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I have vertex buffers holding meshes of terrain chunks. Whenever the player edits terrain, the mesh of the corresponding chunk must be regenerated and uploaded to the vertex buffer. Since regenerating the mesh takes some time, I do it in an asynchronous worker thread.


The issue is that the main threads draws the buffer in the same moment the worker thread uploads new data. That means, after the player editing the terrain, a corrupted chunk gets rendered for one frame. It just flares up once and after that, the correct buffers gets drawn.


This kind of made sense to me, we shouldn't write and read the same data at the same time of course. So instead of updating the old buffer, I created a new one, filled it and swapped them. The swapping was just changing the buffer id stored within the terrain chunk struct, so that should be atomic. Hoever, that didn't help.


Due to the fact that OpenGL commands are sent to a queue on GPU, they don't have to be executed when the application on the CPU continues. So I may have swapped the buffers before the new one was actually ready.


I also tried an alternative to switching the buffers, using a mutex for buffer access. The main thread locks the mutex while drawing and the worker thread locks it while uploading new buffer data. However, this didn't help either and it may be because of OpenGL's asynchronous nature, too. The main thread didn't actually draw, but just send draw commands to the GPU. On the other hand, when there really is only one command queue, uploading buffers and drawing them could never occur at the same time, does it?


How can I synchronize the vertex buffer access from my two threads to prevent that an undefined buffer gets drawn for one frame?


1 个解决方案



You must make sure that the buffer update is actually completed before you can use that buffer in your draw thread. The easieast solution would be to call glFinish in your update thread after you issued all the update GL commands, and only notify the the draw thread after that returned.


To have a more fine grained control over the synchronization, I would advice you to have a look at fence sync objects (as described in the GL_ARB_sync extension). You can issue a fence sync after you issued your update commands and actually store the sync object handle with your buffer handle so that the draw thread can check if the update actually completed (or wait for it). Note that sync objects are kind of special since they are the only objects not tied to the GL context, so that they can be used in multi-context setups.

为了对同步进行更细粒度的控制,我建议您查看fence sync对象(如GL_ARB_sync扩展中所描述的)。在发出更新命令后,您可以发出一个fence sync,并将同步对象句柄与缓冲句柄存储在一起,以便绘制线程可以检查更新是否已经完成(或者等待它)。注意,同步对象是特殊的,因为它们是与GL上下文无关的唯一对象,因此它们可以在多上下文环境中使用。

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