icon in dock will be tappable again. I suppose for AppStore builds that won't be an issue. Also I think Fabric team will fix this issue for future releases.


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