作者:点燃半吱煙 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-10 16:33
无 OpenCV 的图像处理| Python
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/image-processing-不带-opencv-python/
我们知道 OpenCV 被广泛用于对图像进行操作,并且具有广泛的功能。但是如果我们想在不使用任何像 OpenCV 这样的外部库的情况下处理图像文件呢。让我们看看如何才能做到这一点。
假设 p > m 和 q > n,考虑一个小图像,它的像素宽为“w ”,高为“h ”,我们希望将它的像素宽重新调整为“p ”,高为“q”。现在,我们需要两个缩放常数:
scale_x = p/w
scale_y = q/h
现在,我们只需遍历输出图像中的所有像素,通过按 scale_x 和 scale_y 缩放我们的控制变量,并对结果缩放的索引值进行舍入,来寻址要复制的源像素。
3x 3 像素的图像(总共 9 个像素),现在如果我们想将图像的大小增加到 6X6 那么,根据最近邻算法 6/3(即 2 个)像素应该与原始图像中的像素具有相同的 RGB 值。
Python 3
# using matplotlib and numpy
import matplotlib.image as img
import numpy as npy
# provide the location of image for reading
m = img.imread("taj.png");
# determining the length of original image
w, h = m.shape[:2];
# xNew and yNew are new width and
# height of image required
after scaling
xNew = int(w * 1 / 2);
yNew = int(h * 1 / 2);
# calculating the scaling factor
# work for more than 2 pixel
xScale = xNew/(w-1);
yScale = yNew/(h-1);
# using numpy taking a matrix of xNew
# width and yNew height with
# 4 attribute [alpha, B, G, B] values
newImage = npy.zeros([xNew, yNew, 4]);
for i in range(xNew-1):
for j in range(yNew-1):
newImage[i + 1, j + 1]= m[1 + int(i / xScale),
1 + int(j / yScale)]
# Save the image after scaling
img.imsave('scaled.png', newImage);
使用平均值方法,该方法突出显示像素的强度,而不是显示它包含哪些 RGB 值。当我们计算 RGB 的平均值并将其分配给像素的 RGB 值时,由于像素的 RGB 值是相同的,所以它将不能创建任何颜色,因为所有的颜色都是由于 RGB 值的不同比率而形成的,因为在这种情况下比率将是 1:1:1。因此,随后形成的图像将看起来像灰色图像。
Python 3
# using numpy
import numpy as npy
# using matplotlib
import matplotlib.image as img
# using statistics to import mean
# for mean calculation
from statistics import mean
m = img.imread("taj.png")
# determining width and height of original image
w, h = m.shape[:2]
# new Image dimension with 4 attribute in each pixel
newImage = npy.zeros([w, h, 4])
print( w )
print( h )
for i in range(w):
for j in range(h):
# ratio of RGB will be between 0 and 1
lst = [float(m[i][j][0]), float(m[i][j][1]), float(m[i][j][2])]
avg = float(mean(lst))
newImage[i][j][0] = avg
newImage[i][j][1] = avg
newImage[i][j][2] = avg
newImage[i][j][3] = 1 # alpha value to be 1
# Save image using imsave
img.imsave('grayedImage.png', newImage)
考虑一个大小为 10×10 像素的图像,如果我们要求只裁剪图像中心的 4×4 像素,那么我们需要从(3,3)开始收集(10-4)/2 的像素值,在 x 方向最多 4 个像素,在 y 方向最多 4 个像素。
Python 3
# using matplotlib and numpy
import matplotlib.image as img
import numpy as npy
# reading image in variable m
m = img.imread("taj.png")
# determining dimension of image width(w) height(h)
w, h = m.shape[:2]
# required image size after cropping
xNew = int(w * 1 / 4)
yNew = int(h * 1 / 4)
newImage = npy.zeros([xNew, yNew, 4])
# print width height of original image
for i in range(1, xNew):
for j in range(1, yNew):
# cropping start from 100, 100 pixel of original image
newImage[i, j]= m[100 + i, 100 + j]
# save image
img.imsave('cropped.png', newImage)