求给定的某一个字符串中的最长不重复子串的长度。 例如字符串s为:“abcdefgegcsgcasse”,其最长的不重复子串为“abcdefg”,长度为7
设置一个辅助数据结构(如map)记录每个字符最后一次出现的位置;遍历字符串中的每个字符,如果在map中没有出现,则不重复子串的长度+1,并更新最大字符串的长度值; 如果在map中已经出现过,则更新当前字符在map中的位置和当前不重复子串的长度,并根据更新的长度来更新最大字符串的长度;这样就可以求出该字符串中的最大不重复子串的最大长度;
We want to finish this task in one scan. We can maintain a hashtable to detect if we have seen any character. We start from the beginning and walk through the array until we hit a repetition, let’s say, at position i. We then have two piece of valuable information right now:
1. s[0..i-1] is a candidate of the longest substring without repetition. Therefore we can update the max length.
2. There exists a position 0<&#61;j, such that s[j] &#61;&#61; s[i]. Substring starting from j is not a candidate because it has at least one repetition: s[j] and s[i]. Any substring ended at j will be shorter than the substring s[0..i-1] so we don’t need to look at them.
Then we can remove every elements in the hashtable from 0 to j, and make the start position of next candidate to j &#43; 1. We keep walking and repeating this process until we hit the last element.
class Solution {
public:int lengthOfLongestSubstring(string s) {unsigned int maxLen &#61; 0;set hashtable;int candidateStartIndex &#61; 0;for(unsigned int iter &#61; 0; iter };
大方向有两个&#xff1a;一个是后缀数组/后缀树&#xff0c; 另外一个就是KMP算法&#xff1b;