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I'm trying to setup Solr 3.6.0 with Django-haystack Beta 2.0.0.

我正在尝试用Django-haystack Beta 2.0.0来设置Solr 3.6.0。

After running ./manage.py build_solr_schema and moving schema.xml to the conf directory, upon visiting http://localhost:8983/solr/admin, I receive an error exactly like the one produced in this thread.

跑后。/管理。py build_solr_schema和moving schema。xml到conf目录,访问http://localhost:8983/solr/admin时,我收到的错误与在此线程中生成的错误完全相同。

org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: No cores were created, please check the logs for errors


java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't find resource 'stopwords_en.txt' in classpath or 'solr/./conf/', cwd=/home/randall/startupsearch_live/apache-solr-3.6.0/example

. lang。运行时异常:无法找到资源的stopwords_en。txt'在类路径或'solr/。/ conf /”,慢性消耗病= / home /兰德尔/ startupsearch_live / apache-solr-3.6.0 /例子

At the bottom of the thread, a user mentions that schema.xml must be edited to match stopwords_en.txt to the /example/solr/conf/ directory, which I did both through a symbolic link and by editing all instances of stopwords.txt to /solr/conf/stopwords_en.txt in the generated schema.xml file. However, the same error persists, giving a slightly different output:

在线程的底部,用户会提到这个模式。必须编辑xml以匹配stopwords_en。txt到/example/solr/conf/目录,我通过符号链接和编辑所有stopwords实例来实现。txt / solr / conf / stopwords_en。生成模式中的txt。xml文件。但是,相同的错误仍然存在,输出略有不同:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't find resource '/solr/conf/stopwords_en.txt' in classpath or 'solr/./conf/', cwd=/home/randall/startupsearch_live/apache-solr-3.6.0/example

. lang。运行时异常:无法找到资源'/solr/conf/stopwords_en。txt'在类路径或'solr/。/ conf /”,慢性消耗病= / home /兰德尔/ startupsearch_live / apache-solr-3.6.0 /例子

What file must I edit to fix this problem?


6 个解决方案



It can't find stopwords_en.txt file in the classpath. You should add stopwords_en.txt file into the solr/conf/ directory. You can find more information about stopwords here.




A better way is to find all occurrences of stopwords_en.txt in schema.xml and replace them with lang/stopwords_en.txt




You have to put stopwords_en.txt in the path . Make a file name stopwords_en.txt and paste beside the schema.xml. I hope you know what stopword filter is used.....




To combine all three of the above answers, you need the stopwords_en.txt as it begins testing for English language text


From http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LanguageAnalysis#Stopwords

从http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LanguageAnalysis Stopwords

Stopwords affect Solr in three ways: relevance, performance, and resource utilization.


From a relevance perspective, these extremely high-frequency terms tend to throw off the scoring algorithm, and you won't get very good results if you leave them. At the same time, if you remove them, you can return bad results when the stopword is actually important.


From a performance perspective, if you keep stopwords, some queries (especially phrase queries) can be very slow.


From a resource utilization perspective, if you keep stopwords, the index is much larger than if you remove them.


One tradeoff you can make if you have the disk space: You can use CommonGramsFilter/CommonGramsQueryFilter instead of StopFilter. This solves the relevance and performance problems, at the expense of even more resource utilization, because it will form bigrams of stopwords to their adjacent words.


What you need to do is copy the original version located in the /conf/lang folder of your solr directory into just the /conf directory


cp PATH/TO/solr/conf/lang/stopwords_en.txt PATH/TO/solr/conf



In Solr 5 I got the same error. I had used the Solr zookeeper cli shell to upload my configuration. I had copied the contents of an existing solr config from the server/solr/configsets/basic_configs, but I somehow missed the lang directory.

在solr5中,我得到了同样的错误。我使用Solr zookeeper cli shell上传我的配置。我已经从服务器/solr/configsets/basic_configs中复制了现有solr配置的内容,但是不知何故我错过了lang目录。

The conf/lang directory contains stopwords_en.txt.




I had the same issue and it turns out that when I was created my stopwords_en.txt file I accidently created stopwords_en.txt.txt file. Recreating it as the correct .txt file solved the problem


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