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Shortly after upgrading our repository to Subversion 1.5, my team switched to writing a new application for a few months and then abruptly returned to our original codebase. Our developers are using TortoiseSVN 1.5.9 and Subversion Client 1.6 (only for svnversion -n) and Subversion 1.5 on our server. Our clients connect via svn+ssh.

在将我们的存储库升级到Subversion 1.5之后不久,我的团队开始编写一个新应用程序几个月,然后突然返回到我们原来的代码库。我们的开发人员在我们的服务器上使用TortoiseSVN 1.5.9和Subversion Client 1.6(仅适用于svnversion -n)和Subversion 1.5。我们的客户通过svn + ssh连接。

Our original codebase integrates the SVN revision number into the code using svnversion -n to query for the WC's current revision. Suddenly however, this operation has gone to what I recall taking a short second or two to as long as 10s (and I've seen worse still inside of VM development environments, etc.) We've also experienced similar delays going back and experimenting with Tortoise's SubWCRev and Subversion Client 1.5.

我们的原始代码库使用svnversion -n将SVN修订版号集成到代码中,以查询WC的当前版本。然而,突然之间,这个操作已经发生了我记得短暂的一两秒到10秒(我在VM开发环境中看到更糟糕的情况等等)我们也遇到过类似的延迟和实验使用Tortoise的SubWCRev和Subversion Client 1.5。

This is not a massive problem but it is certainly an annoyance as this check is made as a pre-compile step before every build operation. As such, I'd love iron those few seconds out of our feedback loop!


So, my question: Have I simply been away from my old codebase too long or has anyone else noticed a delay for this operation?


If this delay is a new phenomena, has anyone fixed it. If so, how?


4 个解决方案


In the highly recommended red-bean svn book they state that large commits (many files in one commit) can greatly impact performance. Did you check in a large number of files recently, say in the last 100 check ins?

在强烈推荐的red-bean svn书中,他们声明大型提交(一次提交中的许多文件)会极大地影响性能。您最近是否在最近100次检查中检入了大量文件?


I agree with John Weldon. If you are using Apache (http(s)) then there is the possibility to slow down your svn log command. This happens on commits with a lot of filepaths changed/added. One solution is to remove path based authorisation or remove the particular revision. See for a more details here:

我同意约翰威尔登的观点。如果您使用的是Apache(http(s)),则可以减慢svn log命令的速度。这种情况发生在更改/添加了大量文件路径的提交中。一种解决方案是删除基于路径的授权或删除特定修订。有关详细信息,请参阅此处:

All of this path checking can sometimes be quite expensive, especially in the case of svn log. When retrieving a list of revisions, the server looks at every changed path in each revision and checks it for readability. [...]Needless to say, this can be time-consuming on revisions that affect a large number of files. This is the cost of security: even if you haven't configured a module such as mod_authz_svn at all, the mod_dav_svn module is still asking Apache httpd to run authorization checks on every path.

所有这些路径检查有时可能非常昂贵,尤其是在svn log的情况下。检索修订列表时,服务器会查看每个修订中的每个更改路径并检查其是否可读。 [...]毋庸置疑,对于影响大量文件的修订,这可能非常耗时。这是安全成本:即使您还没有配置mod_authz_svn之类的模块,mod_dav_svn模块仍然要求Apache httpd在每个路径上运行授权检查。


I just solved a problem like this on my server. What are you using for auth? A checkout, commit, or log operation is a series of several HTTP requests. In the case of a log display, it's hundreds. If you have an auth layer there, it will be auth'ing on every request. If you're authing against a slow back-end that will slow you down. In my case, we were authing against our IMAP server (a custom mod_auth_imap). Once I added caching to the auth layer (keep hash user/pass pairs around for sixty seconds) it drastically sped things up: checkouts used to take 1.5 minutes and now took three seconds.



Within (correctly configured) zsh, you can try this in your svn root folder:


sed -ns "4 p" **/.svn/entries | sort | uniq

It will give the revision of your latest update, or the list of revisions if your repository is mixed. It is not as complete as what is doing "svnversion", and it may not be compliant with all svn versions (mine is 1.6.16) but it does the job in some cases and it is incredibly fast (1s vs 3mn in my case!)

如果您的存储库是混合的,它将提供您的最新更新的修订版或修订列表。它没有做什么“svnversion”那么完整,它可能不符合所有的svn版本(我的是1.6.16),但它在某些情况下完成了工作并且速度非常快(在我的情况下为1s vs 3mn) !)

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