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I have a system where I have a list of data from a truck scale reading the weight of a truck on a scale. This data ranges from -30,000lbs or so due to the scale being tared but truckless, to 40,000lbs with a full and tared truck on it. My task is to determine the total weight that has left our facility via truck. The problem is some days only a few trucks leave our facility and others a dozen leave, all with slightly different weights.


The graph of these weights looks like a saw tooth pattern. It is a largely negative value (due to tare), quickly reaches approximately zero as a truck pulls onto the scale, and slowly builds to a final weight. After the final weight is reached the weight quickly goes back to the largely negative value as the truck pulls away.


My idea on how to approach this is look for where the data is less than zero and return the max weight of the sensor between zeros. If the max weight is above some noise filter value (say, 5000lbs) then add the max weight to some counter. In theory, not bad, in practice, a bit out of my league.


Here's my code so far, as I know I need to show my effort so far. I recommend ignoring it as it's mostly just a failed start after a few days of restarting work.


Public Function TruckLoad(rngData As Range)
Dim intCount As Integer
intCount = 0
For Each cell In rngData
    intCount = intCount + 1
Next cell
Dim n As Integer
n = 1
Dim x As Integer
x = 1
Dim arr() As Double
For i = 1 To intCount
    If rngData(i, 1) <0 Then
        arr(n) = x
        n = n + 1
        x = x + 1
        x = x + 1
    End If
TruckLoad = arr(1)

End Function

If anyone could give me advice on how to proceed it would be extremely valuable. I'm not a computer programmer outside of the very basics.


Edit: Sorry, I should have said this initially. I can't post the entirety of the raw sample data but I can post a photo of a graph. There is a degree to which I can't post publicly (not that you can do anything particularly nefarious with the data, it's a corporate rule).




1 个解决方案



My understanding of the data is in line with Robin's comment. There are a couple of ways to solve this problem. I've written a function loops through data range looking for the 'next zero' in the data set, and calculates the max value between the current row and the row that the 'next zero' is in. If the max value is above the value of your noise filter, the value will be added to the running total.


Option Explicit

Private Const NOISE_FILTER As Double = 5000

Public Function TruckLoad(rngData As Range) As Double

    Dim r As Integer
    Dim runningTruckLoad As Double
    Dim maxLoadReading As Double
    Dim nextZeroRow As Integer

    For r = 1 To rngData.Rows.Count

        nextZeroRow = FindNextZeroRow(r, rngData)

        maxLoadReading = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range(rngData.Cells(r, 1), rngData.Cells(nextZeroRow, 1)))

        If maxLoadReading > NOISE_FILTER Then
            runningTruckLoad = runningTruckLoad + maxLoadReading
        End If

        r = nextZeroRow 'skip the loop counter ahead to our new 0 row

    Next r

    TruckLoad = runningTruckLoad

End Function

Private Function FindNextZeroRow(startRow As Integer, searchRange As Range) As Integer

    Dim nextZeroRow As Range

    Set nextZeroRow = searchRange.Find(0, searchRange.Rows(startRow))

    If nextZeroRow.Row  0 Then  'we've found a data point with a zero in it, not interested in this row
        FindNextZeroRow = FindNextZeroRow(nextZeroRow.Row, searchRange)
        FindNextZeroRow = nextZeroRow.Row 'we've found our next zero data point
    End If

End Function

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