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I have two methods of generating m distinct random numbers in the range [0..n-1]

我有两种方法在范围[0. n-1]中生成m个不同的随机数。

Method 1:


//C++-ish pseudocode
int result[m];
for(i = 0; i 

Method 2:


//C++-ish pseudocode
int arr[n];
for(int i = 0; i 

The first method is more efficient when n is much larger than m, whereas the second is more efficient otherwise. But "much larger" isn't that strict a notion, is it? :)


Question: What formula of n and m should I use to determine whether method1 or method2 will be more efficient? (in terms of mathematical expectation of the running time)


9 个解决方案



Pure mathematics:
Let's calculate the quantity of rand() function calls in both cases and compare the results:


Case 1: let's see the mathematical expectation of calls on step i = k, when you already have k numbers chosen. The probability to get a number with one rand() call is equal to p = (n-k)/n. We need to know the mathematical expectation of such calls quantity which leads to obtaining a number we don't have yet.

情形1:让我们看一下,当你已经选择了k个数字的时候,关于step i = k的调用的数学期望。用一个rand()调用得到一个数字的概率等于p = (n-k)/n。我们需要知道这种调用量的数学期望,从而得到一个我们还没有得到的数字。

The probability to get it using 1 call is p. Using 2 calls - q * p, where q = 1 - p. In general case, the probability to get it exactly after n calls is (q^(n-1))*p. Thus, the mathematical expectation is
Sum[ n * q^(n-1) * p ], n = 1 --> INF. This sum is equal to 1/p (proved by wolfram alpha).

用1次调用得到它的概率是p,使用2个调用- q *p,其中q = 1 - p,一般情况下,在n次调用后得到它的概率是(q (n-1))*p。因此,数学期望是和[n * q (n-1) * p], n = 1——> INF,这个和等于1/p(由wolfram alpha证明)。

So, on the step i = k you will perform 1/p = n/(n-k) calls of the rand() function.

因此,在步骤i = k时,您将执行rand()函数的1/p = n/(n-k)调用。

Now let's sum it overall:


Sum[ n/(n - k) ], k = 0 --> m - 1 = n * T - the number of rand calls in method 1.
Here T = Sum[ 1/(n - k) ], k = 0 --> m - 1

Sum[n/(n - k)], k = 0 -> m - 1 = n * T -方法1中的rand调用数。这里T =和[1/(n - k)], k = 0 -> m - 1。

Case 2:


Here rand() is called inside random_shuffle n - 1 times (in most implementations).

在这里,rand()被调用在random_shuffle n - 1次(在大多数实现中)。

Now, to choose the method, we have to compare these two values: n * T ? n - 1.
So, to choose the appropriate method, calculate T as described above. If T <(n - 1)/n it's better to use the first method. Use the second method otherwise.

现在,要选择这个方法,我们需要比较这两个值:n * T ?n - 1。因此,选择合适的方法,计算T如上所述。如果T <(n - 1)/n,最好使用第一种方法。否则,使用第二种方法。



Check the Wikipedia description of the original Fisher-Yates algorithm. It advocates using essentially your method 1 for up to n/2, and your method 2 for the remainder.




Here's an algorithm that will work in O(n) memory and O(n) time (where n is the number of returned results, not the size of the set you're selecting from) for any result set. It's in Python for convenience because it uses a hashtable:


def random_elements(num_elements, set_size):
    state = {}
    for i in range(num_elements):
        # Swap state[i] with a random element
        swap_with = random.randint(i, set_size - 1)
        state[i], state[swap_with] = state.get(swap_with, swap_with), state.get(i, i)
    return [state[i] for i in range(num_elements) # effectively state[:num_elements] if it were a list/array.

This is just a partial fisher-yates shuffle, with the array being shuffled implemented as a sparse hashtable - any element that is not present is equal to its index. We shuffle the first num_elements indices, and return those values. In the case that set_size = 1, this is equivalent to picking a random number in the range, and in the case that num_elements = set_size, this is equivalent to a standard fisher-yates shuffle.

这只是一个部分的fisher-yates洗牌,数组被拖拽实现为一个稀疏hashtable——任何不存在的元素都等于它的索引。我们对第一个num_elements索引进行洗牌,并返回这些值。在set_size = 1的情况下,这相当于在range中选择一个随机数,在num_elements = set_size的情况下,这相当于一个标准的fisher-yates洗牌。

It's trivial to observe that this is O(n) time, and because each iteration of the loop initializes at most two new indices in the hashtable, it's O(n) space, too.




Personally, I would use Method 1, and then if M > N/2, choose N-M values, and then invert the array (return the numbers that were not picked). So for example, if N is 1000 and you want 950 of them, chose 50 values using Method 1, and then return the other 950.

我个人将使用方法1,然后如果M > N/2,选择N-M值,然后反转数组(返回未选中的数字)。例如,如果N是1000,而你想要950个,用方法1选择50个值,然后返回另一个950。

Edit: Though, if consistent performance is your goal, I would use a modified method 2, which doesn't do the full shuffle, but only shuffles the first M elements of your N length array.


int arr[n];
for(int i = 0; i 



What about a third method?


int result[m];
for(i = 0; i 

Edit it should be <=. and it would actually additional logic to avoid collisions.


This is better, an example using the Modern Method from Fisher-Yates


//C++-ish pseudocode
int arr[n];
for(int i = 0; i 



Talking about mathematical expectation, it's pretty useless but I will post it anyway :D


Shuffle is simple O(m).


Now the other algorithm is a bit more complex. The number of steps needed to generate the next number is the expected value of the number of trials, and the probability of the trial length is a geomtric distribution. So...


p=1          E[X1]=1            = 1           = 1
p=1-1/n      E[x2]=1/(1-1/n)    = 1 + 1/(n-1) = 1 + 1/(n-1) 
p=1-2/n      E[x3]=1/(1-1/n)    = 1 + 2/(n-2) = 1 + 1/(n-2) + 1/(n-2)
p=1-3/n      E[X4]=1/(1-2/n)    = 1 + 3/(n-3) = 1 + 1/(n-3) + 1/(n-3) + 1(n-3)
p=1-(m-1)/n) E[Xm]=1/(1-(m-1)/n))

Note that the sum can be split up into a triangle shape, see right hand side.


Let's use the formula for the harmonic series: H_n = Sum k=0->n (1/k) = approx ln(k)

让我们用调和级数的公式:H_n = Sum k=0->n (1/k) =约ln(k)

Sum(E[Xk]) = m + ln(n-1)-ln(n-m-1) + ln(n-2)-ln(n-m-1) + ... = m + ln(n-1) + ln(n-2) + ... - (m-1)*ln(n-m-1) ..

And there is some forumla for the sum of harmonic series, if you are still interested I will look it up...


Update: actually it's quite nice formula (thanks to the brilliant Concrete Mathematics book)


Sum(H_k) k=0->n = n*H_n - n

So the expected number of steps:


Sum(E[Xk]) = m + (n-1)*ln(n-1) - (n-1) - (n-m-1)*ln(n-m-1) - (n-m-1)) - (m-1)*ln(n-m-1).

Note: I haven't verified it.




This is a bit of a long shot, but it could work, depending on your system.


  1. Start with some reasonable ratio, like 0.5.
  2. 从一些合理的比率开始,比如0.5。
  3. When a request comes in, process it with whichever method you get from the current value of the threshold ratio.
  4. 当一个请求进来时,用您从阈值比的当前值获得的任何方法处理它。
  5. Record the time it takes and when you have "empty" time, perform the same task with the other method.
  6. 记录下它所花费的时间,当你有“空”时间时,用另一种方法执行相同的任务。
  7. If the alternative solution is much faster than the original one, adjust the threshold up or down.
  8. 如果替代解决方案比原来的解决方案快得多,调整阈值向上或向下。

The obvious flaw in this method is that on highly variable load systems your "offline" test won't be too reliable.




There was suggested Fisher-Yates shuffle. Don't know if the next code generates equally distributed integers, but it is at least compact and one-pass:


std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 g(rd());
for (size_type i = 1; i 



Quite possibly it would be more simple to start it in debug mode (and keep one method as a note) for a couple of times to get an average, then use the other method to get an average from that


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