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The question:
How can I be notified when the frame of my UICollectionView changes so that I may run some code when this occurs? However, I wonder if that is the best solution to the problem.


The problem:
I have created my own UICollectionViewLayout which needs to know the collection view's frame size before laying out the cells. The problem is, the collection view does not appear on screen (yet) when I set its collectionViewLayout property to my custom layout in viewDidLoad. So when the layout code is run, the value it obtains for the collectionView.frame.size is the width and height defined in Interface Builder, which changes when the collection view appears on screen due to Autolayout constraints. This results in the custom layout returning an incorrect size in the function collectionViewContentSize.

问题:我创建了自己的UICollectionViewLayout,它需要在布局单元格之前知道集合视图的框架大小。问题是,当我在viewDidLoad中将其collectionViewLayout属性设置为我的自定义布局时,集合视图不会出现在屏幕上。因此,当运行布局代码时,它为collectionView.frame.size获取的值是Interface Builder中定义的宽度和高度,当集合视图由于Autolayout约束而出现在屏幕上时会更改。这导致自定义布局在函数collectionViewContentSize中返回不正确的大小。

The current solution:
To work around the problem, I don't change the collectionViewLayout until viewDidAppear. This does result in the obtaining the correct size. However, this is not done until after the collection view has been displayed with the default Flow layout, so all of the cells have been rendered in a different layout and then I change the layout and cause the cells to be re-rendered. While this is barely noticeable because it occurs so quickly, it's obviously not a good solution.


The better questions:
Is it possible to be notified when the size of a UICollectionView frame changes? If so, perhaps I could set the layout when that occurs which should occur soon enough to prevent displaying the cells with the default Flow layout.


If that's not possible, a seemingly poor but slightly better solution could be to not display any cells until after the new layout is set in viewDidAppear. This would prevent the Flow layout from rendering, but would show a blank UI for a brief moment.


Another option would be to pass in a CGSize to the layout class instead of just accessing the collectionView.frame.size, and in doing so I could still set the custom layout in viewDidLoad and prevent displaying cells in Flow layout. This would require some way of knowing what the collection view size will be before it is rendered on screen which may not be possible (or at least not accurate).


What would be the best approach to solving this problem?


Note that I don't need to worry about future collection view size changes, as the layout will be invalided and re-rendered upon bounds change.


1 个解决方案



You could try to use viewDidLayoutSubviews instead as it's called before viewDidAppear: so there is a chance that you can get the right frame values at that point.


Note from the documentation:


However, this method being called does not indicate that the individual layouts of the view’s subviews have been adjusted.


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