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Is difficult to explain what I am seekig here.


I have a website that doesn't have SSL Certificates and I am using a page as a landing page for a Facebook Application.


My Problem is when someone is on a secure connection on facebook (https://) the iframe src is pointed to the same https URL of my landing page. this returns an error like this.

我的问题是当有人在Facebook(https://)上建立安全连接时,iframe src指向我的目标网页的相同https网址。这会返回一个这样的错误。

SSL connection error

Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have.

Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.

How do I may users redirect to http or any workaround without installing SSL Certificates?


4 个解决方案



There is really no way to do that: HTTPS relies on the SSL certificate being present and the SSL negotiation ocurring BEFORE any data is sent to the server. Therefore if there is no SSL cert then it won't even get to the point where you can send a redirect (as you are observing).


I'd suggest just buying the cheapest cert you can: GoDaddy has specials for $12.99 that I've used quite effectively for just this purpose (Facebook app SSL pages) and that you can have bought and ready in 15 minutes.




If you can't prevent the initial connect from happening with HTTPS, then you (and your server) are never part of the conversation. The only two options are 1) get an SSL certificate (they are cheap), or 2) somehow get the connection to happen over HTTP.




As an addition to Femi's comment, all Facebook Apps and Pages must support SSL from October 1st so one must prepare for it anyways.


Re: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/499/



I found a nice solution today to have pages with HTTPS without having a certificate.


You can use cloudflare SSL: Flexible. This way the SSL will be between client and cloudflare server, and between cloudflare and your server will not be secure.

您可以使用cloudflare SSL:灵活。这样,SSL将位于客户端和cloudflare服务器之间,而cloudflare和您的服务器之间将不安全。

This option is only if you don't have sensitive data because the connection betweeen server and cloudflare is not encrypted


This is how it looks:


enter image description here

Check here more: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170416-What-do-the-SSL-options-mean-


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