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Given the following methods:


public function setFoo($foo) {
    $this->_foo = $foo;
    return $this;

public function getFoo() {
    return $this->_foo;

Assuming, they may be changed to be more complex in the future:


  • How would you write unit tests for those methods?
  • 如何为这些方法编写单元测试?
  • Just one test method?
  • 只是一个测试方法?
  • Should I skip those tests?
  • 我应该跳过这些测试吗?
  • What about code coverage?
  • 代码覆盖呢?
  • How about @covers annotation?
  • @covers注释呢?
  • Maybe some universal test method to implement in the abstract test case?
  • 在抽象的测试用例中实现什么通用的测试方法?

(I use Netbeans 7)

(我使用Netbeans 7)

This seems like a waste of time, but I wouldn't mind if IDE would generate those test methods automatically.


To qoute from the comment of Sebastian Bergman's blog:


(it's like testing getters and setters -- fail!). In any case, if they were to fail; wouldn't the methods that depend on on them fail?


So, what about the code coverage?


3 个解决方案



Good Question,


i usually try not to test getters&setters directly since i see a greater benefit in testing only the methods that actually do something.


Especially when not using TDD this has the added benefit of showing me setters that i don't use in my unittests showing me that ether my tests are incomplete or that the setter is not used/needed. "If i can execute all the "real" code without using that setter why is it there."


When using fluent setter i sometimes write a test checking the 'fluent' part of the setters but usually that is covered in other tests.

在使用fluent setter时,我有时会编写一个测试来检查setter的“fluent”部分,但通常在其他测试中会涉及到。

To answer your list:


  • Just one test method?
  • 只是一个测试方法?

That is my least favorite option. All or none. Testing only one is not easy for other people to understand and looks 'random' or needs to be documented in a way.


Edit after comment:


Yes, for "trivial" get/set testing I'd only use one method per property maybe depending on the case even only one method for the whole class (for value objects with many getters and setters I don't want to write/maintain many tests)


  • How would you write unit tests for those methods?
  • 如何为这些方法编写单元测试?
  • Should I skip those tests?
  • 我应该跳过这些测试吗?

I wouldn't skip them. Maybe the getters depending on how many you have (i tend to write only getters i actually need) but the task of having a class completely covered shouldn't fail because of getters.


  • What about code coverage?
  • 代码覆盖呢?
  • How about @covers annotation?
  • @covers注释呢?

With @covers my take is always "use it everywhere or don't use it at all". Mixing the two 'styles' of testing takes away some of the benefits of the annotation and looks 'unfinished' to me.


  • Maybe some universal test method to implement in the abstract test case?
  • 在抽象的测试用例中实现什么通用的测试方法?

For something like value objects that could work nicely. It might break (or gets more complicated) once you pass in objects / array with type hinting but I'd presonally prefer it over writing manual tests for 500 getters and setters.




If you do TDD you should write a test for getter and setter. too. Do not write a single line of code without a test for it - even if your code is very simple.


Its a kind of religious war to use a tandem of getter and setter for your test or to isolate each by accessing protected class members using your unit test framework capabilities. As a black box tester i prefer to tie my unit test code to the public api instead of tie it to the concrete implementation details. I expect change. I want to encourage the developers to refactor existing code. And class internals should not effect "external code" (unit tests in this case). I don want to break unit tests when internals change, i want them to break when the public api changes or when behavior changes. Ok, ok, in case of a failing unit test do not pin-point to the one-and-only source of problem. I do have to look in the getter AND the setter to figure out what caused the problem. Most of the time your getter is very simple (less then 5 lines of code: e.g. a return and an optional null-check with an exception). So checking this first is no big deal and not time consuming. And checking the happy path of the setter is most of the time only a little more complex (even if you have some validation checks).


Try to isolate your test cases - write a test for a SUT (Subject under test) that validates its correctness without reley on other methods (except my example above). The more you isolate the test, the more your tests spot the problem.


Depending on your test strategy you may be want to cover happy path only (pragmatic programmer). Or sad pathes, too. I prefer to cover all execution pathes. When i think i discovered all execution pathes i check code coverage to identify dead code (not to identify if there are uncovered execution pathes - 100% code coverage is a missleading indicator).


It is best practice for black box testers to use phpunit in strict mode and to use @covers to hide collateral coverage.


When you write unit test your test on class A should be executed independent from class B. So your unit tests for class A should not call / cover method of class B.


If you want to identify obsolete getter/setter and other "dead" methods (which are not used by production code) use static code analysis for that. The metric you are interested in is called "Afferent coupling at method level (MethodCa)". Unfortunately this metric (ca) is not available at method-level in PHP Depend (see: http://pdepend.org/documentation/software-metrics/index.html and http://pdepend.org/documentation/software-metrics/afferent-coupling.html). If you realy need it, feel free to contribute it to PHP Depend. An option to exclude calls from the same class would be helpful to get a result without "collateral" calls. If you identify a "dead method" try to figure out if it is meant to be used in near future (the counterpart for an other method that has a @depricated annotation) else remove it. In case it is used in the same class only, make it privat / protected. Do not apply this rule to library code.

如果您想识别过时的getter/setter和其他“死”方法(不被生产代码使用),请使用静态代码分析。您感兴趣的度量称为“方法级的传入耦合(MethodCa)”。不幸的是,这个度量(ca)在PHP Depend的方法级别上是不可用的(参见:http://pdepend.org/documentation/softw-metrics/index.html和http://pdepend.org/documentation/softw-metrics/afferent -coupling.html)。如果您确实需要它,请将它贡献给PHP依赖。排除来自同一个类的调用的选项将有助于在没有“附带”调用的情况下获得结果。如果您识别了一个“死方法”,请尝试找出它是否打算在不久的将来被使用(另一个具有@德普化注释的方法的对应方法),那么请删除它。如果只在同一类中使用,请将其设置为私有/受保护。不要将此规则应用于库代码。

Plan B: If you have acceptance tests (integration test, regression test, etc.) you can run that test without running unit tests at the same time and without phpunits strict mode. This can result in a very similar code coverage result as if you had analysed your production code. But in most cases your non-unit tests are not as strong as your production code is. It depends on your discipline if this plan B is "equal enought" to production code to get a meaningful result.


Further reading: - Book: Pragmatic Programmer - Book: Clean Code




This is a common question but strangely can't find a dupe on SO.


You could write unit tests for accessors but the majority of practioners do not. i.e. if the accessors do not have any custom logic, I would not write unit tests to verify if field access works. Instead I would rely on the consumers of these accessors to ensure that the accessors work. e.g. If getFoo and setFoo don't work, the callers of these method should break. So by writing unit tests for the calling methods, the accessors get verified.


This also means that code coverage should not be a problem. If you find accessors that are not covered after all test suites are run, maybe they are redundant / unused. Delete them.


Try to write a test that illustrates a scenario where a client will use that accessor. e.g. The below snippet shows how the Tooltip (property) for the Pause Button toggles based on its current mode.


public void UpdatesTogglePauseTooltipBasedOnState()
    Assert.That(_mainViewModel.TogglePauseTooltip, Is.EqualTo(Strings.Main_PauseAllBeacons));

    Assert.That(_mainViewModel.TogglePauseTooltip, Is.EqualTo(Strings.Main_ResumeAllBeacons));

    Assert.That(_mainViewModel.TogglePauseTooltip, Is.EqualTo(Strings.Main_PauseAllBeacons));

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