作者:w3812127 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-09-17 15:41
Similar to this post, push notifications works on development, but does not work through testflight. Here are screenshots of my certs:
- Certificate of type iOS Distribution

- iOS分发证书
- App ID. Named (not wildcard). Push notifications enabled for both Development and Distribution - green lights - with all SSL certificates genereated and uploaded

- 应用ID。命名(不是通配符)。为开发和分发启用推送通知 - 绿灯 - 生成并上传所有SSL证书
- iOS Distribution Provisioning Profile, that usese the above mentioned Certificate and App ID as well as lists Push Notifications among enabled services

- iOS分发配置文件,使用上述证书和应用程序ID以及在已启用的服务中列出推送通知
- distribution and adhoc signing

- 分发和特别签名
Using Heroku and "node-pushnotifications". It works on development, does not work on testflight. APN_key.p8 and serviceAccountKey.json are in there as well.
使用Heroku和“节点推送”。它适用于开发,不适用于testflight。 APN_key.p8和serviceAccountKey.json也在那里。
I've been working on this all day and been scouring the internet for answers but have yet to find any. Any ideas?
2 个解决方案