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I used focusable attribute to force SVG elements get focus in HTML document.


I need to navigate in SVG elements in SVG tag by TAB key. Like mentioned in the document (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/interact.html#focusable-attr)


But I cannot do it. I have set the focusable attribute to true, and tabindex of each element to 0.


Here is my code:


I have tested the code in Google Chrome. Is there any way to reach purpose?

我在Google Chrome中测试了代码。有没有办法达到目的?

2 个解决方案



As @Robert Longson mentioned in the comments, SVG 1.2 was never finalized and SVG 1.2 Tiny is not implemented by web browsers. SVG 2 will have a tabIndex attribute, with the same purpose as in HTML, but there are still some details to work out and many browsers have not implemented it yet (Chrome, IE and Firefox do respect tabIndex on SVG elements in HTML pages).

正如@Robert Longson在评论中提到的,SVG 1.2从未最终确定,SVG 1.2 Tiny没有被Web浏览器实现。 SVG 2将具有tabIndex属性,其目的与HTML相同,但仍有一些细节需要解决,许多浏览器还没有实现它(Chrome,IE和Firefox确实尊重HTML页面中SVG元素的tabIndex)。

In the meantime, however, most browsers will allow link elements in SVG to get keyboard focus if they have an xlink:href attribute (even if it is a no-op link like #). You cannot control the tab order, or control focus from scripts, but you can allow users to cycle through elements, and the link will receive user input events.


The following snippet changes the styling of your circles when the link that contains them gets the user focus.


svg {
  max-height: 100vh;
  max-width: 100vw;

a:focus {
  fill: blue;
  fill-opacity: 0.5;
  outline: none;




I was searching for a solution to navigate inside SVG for a while now, my intention is to have some SVG elements and navigate from one to another.
A good solution is this library: https://github.com/flesler/jquery.scrollTo/releases My code that navigates from a node to another node is(navigates from yellow circle to red one):


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