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I played around with Godbolt's CompilerExplorer. I wanted to see how good certain optimizations are. My minimum working example is:



int foo() {
    std::vector v {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    return v[4];

The generated assembler (by clang 5.0.0, -O2 -std=c++14):

生成的汇编程序(clang 5.0.0, -O2 -std=c++14):

foo(): # @foo()
  push rax
  mov edi, 20
  call operator new(unsigned long)
  mov rdi, rax
  call operator delete(void*)
  mov eax, 5
  pop rcx

As one can see, clang knows the answer, but does quite a lot of stuff before returning. It seems to my that even the vector is created, because of "operator new/delete".


Can anyone explain to me what happens here and why it does not just return?


The code generated by GCC (not copied here) seems to construct the vector explicitly. Does anyone know GCC is not capable to deduce the result?


3 个解决方案



std::vector is a fairly complicated class that involves dynamic allocation. While clang++ is sometimes able to elide heap allocations, it is a fairly tricky optimization and you should not rely on it. Example:

向量 是一个比较复杂的类,涉及动态分配。虽然clang++ +有时可以省略堆分配,但这是一个相当棘手的优化,您不应该依赖它。例子:

int foo() {
    int* p = new int{5};
    return *p;
foo():                                # @foo()
        mov     eax, 5

As an example, using std::array (which does not dynamically allocate) produces fully-inlined code:

例如,使用std::array (不动态分配)会生成完全内联的代码:


int foo() {
    std::array v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    return v[4];
foo():                                # @foo()
        mov     eax, 5

As Marc Glisse noted in the other answer's comments, this is what the Standard says in [expr.new] #10:

正如Marc Glisse在另一个答案的评论中所指出的,这是该标准在[expr]中所说的。新)# 10:

An implementation is allowed to omit a call to a replaceable global allocation function ([new.delete.single], [new.delete.array]). When it does so, the storage is instead provided by the implementation or provided by extending the allocation of another new-expression. The implementation may extend the allocation of a new-expression e1 to provide storage for a new-expression e2 if the following would be true were the allocation not extended: [...]

实现可以忽略对可替换的全局分配函数的调用([new.delete.single], [new.delete.array])。当它这样做时,存储由实现提供,或者通过扩展另一个新表达式的分配来提供。如果分配没有扩展,则实现可以扩展新表达式e1的分配来为新表达式e2提供存储:[…]



As the comments note, operator new can be replaced. This can happen in any Translation Unit. Optimizing a program for the case it's not replaced therefore requires Whole-Program Analysis. And if it is replaced, you have to call it of course.


Whether the default operator new is a library I/O call is unspecified. That matters, because library I/O calls are observable and therefore they can't be optimized out either.

默认操作符new是一个library I/O调用,但未指定。这很重要,因为库I/O调用是可观察的,因此它们也不能优化。



N3664's change to [expr.new], cited in one answer and one comment, permits new-expressions to not call a replaceable global allocation function. But vector allocates memory using std::allocator::allocate, which calls ::operator new directly, not via a new-expression. So that special permission doesn't apply, and generally compilers cannot elide such direct calls to ::operator new.

N3664改变[expr。在一个回答和一个评论中提到,允许新表达式不调用可替换的全局分配函数。但是vector使用std::分配器 :: allocation内存,它直接调用:::operator new,而不是通过一个新的表达式。因此,该特殊权限不适用,而且编译器通常无法避免对::operator new的这种直接调用。

All hope is not lost, however, for std::allocator::allocate's specification has this to say:

然而,对于std:::分配器 ::: distribution 's specification have this to say:

Remarks: the storage is obtained by calling ​::​operator new, but it is unspecified when or how often this function is called.


Leveraging this permission, libc++'s std::allocator uses special clang built-ins to indicate to the compiler that elision is permitted. With -stdlib=libc++, clang compiles your code down to

利用这个权限,libc+ 's std::分配器使用特殊的clang内置元素向编译器表明可以省略。使用-stdlib=libc++, clang将代码编译为

foo():                                # @foo()
        mov     eax, 5

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