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Assuming what have been said here, it's the developer's responsibility to keep the component instance in order to implement their own scope logic (since a scoped method will return the same instance for a given component).


What's the clean way to keep this component reference through the activity lifecycle ?


Example : You're implementing the MVP pattern, so you need a Presenter within your Activity. This Presenter can do a network operation to download items. When the device rotate, your Activity is being destroyed and recreated but you would like to keep the network operation going and just get back the pre-rotation presenter.


Scoping the Component providing the Presenter with a custom PerActivity scope is the solution, so you have to keep the Component instance through this rotation to get injected the same instance of Presenter as the first launch of the Activity.


How can we deal with this ? I thought of a kind of Component Cache (like a HashMap ?) that could be provided by an Application Component living inside the Application class.

我们怎么处理这个?我想到了一种组件缓存(如HashMap?),它可以由生活在Application类中的Application Component提供。

2 个解决方案



You can see the implementation of ribot/android-boilerplate showcase app. The solution they chose is to have a static Map inside the BaseActivity, from which all activities extend from.

你可以看到ribot / android-boilerplate showcase app的实现。他们选择的解决方案是在BaseActivity中包含一个静态Map ,所有活动都从中扩展。

public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final AtomicLong NEXT_ID = new AtomicLong(0);
    private static final Map sCompOnentsMap= new HashMap<>();

    private ActivityComponent mActivityComponent;
    private long mActivityId;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Create the ActivityComponent and reuses cached ConfigPersistentComponent if this is
        // being called after a configuration change.
        mActivityId = savedInstanceState != null ?
                savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_ACTIVITY_ID) : NEXT_ID.getAndIncrement();

        ConfigPersistentComponent configPersistentComponent;
        if (!sComponentsMap.containsKey(mActivityId)) {
            // Creating new component
            cOnfigPersistentComponent= DaggerConfigPersistentComponent.builder()
            sComponentsMap.put(mActivityId, configPersistentComponent);
        } else {
            // Reusing component
            cOnfigPersistentComponent= sComponentsMap.get(mActivityId);
        mActivityCompOnent= configPersistentComponent.activityComponent(new ActivityModule(this));

    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
        outState.putLong(KEY_ACTIVITY_ID, mActivityId);

    protected void onDestroy() {
        if (!isChangingConfigurations()) {
            // Activity is finishing, removing the component





Network can work with app context. This is how i would design Applicationcomponent with appscope Now i would have this created on application layer ApplicationComponent Shouod take context as external dependency


Next is activitycomponent extending on activitymodule with peractivityscope ..depending on applicationcomponet


In my every activity i would create activityComponet by providing it applicationcomponet This applicationcomponet can be accessed via. Activity.getapplication().getapplicationcomponent()

在我的每个活动中,我将通过提供applicationcomponet来创建activityComponet。可以通过访问此应用程序组件。 Activity.getapplication()。getapplicationcomponent()

Here make sure your applicationmodule providing network method has appscope If thats the case u should get same network even on app rorate.


Look for GitHubapplication sample will post the link in next edit.


Also it will he worth while to look at livedata (out of context for this question)


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