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I've started my application on my server with pm2:


pm2 start /path/lib/start-server.js --name="cdl-debug" -- --inspect

Which would be equivalent to node /path/lib/start-server.js --inspect

这相当于节点/path/lib/start-server.js --inspect

The application starts and runs, although I see no notice in the logs about any debugging like explained here


I've opened up port 9229 in the firewall and setup my WebStorm debug config with Attach to Node.js/Chrome like so:

我在防火墙中打开了端口9229并使用Attach to Node.js / Chrome设置了我的WebStorm调试配置,如下所示:

enter image description here

Then when I run the debugger it tries to connect for a while and finally fails with the message: Connection timed out. No further information.

然后,当我运行调试器时,它尝试连接一段时间,最后失败并显示消息:Connection timed out。没有更多信息。

Is there something else I should do? The WebStorm documentation doesn't mention much about the required setup on the server.

还有什么我应该做的吗? WebStorm文档没有提到服务器上所需的设置。

1 个解决方案



When running node /path/lib/start-server.js --inspect, you are passing --inspect to your application, not to Node.js. As a result, debugger is not started. You need to make sure to pass --inspect-brk to Node.js in order to debug your app:

运行节点/path/lib/start-server.js --inspect时,您将--inspect传递给您的应用程序,而不是Node.js.因此,调试程序未启动。您需要确保将--inspect-brk传递给Node.js以调试您的应用:

node --inspect-brk /path/lib/start-server.js

node --inspect-brk /path/lib/start-server.js

You can specify --inspect-brk in your pm2 process.json, like

您可以在pm2 process.json中指定--inspect-brk,就像

"node_args": [

and then start your app with pm2 start process.json

然后使用pm2 start process.json启动你的应用程序

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