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I have used mysql_query() throughout my project; but I've just learned that mysql_ was deprecated as of PHP 5.5, has been removed in PHP 7.

我在整个项目中都使用过mysql_query();但我刚刚了解到,自PHP PHP起,mysql_已被弃用,已在PHP 7中删除。

So, I would like to know if I can replace all mysql_ functions with mysqli_ in my project blindly? For example, just replacing mysql_query() with mysqli_query(). Is there any adverse effect?


3 个解决方案



The short answer is no, the functions are not equivalent.


The good news is there is a converter tool that will help you if you've got a lot of calls/projects to change. This will allow your scripts to work right away.




It's a forked version of the Oracle original version, and it's kosher.


That said, it's not too difficult to update your code, and you might want to migrate to an object orientated methodology anyway ...


1) The Connection


For all intents and purposes, you need a new connection function that saves the connection as a PHP variable, for example;


$mysqli = new mysqli($host,$username,$password,$database);

Notice I've saved the connection to $mysqli. You can save to $db or whatever you like, but you should use this throughout your code to reference the connection.

注意我已经保存了与$ mysqli的连接。您可以保存到$ db或任何您喜欢的内容,但是您应该在整个代码中使用它来引用连接。

Remember to check for a connection error though;


if ($mysqli->connect_errno) echo "Error - Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error;

2) The Query


Note: You should protect against SQL injection with prepared statements, which are available in MySQLi. Take a look at How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?, but I'm just going to cover the basics here.


You now have to include the connection as an argument in your query, and other mysqli_ functions. In procedural code it's the first argument, in OO you write it like a class method;




$result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$sql);



$result = $mysqli->query($sql);

3) Fetch Result


The fetching of the result is similar to the old mysql_ function in procedural;


while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))

but as $result is now an object in mysqli, you can use the object function call;

但是由于$ result现在是mysqli中的一个对象,你可以使用对象函数调用;

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc())

4) Close Connection


So as before, you need to include the connection in the close function; as an argument in procedural;



and as the object that you run the function on in OO;



I would be here forever if I went through them all, but you get the idea. Take a look at the documentation for more information. Don't forget to convert any connection close, result release, or error and row counting functions you have.


The basic rule of thumb is for functions that use the database connection, you need to include it in the function now (either as the first argument in procedural, or the object you use to call the function in OO), or for a result set you can just change the function to mysqli_ or use the result set as the object.




If you cannot convert all calls to the mysqli functions on a old project, you could install and include the library php7-mysql-shim.


It will try to create a transparent replacement for mysql on PHP 7 using mysqli. Obviously the performance is slower, but it's a solution to get around the problem in a couple of minutes. You may safely include the library in projects working with PHP 5.6 (it will be ignored).

它将尝试使用mysqli在PHP 7上创建一个透明的mysql替代品。显然性能较慢,但它是在几分钟内解决问题的解决方案。您可以安全地将库包含在使用PHP 5.6的项目中(它将被忽略)。

if (defined('PHP_VERSION_ID') && (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600)) { require_once "mysql-shim.php"; }



You can't. some of the functions of mysql and mysqli require different parameters. So you should know which will use the same parameters.

你不能。 mysql和mysqli的一些功能需要不同的参数。所以你应该知道哪些将使用相同的参数。

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