作者:骑单车追梦的小男孩 | 来源:互联网 | 2014-08-27 09:36
Git@OSC 安卓客户端 1.0 正式版发布,有亮点哦!
Sublime Text 3 Dev Build 3063 发布,此更新是个小的改进更新。现在 Windows 上有个相当于 OS X 命令行的工具:subl.exe。sublime_text.exe 是窗口应用程序而不是控制台,所以不支持 --help 和 --wait。但是现在 subl.exe 支持这两个功能:subl.exe --help,subl.exe --wait。
注意:Linux 上没有等效的工具,因为 Linux 不需要:sublime_text 二进制已经嵌入到所需的功能中。
* Improved quote auto pairing logic
* Selected group is now stored in the session
* Fixed a crash triggered by Goto Anything cloning views
* Windows: Added command line helper, subl.exe
* OSX: Added 'New Window' entry to dock menu
* Posix: Using correct permissions for newly created files and folders
Ubuntu 14.10 上的 bug 修复:
Saving a file will alter the file permission.
- file test.txt has 644, after saving become 664
- file test.txt has 777, after saving become 664
Tried with atomic save on/off, same result.