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There is a lot of interest and hype on Adobe Air lately. Is it deserving of this and are there any worthy competitors to Adobe in this space? The only Adobe Air application I have used is TweetDeck .. while I am not loving it, that may be a more a UI design/usability issue.

最近有很多关于Adobe Air的兴趣和炒作。它应该得到这个并且在这个领域是否有任何有价值的竞争对手?我使用的唯一Adobe Air应用程序是TweetDeck ..虽然我不喜欢它,但这可能更像是UI设计/可用性问题。

7 个解决方案


One code base, many platforms.


Flex/Air is delivering on what Java promised to be 10-15 years ago..

Flex / Air正在实现Java承诺的10到15年前......

With Java many companies made their own Java Runtime and things became incompatible from platform to platform. Microsoft has replied with their WPF/Silverlight, it is capable, but in a lot of ways it doesn't have the 10+ years of rich media history that Flash does.

使用Java,许多公司都制作了自己的Java Runtime,从平台到平台,事情变得不相容。微软已经回复了他们的WPF / Silverlight,它有能力,但在很多方面它没有Flash所拥有的10多年的富媒体历史。

What is remarkable about Air / Flex is that it truly provides the same experience on multiple platforms in a way very little has. The penetration of the Flash Player is as ubiquitous as the web browser. No need to install a 40 mb .net runtime, or a java download, or approve this or that. It just works. The recent open sourcing of flex/flash standards has been inviting as well.

Air / Flex的独特之处在于它真正以多种方式在多个平台上提供相同的体验。 Flash Player的普及与Web浏览器一样普遍存在。无需安装40 MB的.net运行时,或Java下载,或批准这个或那个。它只是有效。最近开放的flex / flash标准采购也一直很吸引人。

I think Air could prove to be a breakthrough technology. Adobe can quietly and capably provide a complete desktop experience (ala www.buzzword.com) in the browser without the AJAX battle that google docs had to go through.

我认为Air可以证明是一项突破性技术。 Adobe可以在浏览器中安静而有效地提供完整的桌面体验(ala www.buzzword.com),而无需谷歌文档必须经历的AJAX战斗。


I've been programming with Flex, and it feels a bit like Java to me... you can run anywhere, and do fairly serious work, as long as you don't mind running on a virtual machine that doesn't tightly integrate with the native capabilities of your platform.

我一直在用Flex编程,对我来说感觉有点像Java ......你可以在任何地方运行,做相当认真的工作,只要你不介意在没有紧密集成的虚拟机上运行具有您平台的本机功能。

It does do a fantastic job of making the developer's tools somewhat familiar to those who do web work... using CSS to control the look of your app; only this CSS really does what you tell it to without having to deal with browser issues (IE6, I'm looking at you.)


You can integrate with Flash assets in a beautiful way, and programmatically do just about anything that you see a flash widget do... transitions, special effects, etc are all at your disposal.


You can use layouts of containers to arrange your widgets, and avoid that feeling where the flash is using all the smallest fonts that it can possibly use just so that it can not have to scroll (or for whatever reason flash people like small fonts.)


Most of the developers that I know who have used Flex / Air think it's really fantastic. I think Actionscript3 still has a long way to go to provide a foundation of essentials like containers that rival Python's. Or the ability to integrate with your local OS & device drivers...

我所知道的大多数使用过Flex / Air的开发人员都认为它非常棒。我认为Actionscript3还有很长的路要走,以提供像Python这样的容器之类的必需品。或者与本地操作系统和设备驱动程序集成的能力......

But what really works is that Adobe has a terrific penetration into the browser, and Flex is a great way for programmers to write Flash applications, and it's a huge plus that those applications can also run on the desktop. Because Adobe is covering all the bases adequately, they'll continue to be a good decision for software development. (As long as you don't have to integrate tightly with the OS, or run on an iPod Touch, etc.)

但真正有用的是Adobe对浏览器的深入渗透,而Flex是编程人员编写Flash应用程序的好方法,这些应用程序也可以在桌面上运行,这是一个巨大的优势。由于Adobe充分覆盖了所有基础,因此它们将继续成为软件开发的良好决策。 (只要您不必与操作系统紧密集成,或在iPod Touch上运行等)


Similarly in the Microsoft World, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is getting a lot of hype and is starting to filter into real world projects more and more.

同样在微软世界中,Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)正在大肆宣传并开始越来越多地过滤到现实世界的项目中。

As far as whether the hype around 'Air' is justified, I think you would have to take a look at it yourself and make your own judgement.



I do not feel it deserves the hype. I guess I'm a bit biased, I don't really care for Adobe products (I feel they are bloated, slow and just plain ugly). But that's just me - to each their own :-)

我觉得它不应该炒作。我想我有点偏颇,我并不真正关心Adobe产品(我觉得它们很臃肿,很慢而且很丑陋)。但那只是我 - 每个人都有:-)

Silverlight is a big competitor, in my mind, and I much prefer that (even though it has a few bugs that I think Microsoft should never have let ship in 2.0).



I actually don't think so... I believe that currently may users simply are confused how it works and what's it good for. But that might change. More and more developers will write apps for AIR and the users might accept it.


I love to see that there is a competitor for Silverlight out there, because as always: Competition is good for business.


Some useful informations: http://www.webglossary.co.uk/article-what-is-adobe-air.asp



As a programmer who has developed desktop applications using many of the standard technologies (Win32, MFC, Java, .NET, etc) and who has developed web applications using the "AJAX" technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc.), I cannot imagine why on earth anyone would want to torture themselves by using web technologies to build desktop applications. The web technology stack evolved within an unusually constrained environment with a specific set of goals (for instance, the web browser, portability, thin-client, no installation, etc.). It's an incomprehensible mess lacking comprehensive forethought or design. It's not even "easy" for non-engineers. So --- WHY Air?

作为使用许多标准技术(Win32,MFC,Java,.NET等)开发桌面应用程序并使用“AJAX”技术(HTML,CSS,Javascript等)开发Web应用程序的程序员,我无法想象为什么人们会想通过使用网络技术来构建桌面应用程序来折磨自己。 Web技术堆栈在具有特定目标集的异常受限环境中发展(例如,Web浏览器,可移植性,瘦客户端,无安装等)。这是一个难以理解的混乱,缺乏全面的预见或设计。对于非工程师来说,这甚至都不容易。所以---为什么空气?


I too have not been impressed with most of the Air applications I've used. Balsamiq Mockups is a notable exception. Using it is such a good experience that I am taking a second look at Air in general.

对于我使用的大多数Air应用程序,我也没有留下深刻的印象。 Balsamiq Mockups是一个值得注意的例外。使用它是一种非常好的体验,我正在重新审视Air。

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