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原标题:WELCOME TO INTERSPEECH 2023INTERSPEECH 2023 We are delighted to invite you to the 24th INTERSPEE



We are delighted to invite you to the 24th INTERSPEECH Conference from August 20th to 24th, to be held in the Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland. INTERSPEECH,as the world’s largest and most comp文章来源站点https://www.yii666.com/rehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing, is a hugely important event for our community. We are particularly keen to offer our community a chance to reconnect in a文章来源地址9335.html friendly and relaxed atmosphere, where everyone is welcome.

Despite being a major European city, Dublin remains as intimate as a village. Framed by mountains, centred on a river and edged by a beautiful bay, the city’s streets are filled with vibrant art and historic buildings, modern cafs and traditional pubs. Walk the streets and you’ll feel the energy of over 1,000 years of history, as echoes of the Vikings mix with buzzing boutiques, cobbled streets reverberate with the sounds of buskers, and 18th century parks play host to festivals, film and food markets. The city of Dublin is known for its friendliness and ability to make visitors feel at home – we aim for a similar feeling at INTERSPEECH, providing networking opportunities thatwww.yii666.com will be inclusive and value the diversity of our delegates.

With days filled with top-quality research and vibrant discussion, and evenings packed with culture, creativity and craic (the Irish term for fun!), INTERSPEECH 2023 is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with colleagues from across the world.

Call for Papers

Important DatesPaper Submission Portal Open: 18th January 2023Paper Submission Deadline: 1st March 2023Paper Update Deadline: 8th March 2023Paper Acceptance Notification: 17th May 2023

INTERSPEECH is the world’s largest and most comprehensive conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing. INTERSPEECH conferences emphasise interdisciplinary approaches addressing all aspects of speech science and technology, ranging from basic theories to advanced applications.

INTERSPEECH 2023 will feature oral and poster sessions, plenary talks by internationally renowned experts, tutorials, special sessions and challenges, show & tell, exhibits, and satellite events.

The theme of INTERSPEECH 2023 isInclusive Spoken Language Science and Technology – Breaking Down Barriers. Whilst it is not a requirement to address this theme, we encourage submissions that: report performancwww.yii666.come metric distributions in addition to averages; break down results by demographic; employ diverse data; evaluate with diverse target users; report barriers that could prevent other researchers adopting a technique, or users from benefitting. This is not an exhaustive list, and authors are encouraged to discuss the implications of the conference theme for their own work.

Papers are especially welcome from authors who identify as being under-represented in the speech science and technology community, whether that is because of geographical location, economic status, race, age, gender, sexual orientation or any other characteristic.

Paper Submission

INTERSPEECH 2023 seeks original and innovative papers covering all aspects of speech science and technology. The working language of the conference is English, so papers must be written in English. The paper length is up to four pages in two columns with an additional page for references only. Submitted papers must conform to the format defined in the author’s kit provided on the conference website, and may optionally be accompanied by multimedia files. Authors must declare that their contributions are original and that they have not submitted their papers elsewhere for publication. Papers must be submitted electronically and will be evaluated through rigorous peer review on the basis of novelty and originality, technical correctness, clarity of presentation, key strengths, and quality of references. The Technical Programme Committee will decide which papers to include in the conference programme using peer review as the primary criterion, with secondary criteria of addressing the conference theme, and diversity across the programme as a whole.

Scientific Areas and Topics

INTERSPEECH 2023 embraces a broad range of science and technology in speech, language and communication, including – but not limited to – the following topics:

● Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition● Speech Synthesis
● Phonetics, Phonology, and Prosody● Spoken Language Generation
● Paralinguistics in Speech and Language● Automatic Speech Recognition
● Analysis of Conversation● Spoken Dialogue and Conversational AI Systems
● Speech, Voice, and Hearing Disorders● Spoken Language Translation, Information Retrieval, Summarization
● Speaker and Language Identification● Technologies and Systems for New Applications
● Speech and Audio Signal Analysis● Resources and Evaluation
● Speech Coding and Enhancement

Technical Program Committee Chairs

Simon KingKate KnillPetra Wagner
University of Edinburgh, UKUniversity of Cambridge, UKUniversity of Bielefeld, Germany

Click hereto download a PDF of this Call for Papers.


For any queries in relation to the Technical Programme, please do not hesitate to contact our TPC Chairs attpc-chairs@interspeech2023.org.

Important Dates&Deadlines

Call for Special Sessions/ChallengesSeptember 8th, 2022
Call for PapersOctober 4th, 2022
Special Session/Challenges Proposals Deadline
November 9th, 2022Extended to November 16th, 2022
Announcement of Special Sessions/ChallengesDecember 14th, 2022
Paper Submission Portal OpensJanuary 18th, 2023
Tutorials/Satellite Workshops/Events Proposals DueFebruary 1st, 2023
Acceptance notification for Tutorials/Satellite Workshops/EventsFebruary 22nd, 2023
Paper Submission DeadlineMarch 1st, 2023
Paper Update DeadlineMarch 8th, 2023
Show &文章来源地址9335.html; Tell Proposals DeadlineApril 12th, 2023
Show & Tell NotificationMay 4th, 2023
Paper Acceptance NotificationMay 17th, 2023
Early Bird Registration DeadlineMay 27th, 2023
Final Paper Upload and Paper Presenter Registration DeadlineJune 1st, 2023
INTERSPEECH 2023 Tutorial DayAugust 20th, 2023
Opening of INTERSPEECH 2023August 21st, 2023
Closing of INTERSPEECH 2023August 24th, 2023



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