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My Microsoft Access database (FE/BE) has grown out of the limitations and I've to import more data, so Access is not the right choice for me anymore. I'll switch to MySQL (NOT SQL Server) as a good alternative, but I'm wondering what to use as a front-end to the MySQL database. Should I keep my Access VBA code and front-end (using a ODBC connection) or ...? High performance is not required.

我的Microsoft Access数据库(FE / BE)已经超出了限制,我将导入更多数据,因此Access不再是我的正确选择。我将切换到MySQL(不是SQL Server)作为一个很好的选择,但我想知道什么用作MySQL数据库的前端。我应该保留我的Access VBA代码和前端(使用ODBC连接)还是......?不需要高性能。

3 个解决方案



If you've already invested a lot in your front end development, to me it's a no-brainer to keep the Access front end.


On the other hand, if you're not comfortable with developing in Access and the app you have is relatively trivial, and you have a favorite development platform that you can easily get up and running with very quickly, things tip in the other direction.


Also, if you have a change of requirements, such as needing to deploy on the web or to remote users, that can be a good reason to abandon your investment in the Access front end.


But in general, the first choice is to stick with what is already working, and then move on only if there are unresolvable problems with that.




I use access as my front end all the time. It works, plain and simple. You can use the tools in Access to upsize the tables to SQL. After that is done, I rename the linked tables to take out the dbo_ prefix, so the forms and code is all still looking at the same table name.


Now you have sql maintenance and backups of the data. You can make different copies of the front end. You can have a dev copy and one for users. Once you have changes to the front end - new forms or reports, you can publish it in 2 seconds when no one is in the published copy.

现在你有sql维护和数据备份。您可以制作前端的不同副本。您可以拥有一个开发副本和一个用户。一旦您对前端进行了更改 - 新表单或报表,您可以在发布副本中没有人的情况下在2秒内发布它。

I have wanted to learn asp or go to other platforms for front end gui of my db's, but why bother when I don't need a bomb for an ant hill? They are small apps and Access does a good job with them.





I think you should at least first try a copy of your existing Access FE with ODBC links to the new MySQL database. I've done similar with PostGreSql and SQL Server as the backend database, and it can work well. I don't know whether you could run into more gotchas or even deal-breakers with MySQL, but seems like it should be worth a try. And it wouldn't cost you much effort to find out ... just discard or rename your existing Jet tables and add the ODBC links in their place.

我认为你至少应该首先尝试使用ODBC链接到新MySQL数据库的现有Access FE的副本。我已经完成了与PostGreSql和SQL Server类似的后端数据库,它可以很好地工作。我不知道你是否会遇到更多陷阱甚至与MySQL打交道,但看起来应该值得一试。并且不需要花费太多精力就可以找到...只需丢弃或重命名现有的Jet表并在其位置添加ODBC链接。

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