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  说明: 默认属性是根节点ROOT 的属性

package com.news.entity;

public class NewsClass {
    protected Integer classID = new Integer("0");
    protected String className = "root";
    protected Integer parentID = new Integer("-1");
    protected Integer orderID = new Integer("0");
    protected Integer depth = new Integer("-1");
    protected String path = "";
    protected String printChar="";
    protected Integer child = new Integer("0");
    protected boolean canAdd= false;
    protected String cUrl = "";
    protected Integer cTempid = new Integer("0");
    protected Integer pageSize = new Integer("0");
    protected boolean cInNav = false;
    protected String display = "";
    protected String listDisplay = "";
 public String getListDisplay() {
  return listDisplay;

 public void setListDisplay(int depth) {
  String str = "";
  for(int i = 0; i  str += "" ;
  this.listDisplay = str;

 public String getDisplay() {
  return display;
 public void setDisplay(int depth,String className) {
  String str="";
  for(int i=0;i  {
     str+= "│";
     str+= "├";
  str+= className;
  this.display = str;
  * @return Returns the depth.
 public Integer getDepth() {
  return depth;
  * @param depth The depth to set.
 public void setDepth(Integer depth) {
  this.depth = depth;
  * @return Returns the classID.
 public Integer getClassID() {
  return classID;
  * @param classID The classID to set.
 public void setClassID(Integer classID) {
  this.classID = classID;
  * @return Returns the className.
 public String getClassName() {
  return className;
  * @param className The className to set.
 public void setClassName(String className) {
  this.className = className;
  * @return Returns the parentID.
 public Integer getParentID() {
  return parentID;
  * @param parentID The parentID to set.
 public void setParentID(Integer parentID) {
  this.parentID = parentID;
  * @return Returns the orderID.
 public Integer getOrderID() {
  return orderID;
  * @param orderID The orderID to set.
 public void setOrderID(Integer orderID) {
  this.orderID = orderID;
  * @param path
 public void setPath(String path){
     this.path = path;
  * @return
 public String getPath(){
    return path;
    public void setChild(Integer child)
       this.child = child; 
    public Integer getChild()
       return child; 
    public void setCanAdd(boolean canAdd)
       this.canAdd = canAdd; 
    public boolean getCanAdd()
       return canAdd; 
    public void setCUrl(String cUrl)
       this.cUrl = cUrl; 
    public String getCUrl()
       return cUrl; 
    public void setCtempid (Integer cTempid )
       this.cTempid  = cTempid ; 
    public Integer getCTempid ()
       return cTempid; 
    public void setPageSize (Integer pageSize )
       this.pageSize  = pageSize ; 
    public Integer getPageSize ()
       return pageSize; 
    public void setCInNav (boolean cInNav )
       this.cInNav  = cInNav ; 
    public boolean getCInNav ()
       return cInNav; 
    public void setPrintChar(int depth,int child) {
        String str="";
  for(int i=0;i  {
     str+= "│";
     str+= "├";
  this.printChar = str;
 public String getPrintChar() {
  return printChar;
 public static void main(String[] args) {


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