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I heard about a "yield" keyword in Javascript, but I found very poor documentation about it. Can someone explain me (or recommend a site that explains) its usage and what it is used for?


8 个解决方案



The MDN documentation is pretty good, IMO.


The function containing the yield keyword is a generator. When you call it, its formal parameters are bound to actual arguments, but its body isn't actually evaluated. Instead, a generator-iterator is returned. Each call to the generator-iterator's next() method performs another pass through the iterative algorithm. Each step's value is the value specified by the yield keyword. Think of yield as the generator-iterator version of return, indicating the boundary between each iteration of the algorithm. Each time you call next(), the generator code resumes from the statement following the yield.




Late answering, probably everybody knows about yield now, but some better documentation has come along.


Adapting an example from "Javascript's Future: Generators" by James Long for the official Harmony standard:

改编自James Long的《Javascript的未来:生成器》(Javascript’s Future: generator),适用于官方的和谐标准:

function * foo(x) {
    while (true) {
        x = x * 2;
        yield x;

"When you call foo, you get back a Generator object which has a next method."


var g = foo(2);
g.next(); // -> 4
g.next(); // -> 8
g.next(); // -> 16

So yield is kind of like return: you get something back. return x returns the value of x, but yield x returns a function, which gives you a method to iterate toward the next value. Useful if you have a potentially memory intensive procedure that you might want to interrupt during the iteration.

收益率有点像回报,你得到了一些东西。return x返回x的值,但是yield x返回一个函数,它为您提供了一个迭代到下一个值的方法。如果您有一个潜在的内存密集型过程,您可能希望在迭代期间中断该过程,那么这将非常有用。



Simplifying/elaborating on Nick Sotiros' answer (which I think is awesome), I think it's best to describe how one would start coding with with yield.

简化/详细阐述Nick Sotiros的答案(我认为这个答案非常棒),我认为最好描述一下如何开始使用yield进行编码。

In my opinion, the biggest advantage of using yield is that it will eliminate all the nested callback problems we see in code. It's hard to see how at first, which is why I decided to write this answer (for myself, and hopefully others!)


The way it does it is by introducing the idea of a co-routine, which is a function that can voluntarily stop/pause until it gets what it needs. In Javascript, this is denoted by function*. Only function* functions can use yield.


Here's some typical Javascript:


loadFromDB('query', function (err, result) {
  // Do something with the result or handle the error

This is clunky because now all of your code (which obviously needs to wait for this loadFromDB call) needs to be inside this ugly looking callback. This is bad for a few reasons...


  • All of your code is indented one level in
  • 所有代码都缩进了一个级别
  • You have this end }) which you need to keep track of everywhere
  • 你有这样的目的,你需要追踪到任何地方。
  • All this extra function (err, result) jargon
  • 所有这些额外的函数(呃,结果)术语
  • Not exactly clear that you're doing this to assign a value to result
  • 不清楚您这样做是为了给结果赋值

On the other hand, with yield, all of this can be done in one line with the help of the nice co-routine framework.


function* main() {
  var result = yield loadFromDB('query')

And so now your main function will yield where necessary when it needs to wait for variables and things to load. But now, in order to run this, you need to call a normal (non-coroutine function). A simple co-routine framework can fix this problem so that all you have to do is run this:



And start is defined (from Nick Sotiro' answer)

start是定义的(从Nick Sotiro的答案)

function start(routine, data) {
    result = routine.next(data);
    if(!result.done) {
        result.value(function(err, data) {
            if(err) routine.throw(err); // continue next iteration of routine with an exception
            else start(routine, data);  // continue next iteration of routine normally

And now, you can have beautiful code that is much more readable, easy to delete, and no need to fiddle with indents, functions, etc.


An interesting observation is that in this example, yield is actually just a keyword you can put before a function with a callback.


function* main() {
  console.log(yield function(cb) { cb(null, "Hello World") })

Would print "Hello World". So you can actually turn any callback function into using yield by simply creating the same function signature (without the cb) and returning function (cb) {}, like so:

将打印“Hello World”。因此,通过创建相同的函数签名(不包含cb)并返回函数(cb){},可以将任何回调函数转换为yield,如下所示:

function yieldAsyncFunc(arg1, arg2) {
  return function (cb) {
    realAsyncFunc(arg1, arg2, cb)

Hopefully with this knowledge you can write cleaner, more readable code that is easy to delete!




It's Really Simple, This is how it works


  • yield keyword simply helps to pause and resume a function in any time asynchronously.
  • yield关键字可以帮助在任何时候异步地暂停和恢复函数。
  • Additionally it helps to return value from a generator function.
  • 此外,它还有助于从生成器函数返回值。

Take this simple generator function:


function* process() {
    console.log('Start process 1');
    console.log('Pause process2 until call next()');


    console.log('Resumed process2');
    console.log('Pause process3 until call next()');


    console.log('Resumed process3');
    console.log('End of the process function');

let _process = process();

让_process =过程();

Until you call the _process.next() it wont execute the first 2 lines of code, then the first yield will pause the function. To resume the function until next pause point (yield keyword) you need to call _process.next().


You can think multiple yields are the breakpoints in a Javascript debugger within a single function. Until you tell to navigate next breakpoint it wont execute the code block. (Note: without blocking the whole application)


But while yield performs this pause and resume behaviours it can return some results as well {value: any, done: boolean} according to the previous function we haven't emit any values. If we explore the previous output it will show the same { value: undefined, done: false } with value undefined.

但是,尽管yield执行了暂停和恢复行为,它也会返回一些结果,如{value: any, done: boolean}根据前面的函数,我们不会发出任何值。如果我们研究前面的输出,它将显示相同的{value: undefined, done: false},值为undefined。

Lets dig in to the yield keyword. Optionally you can add expression and set assign a default optional value. (Official doc syntax)


[rv] = yield [expression];

expression: Value to return from the generator function


yield any;
yield {age: 12};

rv: Returns the optional value that passed to the generator's next() method


let val = yield 99; 

now the val will be 10 

Try It Now




  • Lazy evaluation
  • 懒惰的评价
  • Infinite sequences
  • 无限的序列
  • Asynchronous control flows
  • 异步控制流



  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Javascript/Reference/Operators/yield
  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Javascript/Reference/Operators/yield
  • http://Javascript.tutorialhorizon.com/2015/09/16/generators-and-yield-in-es6/
  • http://Javascript.tutorialhorizon.com/2015/09/16/generators-and-yield-in-es6/
  • https://strongloop.com/strongblog/how-to-generators-node-js-yield-use-cases/
  • https://strongloop.com/strongblog/how-to-generators-node-js-yield-use-cases/



It's used for iterator-generators. Basically, it allows you to make a (potentially infinite) sequence using procedural code. See Mozilla's documentation.




To give a complete answer: yield is working similar to return, but in a generator.


As for the commonly given example, this works as follows:


function *squareGen(x) {
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i 

But theres also a second purpose of the yield keyword. It can be used to send values to the generator.


To clarify, a small example:


function *sendStuff() {
    y = yield (0);
    yield y*y;

var gen = sendStuff();

console.log(gen.next().value); // prints 0
console.log(gen.next(2).value); // prints 4

This works, as the value 2 is assigned to y, by sending it to the generator, after it stopped at the first yield (which returned 0).


This enables us to to some really funky stuff. (look up coroutine)




yield can also be used to eliminate callback hell, with a coroutine framework.


function start(routine, data) {
    result = routine.next(data);
    if(!result.done) {
        result.value(function(err, data) {
            if(err) routine.throw(err); // continue next iteration of routine with an exception
            else start(routine, data);  // continue next iteration of routine normally

// with nodejs as 'node --harmony'
fs = require('fs');
function read(path) {
    return function(callback) { fs.readFile(path, {encoding:'utf8'}, callback); };

function* routine() {
    text = yield read('/path/to/some/file.txt');

// with mdn Javascript 1.7
http.get = function(url) {
    return function(callback) { 
        // make xhr request object, 
        // use callback(null, resonseText) on status 200,
        // or callback(responseText) on status 500

function* routine() {
    text = yield http.get('/path/to/some/file.txt');

// invoked as.., on both mdn and nodejs




Fibonacci sequence generator using the yield keyword.


function* fibbonaci(){
    var a = -1, b = 1, c;
        c = a + b;
        a = b;
        b = c;
        yield c;

var fibOnacciGenerator= fibbonaci();
fibonacciGenerator.next().value; // 0 
fibonacciGenerator.next().value; // 1
fibonacciGenerator.next().value; // 1
fibonacciGenerator.next().value; // 2 

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