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I am trying to create a DIV box by reading its X,Y coordinates from MySQL. I am using PHP and HTML on the same file. I have included my CSS as well (I will make a separate CSS file afterwards).


Right now I am getting results but only boxes one under the other. I am doing a cartesian map and have to place each BOX on their appropriate position. I want to avoid using Javascript and Canvas, just pure css,html and php I am using DIVs for a specific reason to put information in them after. Below is my code, thanks in advance for the help!


Top of the file I have:


My CSS in the head:


I am trying to loop through here, for each row that exists create a div at its appropriate location:


Section A

box here
"; } //end while coord_result loop ?>

1 个解决方案



No where are you actually assigning the coordinates to the DIV.


Like so:

//get number of rows for X,Y coords in the table
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($coord_result)){    
    //naming X,Y values
    $x_pos = $row['x_coord'];
    $y_pos = $row['y_coord'];     

    //draw a box with a DIV at its X,Y coord    
    echo "
box here
"; } //end while coord_result loop

This code is taking each X/Y coordinate and absolutely positioning the DIV from the left/top corner of the parent DIV, with the coordinates you generate in each loop.

此代码采用每个X / Y坐标,并使用您在每个循环中生成的坐标从父DIV的左/上角绝对定位DIV。

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