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This question already has an answer here:


  • What is the use case for var in ES6? 4 answers
  • ES6中var的用例是什么? 4个答案

Now that we can write ES6 and deploy it to browsers (using Traceur or 6to5 to support legacy user agents), is there any reason why we wouldn't use let or const as our default keywords for variable declaration?


Is var dead? And if it is, can I configure my linting tools to reject it?


3 个解决方案


As es5 only has function scope for variables, presumably your transpiler is creating closures in order to mock the let keyword's functionality. That may have an effect on the resulting size of your code if you're declaring variables inside scopes that are not functions (e.g. loops, ifs etc). So that is one reason not to, currently. It may also make debugging slightly more confusing, although this could be mitigated using sourcemaps.


There aren't really any other drawbacks. Variable hoisting is pretty confusing to people coming from other languages, and using let allows you to avoid this potential hiccup. So I would use it now if you can.



It depends on your environment :


  • If you're writing server-side Javascript code (Node.js), you can safely use the let statement.


  • If you're writing client-side Javascript code and use a transpiler like Traceur, you can can safely use the let statement, however your code is likely to be anything but optimal with respect to performance.


  • If you're writing client-side Javascript code and don't use a transpiler, you need to consider browser support.


    Today, Feb 23 2016, these are some browsers that either don't support let or have only partial support :


    • Internet explorer 10 and below (no support)
    • Internet Explorer 10及以下版本(不支持)

    • Firefox 43 and below (no support)
    • Firefox 43及以下版本(不支持)

    • Safari 9 and below (no support)
    • Safari 9及以下版本(不支持)

    • Opera Mini 8 and below (no support)
    • Opera Mini 8及以下版本(不支持)

    • Android browser 4 and below (no support)
    • Android浏览器4及以下(不支持)

    • Opera 36 and below (partial support)
    • Opera 36及以下(部分支持)

    • Chome 51 and below (partial support)
    • Chome 51及以下(部分支持)

For an up-to-date overview of which browsers support the let statement at the time of your reading this answer, see this Can I Use page.



At times, let doesn't allow the named function hoisting pattern. It does in Chrome 51, but does not in Safari 9.1.1. Thus,

有时,让我们不允许命名函数提升模式。它在Chrome 51中有效,但在Safari 9.1.1中没有。从而,

let foo = func;

function func () {
    return true;

would throw an error. Whereas the following style is valid:


var foo = func;

function func () {
    return true;

Depending on your purposes, this could make your code more or less readable. For example, an exposing module pattern which has a lot of initialization code, so doesn't return immediately.


var foo = (function () {
    let factory = {
        func: func

    // do more init stuff

    return factory;

    function func () {

Using function declarations to hide implementation details, for example.


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