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I threw some code together to flatten and un-flatten complex/nested JSON objects. It works, but it's a bit slow (triggers the 'long script' warning).


For the flattened names I want "." as the delimiter and [INDEX] for arrays.




un-flattened | flattened
{foo:{bar:false}} => {"foo.bar":false}
{a:[{b:["c","d"]}]} => {"a[0].b[0]":"c","a[0].b[1]":"d"}
[1,[2,[3,4],5],6] => {"[0]":1,"[1].[0]":2,"[1].[1].[0]":3,"[1].[1].[1]":4,"[1].[2]":5,"[2]":6}

I created a benchmark that ~simulates my use case http://jsfiddle.net/WSzec/


  • Get a nested JSON object
  • 获取嵌套的JSON对象
  • Flatten it
  • 压平它
  • Look through it and possibly modify it while flattened
  • 检查它,并可能修改它时,扁平
  • Unflatten it back to it's original nested format to be shipped away
  • 把它拉回到原来的嵌套格式,然后再发送出去

I would like faster code: For clarification, code that completes the JSFiddle benchmark (http://jsfiddle.net/WSzec/) significantly faster (~20%+ would be nice) in IE 9+, FF 24+, and Chrome 29+.

我想要更快的代码:为了澄清这一点,在IE 9+、FF 24+和Chrome 29+中完成JSFiddle基准(http://jsfiddle.net/WSzec/)的代码要快得多(最好是20%+)。

Here's the relevant Javascript code: Current Fastest: http://jsfiddle.net/WSzec/6/


JSON.unflatten = function(data) {
    "use strict";
    if (Object(data) !== data || Array.isArray(data))
        return data;
    var result = {}, cur, prop, idx, last, temp;
    for(var p in data) {
        cur = result, prop = "", last = 0;
        do {
            idx = p.indexOf(".", last);
            temp = p.substring(last, idx !== -1 ? idx : undefined);
            cur = cur[prop] || (cur[prop] = (!isNaN(parseInt(temp)) ? [] : {}));
            prop = temp;
            last = idx + 1;
        } while(idx >= 0);
        cur[prop] = data[p];
    return result[""];
JSON.flatten = function(data) {
    var result = {};
    function recurse (cur, prop) {
        if (Object(cur) !== cur) {
            result[prop] = cur;
        } else if (Array.isArray(cur)) {
             for(var i=0, l=cur.length; i

EDIT 1 Modified the above to @Bergi 's implementation which is currently the fastest. As an aside, using ".indexOf" instead of "regex.exec" is around 20% faster in FF but 20% slower in Chrome; so I'll stick with the regex since it's simpler (here's my attempt at using indexOf to replace the regex http://jsfiddle.net/WSzec/2/).

编辑1将上面的修改为@Bergi的实现,这是目前最快的实现。顺便说一句,使用。indexOf”而不是“正则表达式。执行"在FF上快20%,在Chrome上慢20%;因此,我将继续使用regex,因为它更简单(我尝试使用indexOf替换regex http://jsfiddle.net/WSzec/2/)。

EDIT 2 Building on @Bergi 's idea I managed to created a faster non-regex version (3x faster in FF and ~10% faster in Chrome). http://jsfiddle.net/WSzec/6/ In the this (the current) implementation the rules for key names are simply, keys cannot start with an integer or contain a period.




  • {"foo":{"bar":[0]}} => {"foo.bar.0":0}
  • { " foo ":{“酒吧”:[0]} } = > {“foo.bar.0”:0 }

EDIT 3 Adding @AaditMShah 's inline path parsing approach (rather than String.split) helped to improve the unflatten performance. I'm very happy with the overall performance improvement reached.


The latest jsfiddle and jsperf:






11 个解决方案



Here's my much shorter implementation:


Object.unflatten = function(data) {
    "use strict";
    if (Object(data) !== data || Array.isArray(data))
        return data;
    var regex = /\.?([^.\[\]]+)|\[(\d+)\]/g,
        resultholder = {};
    for (var p in data) {
        var cur = resultholder,
            prop = "",
        while (m = regex.exec(p)) {
            cur = cur[prop] || (cur[prop] = (m[2] ? [] : {}));
            prop = m[2] || m[1];
        cur[prop] = data[p];
    return resultholder[""] || resultholder;

flatten hasn't changed much (and I'm not sure whether you really need those isEmpty cases):


Object.flatten = function(data) {
    var result = {};
    function recurse (cur, prop) {
        if (Object(cur) !== cur) {
            result[prop] = cur;
        } else if (Array.isArray(cur)) {
             for(var i=0, l=cur.length; i

Together, they run your benchmark in about the half of the time (Opera 12.16: ~900ms instead of ~ 1900ms, Chrome 29: ~800ms instead of ~1600ms).

它们一起在大约一半的时间内运行基准测试(Opera 12.16: ~900ms而不是~ 1900ms, Chrome 29: ~800ms而不是~1600ms)。



I wrote two functions to flatten and unflatten a JSON object.


Flatten a JSON object:


var flatten = (function (isArray, wrapped) {
    return function (table) {
        return reduce("", {}, table);

    function reduce(path, accumulator, table) {
        if (isArray(table)) {
            var length = table.length;

            if (length) {
                var index = 0;

                while (index 



  1. It's faster than the current solution in Opera. The current solution is 26% slower in Opera.
  2. 它比Opera中当前的解决方案要快。目前的解决方案在Opera中慢了26%。
  3. It's faster than the current solution in Firefox. The current solution is 9% slower in Firefox.
  4. 它比Firefox中的当前解决方案要快。目前的解决方案在Firefox中慢了9%。
  5. It's faster than the current solution in Chrome. The current solution is 29% slower in Chrome.
  6. 它比Chrome当前的解决方案要快。目前的解决方案在Chrome上的速度要慢29%。

Unflatten a JSON object:

Unflatten JSON对象:

function unflatten(table) {
    var result = {};

    for (var path in table) {
        var cursor = result, length = path.length, property = "", index = 0;

        while (index 



  1. It's faster than the current solution in Opera. The current solution is 5% slower in Opera.
  2. 它比Opera中当前的解决方案要快。目前的解决方案在Opera中要慢5%。
  3. It's slower than the current solution in Firefox. My solution is 26% slower in Firefox.
  4. 它比Firefox当前的解决方案要慢。我的解决方案在Firefox中慢了26%。
  5. It's slower than the current solution in Chrome. My solution is 6% slower in Chrome.
  6. 它比Chrome当前的解决方案要慢。我的解决方案在Chrome上慢了6%。

Flatten and unflatten a JSON object:


Overall my solution performs either equally well or even better than the current solution.




  1. It's faster than the current solution in Opera. The current solution is 21% slower in Opera.
  2. 它比Opera中当前的解决方案要快。目前的解决方案在Opera中慢了21%。
  3. It's as fast as the current solution in Firefox.
  4. 它和Firefox中的当前解决方案一样快。
  5. It's faster than the current solution in Firefox. The current solution is 20% slower in Chrome.
  6. 它比Firefox中的当前解决方案要快。目前的解决方案是20%的慢铬。

Output format:


A flattened object uses the dot notation for object properties and the bracket notation for array indices:


  1. {foo:{bar:false}} => {"foo.bar":false}
  2. { foo:{酒吧:假} } = > {“foo.bar”:假}
  3. {a:[{b:["c","d"]}]} => {"a[0].b[0]":"c","a[0].b[1]":"d"}
  4. {:[{ b:[“c”,“d”]}]} = > {”[0]。b[0]”:“c”,“[0]。b[1]”:“d”}
  5. [1,[2,[3,4],5],6] => {"[0]":1,"[1][0]":2,"[1][1][0]":3,"[1][1][1]":4,"[1][2]":5,"[2]":6}
  6. [1,2、(3、4)、5)、6)= > {“[0]”:1、“[1][0]”:2,”[1][1][0]”:3”[1][1][1]”:4,“[1][2]”:5,“[2]”:6 }

In my opinion this format is better than only using the dot notation:


  1. {foo:{bar:false}} => {"foo.bar":false}
  2. { foo:{酒吧:假} } = > {“foo.bar”:假}
  3. {a:[{b:["c","d"]}]} => {"a.0.b.0":"c","a.0.b.1":"d"}
  4. {:[{ b:[“c”,“d”]}]} = > {“a.0.b.0”:“c”,“a.0.b.1”:“d”}
  5. [1,[2,[3,4],5],6] => {"0":1,"1.0":2,"1.1.0":3,"1.1.1":4,"1.2":5,"2":6}
  6. [1,2、(3、4)、5)、6)= > {“0”:1、“1.0”:2,“1.1.0”:3、“1.1.1”:4,“1.2”:5,“2”:6 }



  1. Flattening an object is faster than the current solution.
  2. 压平一个物体比现在的解决方案快。
  3. Flattening and unflattening an object is as fast as or faster than the current solution.
  4. 扁平化和不扁平化一个物体的速度和当前的解决方案一样快或更快。
  5. Flattened objects use both the dot notation and the bracket notation for readability.
  6. 扁平对象使用点表示法和方括号表示法来提高可读性。



  1. Unflattening an object is slower than the current solution in most (but not all) cases.
  2. 在大多数情况下(但不是所有情况下),不展平对象比当前的解决方案要慢。

The current JSFiddle demo gave the following values as output:

当前的JSFiddle demo给出的输出值为:

Nested : 132175 : 63
Flattened : 132175 : 564
Nested : 132175 : 54
Flattened : 132175 : 508

My updated JSFiddle demo gave the following values as output:

我更新的JSFiddle demo给出如下值作为输出:

Nested : 132175 : 59
Flattened : 132175 : 514
Nested : 132175 : 60
Flattened : 132175 : 451

I'm not really sure what that means, so I'll stick with the jsPerf results. After all jsPerf is a performance benchmarking utility. JSFiddle is not.




Based on @Bergi's code I made a simple webpage to flatten // unflatten.




enter image description here

JSON.flatten = function (data) {
    var result = {};

    function recurse(cur, prop) {
        if (Object(cur) !== cur) {
            result[prop] = cur;
        } else if (Array.isArray(cur)) {
            for (var i = 0, l = cur.length; i 
body {

JSON Flattener



Here's another approach that runs slower (about 1000ms) than the above answer, but has an interesting idea :-)


Instead of iterating through each property chain, it just picks the last property and uses a look-up-table for the rest to store the intermediate results. This look-up-table will be iterated until there are no property chains left and all values reside on uncocatenated properties.


JSON.unflatten = function(data) {
    "use strict";
    if (Object(data) !== data || Array.isArray(data))
        return data;
    var regex = /\.?([^.\[\]]+)$|\[(\d+)\]$/,
        props = Object.keys(data),
        result, p;
    while(p = props.shift()) {
        var m = regex.exec(p),
        if (m.index) {
            var rest = p.slice(0, m.index);
            if (!(rest in data)) {
                data[rest] = m[2] ? [] : {};
            target = data[rest];
        } else {
            target = result || (result = (m[2] ? [] : {}));
        target[m[2] || m[1]] = data[p];
    return result;

It currently uses the data input parameter for the table, and puts lots of properties on it - a non-destructive version should be possible as well. Maybe a clever lastIndexOf usage performs better than the regex (depends on the regex engine).

它目前使用表的数据输入参数,并在表上放置了许多属性——一个非破坏性的版本也应该是可能的。也许一个聪明的lastIndexOf usage比regex性能更好(取决于regex引擎)。

See it in action here.




3 ½ Years later...


For my own project I wanted to flatten JSON objects in mongoDB dot notation and came up with a simple solution:


 * Recursively flattens a JSON object using dot notation.
 * NOTE: input must be an object as described by JSON spec. Arbitrary
 * JS objects (e.g. {a: () => 42}) may result in unexpected output.
 * MOREOVER, it removes keys with empty objects/arrays as value (see
 * examples bellow).
 * @example
 * // returns {a:1, 'b.0.c': 2, 'b.0.d.e': 3, 'b.1': 4}
 * flatten({a: 1, b: [{c: 2, d: {e: 3}}, 4]})
 * // returns {a:1, 'b.0.c': 2, 'b.0.d.e.0': true, 'b.0.d.e.1': false, 'b.0.d.e.2.f': 1}
 * flatten({a: 1, b: [{c: 2, d: {e: [true, false, {f: 1}]}}]})
 * // return {a: 1}
 * flatten({a: 1, b: [], c: {}})
 * @param obj item to be flattened
 * @param {Array.string} [prefix=[]] chain of prefix joined with a dot and prepended to key
 * @param {Object} [current={}] result of flatten during the recursion
 * @see https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/document/#dot-notation
function flatten (obj, prefix, current) {
  prefix = prefix || []
  current = current || {}

  // Remember kids, null is also an object!
  if (typeof (obj) === 'object' && obj !== null) {
    Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
      this.flatten(obj[key], prefix.concat(key), current)
  } else {
    current[prefix.join('.')] = obj

  return current

Features and/or caveats


  • It only accepts JSON objects. So if you pass something like {a: () => {}} you might not get what you wanted!
  • 它只接受JSON对象。因此,如果您传递类似{a:() =>{}的内容,您可能不会得到您想要的!
  • It removes empty arrays and objects. So this {a: {}, b: []} is flattened to {}.
  • 它删除空数组和对象。所以这个{},b:[]}被压平为{}。



This code recursively flattens out JSON objects.


I included my timing mechanism in the code and it gives me 1ms but I'm not sure if that's the most accurate one.


            var new_json = [{
              "name": "fatima",
              "age": 25,
              "neighbour": {
                "name": "taqi",
                "location": "end of the street",
                "property": {
                  "built in": 1990,
                  "owned": false,
                  "years on market": [1990, 1998, 2002, 2013],
                  "year short listed": [], //means never
              "town": "Mountain View",
              "state": "CA"
              "name": "qianru",
              "age": 20,
              "neighbour": {
                "name": "joe",
                "location": "opposite to the park",
                "property": {
                  "built in": 2011,
                  "owned": true,
                  "years on market": [1996, 2011],
                  "year short listed": [], //means never
              "town": "Pittsburgh",
              "state": "PA"

            function flatten(json, flattened, str_key) {
                for (var key in json) {
                  if (json.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    if (json[key] instanceof Object && json[key] != "") {
                      flatten(json[key], flattened, str_key + "." + key);
                    } else {
                      flattened[str_key + "." + key] = json[key];

        var flattened = {};
        flatten(new_json, flattened, "");

        for (var key in flattened){
          console.log(key + ": " + flattened[key]);



flatten: 1ms
.0.name: fatima
.0.age: 25
.0.neighbour.name: taqi
.0.neighbour.location: end of the street
.0.neighbour.property.built in: 1990
.0.neighbour.property.owned: false
.0.neighbour.property.years on market.0: 1990
.0.neighbour.property.years on market.1: 1998
.0.neighbour.property.years on market.2: 2002
.0.neighbour.property.years on market.3: 2013
.0.neighbour.property.year short listed: 
.0.town: Mountain View
.0.state: CA
.1.name: qianru
.1.age: 20
.1.neighbour.name: joe
.1.neighbour.location: opposite to the park
.1.neighbour.property.built in: 2011
.1.neighbour.property.owned: true
.1.neighbour.property.years on market.0: 1996
.1.neighbour.property.years on market.1: 2011
.1.neighbour.property.year short listed: 
.1.town: Pittsburgh
.1.state: PA



You can use https://github.com/hughsk/flat


Take a nested Javascript object and flatten it, or unflatten an object with delimited keys.


Example from the doc
var flatten = require('flat')

    key1: {
        keyA: 'valueI'
    key2: {
        keyB: 'valueII'
    key3: { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }

// {
//   'key1.keyA': 'valueI',
//   'key2.keyB': 'valueII',
//   'key3.a.b.c': 2
// }

var unflatten = require('flat').unflatten

    'three.levels.deep': 42,
    'three.levels': {
        nested: true

// {
//     three: {
//         levels: {
//             deep: 42,
//             nested: true
//         }
//     }
// }



ES6 version:


const flatten = (obj, path = '') => {        
    if (!(obj instanceof Object)) return {[path.replace(/\.$/g, '')]:obj};

    return Object.keys(obj).reduce((output, key) => {
        return obj instanceof Array ? 
             {...output, ...flatten(obj[key], path +  '[' + key + '].')}:
             {...output, ...flatten(obj[key], path + key + '.')};
    }, {});






I added +/- 10-15% efficiency to the selected answer by minor code refactoring and moving the recursive function outside of the function namespace.

我通过少量的代码重构和将递归函数移到函数名称空间之外,为所选答案增加了+/- 10-15%的效率。

See my question: Are namespaced functions reevaluated on every call? for why this slows nested functions down.


function _flatten (target, obj, path) {
  var i, empty;
  if (obj.cOnstructor=== Object) {
    empty = true;
    for (i in obj) {
      empty = false;
      _flatten(target, obj[i], path ? path + '.' + i : i);
    if (empty && path) {
      target[path] = {};
  else if (obj.cOnstructor=== Array) {
    i = obj.length;
    if (i > 0) {
      while (i--) {
        _flatten(target, obj[i], path + '[' + i + ']');
    } else {
      target[path] = [];
  else {
    target[path] = obj;

function flatten (data) {
  var result = {};
  _flatten(result, data, null);
  return result;

See benchmark.




Here's mine. It runs in <2ms in Google Apps Script on a sizable object. It uses dashes instead of dots for separators, and it doesn't handle arrays specially like in the asker's question, but this is what I wanted for my use.


function flatten (obj) {
  var newObj = {};
  for (var key in obj) {
    if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && obj[key] !== null) {
      var temp = flatten(obj[key])
      for (var key2 in temp) {
        newObj[key+"-"+key2] = temp[key2];
    } else {
      newObj[key] = obj[key];
  return newObj;



var test = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: {
    c1: 3.1,
    c2: 3.2
  d: 4,
  e: {
    e1: 5.1,
    e2: 5.2,
    e3: {
      e3a: 5.31,
      e3b: 5.32
    e4: 5.4
  f: 6


Example output:


[17-02-08 13:21:05:245 CST] start
[17-02-08 13:21:05:246 CST] {
  "a": 1,
  "b": 2,
  "c-c1": 3.1,
  "c-c2": 3.2,
  "d": 4,
  "e-e1": 5.1,
  "e-e2": 5.2,
  "e-e3-e3a": 5.31,
  "e-e3-e3b": 5.32,
  "e-e4": 5.4,
  "f": 6
[17-02-08 13:21:05:247 CST] done



I'd like to add a new version of flatten case (this is what i needed :)) which, according to my probes with the above jsFiddler, is slightly faster then the currently selected one. Moreover, me personally see this snippet a bit more readable, which is of course important for multi-developer projects.

我想添加一个新版本的flatten case(这是我需要的:)),根据我对上面的jsFiddler的探针,它比当前选择的稍微快一些。此外,我个人认为这段代码可读性更好,这对于多开发项目来说是很重要的。

function flattenObject(graph) {
    let result = {},

    function recurr(graph, path) {
        if (Array.isArray(graph)) {
            graph.forEach(function (itm, idx) {
                key = path + '[' + idx + ']';
                if (itm && typeof itm === 'object') {
                    recurr(itm, key);
                } else {
                    result[key] = itm;
        } else {
            Reflect.ownKeys(graph).forEach(function (p) {
                key = path + '.' + p;
                item = graph[p];
                if (item && typeof item === 'object') {
                    recurr(item, key);
                } else {
                    result[key] = item;
    recurr(graph, '');

    return result;

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  • 本文介绍了获取关联数组键的列表的方法,即使用Object.keys()函数。同时还提到了该方法在不同浏览器的支持情况,并附上了一个代码片段供读者参考。 ... [详细]
  • 本文讨论了编写可保护的代码的重要性,包括提高代码的可读性、可调试性和直观性。同时介绍了优化代码的方法,如代码格式化、解释函数和提炼函数等。还提到了一些常见的坏代码味道,如不规范的命名、重复代码、过长的函数和参数列表等。最后,介绍了如何处理数据泥团和进行函数重构,以提高代码质量和可维护性。 ... [详细]
  • 本文讨论了在VMWARE5.1的虚拟服务器Windows Server 2008R2上安装oracle 10g客户端时出现的问题,并提供了解决方法。错误日志显示了异常访问违例,通过分析日志中的问题帧,找到了解决问题的线索。文章详细介绍了解决方法,帮助读者顺利安装oracle 10g客户端。 ... [详细]
  • Android自定义控件绘图篇之Paint函数大汇总
    本文介绍了Android自定义控件绘图篇中的Paint函数大汇总,包括重置画笔、设置颜色、设置透明度、设置样式、设置宽度、设置抗锯齿等功能。通过学习这些函数,可以更好地掌握Paint的用法。 ... [详细]
  • 本文整理了常用的CSS属性及用法,包括背景属性、边框属性、尺寸属性、可伸缩框属性、字体属性和文本属性等,方便开发者查阅和使用。 ... [详细]
  • IhaveawebapplicationthatusesanActiveXCOMcomponent,forexample:我有一个使用ActiveXCOM组件的Web应用程 ... [详细]
  • 表单提交前的最后验证:通常在表单提交前,我们必须确认用户是否都把必须填选的做了,如果没有,就不能被提交到服务器,这里我们用到表单的formname.submit()看演示,其实这个对于我们修炼道 ... [详细]
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